Parshat Beshalach created by Lili Brown – HaNegev Kef Coordinator 12-13

RGBW 2013 – Mincha


· Narrator (aka Gossip Girl)

· God

· Moses

· Israelite #1

· Israelite #2

· Miriam (one line)

Narrator: Sedrah Scenes here, USY’s one and only source into the historic lives of the Torah’s elite. This week we see how one of our most renowned stories unfolds – the splitting of the Red Sea. Just how faithful can these traveling Israelites be to trust someone they’ve never seen to divide waters?

Moses: Uh, God? We’ve hit a serious issue. Looks like the only way for us to reach Israel is by sea…which is something you definitely didn’t prepare us for.

God: (sarcastically) I didn’t notice… Don’t worry, Moses. I obviously have something up my sleeve.

Moses: Well what is it? I’ve got frantic Israelites to calm back there. There have been hearings of Egyptian chariots following us for a few hours now!

God: Enough with the sass, Moses. You don’t have anything to worry about. Go back and tell my people that if they put their full trust in me, I will get them to Israel safely.

Moses: Don’t really know how that’ll go with everyone, but I guess what you say goes…

God: Precisely. And make sure that they’re quiet, if they keep freaking out those chariots are sure to find them. Give me a couple of hours.


Moses: (now facing the Israelites) Attention, everyone! I have heard word from God.

Israelite #1: Finally! Tell us something great is happening to silence our crying kids.

Moses: Eh, yes, something great will happen...later. All I was to told to do is to pass on that something great is happening if you trust me and God that we will be saved.

Israelite #2: Wait, you’re kidding, right? We’re just supposed to “hang tight” while we could be caught by those chariots and taken back into bondage? Does God not realize our freedom that he promised for us is at stake here?

Israelite #1: I’m with him. This is absurd. Why isn’t God here when we need him most?

Moses: The first step is to calm down. God will come to our rescue if you all believe that he will.

Israelite #2: This better be worth it. Our patience is running out.

Narrator: Now it’s up to God to get his people back on his side since they’d probably be quicker to trust the sand on their feet before they’d trust this dangling promise. But who doesn’t love some good suspense?


Israelite #1: Moses! Where is God! The Egyptians are onto us! Can you not hear these roaring chariots?!

God: Alright, all’s clear, Moses. Stretch out your staff over the sea and I’ll take it from there.

Moses: You better be telling the truth here. But here goes nothing… (stretches out hand over “sea”)

Israelite #2: Everyone look at Moses! I think this is go time.

Narrator: And just when they were about to lose faith God sends a gusty wind mighty enough to slow down those Egyptians and split the Sea of Reeds. Sometimes all you need is a little faith.

Israelite #2: I don’t believe my eyes! God is truly powerful.

Israelite #1: That’s nice and all but don’t just stand there in awe! We must cross it while it’s still open!

(Israelite #1 and #2 hurriedly cross the “Red Sea” together)

Narrator: And doesn’t a feat like this call for a good party! Miriam leads the celebration of surviving the end of their world as they knew it and the Israelites celebrated like it’s December 22nd at midnight.

Miriam: Who is like you God, mi kamocha be’alim Adonai!

Israelite #2: You know, Miriam, I like the way that sounds. We should say that everyday to thank God and show him our trust!


Moses: Alright God, what’s up next? Now that we’re here in Israel, I realize we’ll have to learn to survive in this new land.

God: Way to think ahead, Moses. I knew I was wise in picking you. But I was actually just about to tell you about something I’ve had in mind. Do you think the idea of sending down rainfalls of bread and meat is kind of crazy?

Moses: I mean in the literal sense, yeah, that sounds a bit crazy. But I think right know we’d take it as a sign of your love for us.

God: Good. I’ll call it maana. Every morning I’ll send showers of bread and every evening you’ll also get showers of quail meat. Sound doable?

Moses: 100%. I’ll let the people know.

God: One more thing. I want you guys to fully accept all that I give. No maana should be carried over from one day to the next. If they don’t follow that, I’ll contaminate their portions for the following day. On Fridays, I’ll double the maana so you have some for Shabbat. Since it’s a day of rest, there is to be no maana falling on Shabbat.

Moses: Fair enough. Who knew getting food could be so precise…

Narrator: This week was kind to the wandering Israelites. They’re finally in their promised land and all that good stuff. But how long will this stretch of good fortune last them? You know you love me…xoxo Sedrah Scenes.