Dear New Fourth Grader, 2017-2018
Welcome to fourth grade at San Tan Elementary School. We are so excited to begin a new school year. Get ready to learn and grow!
Below is the list of suggested supplies:
Please label the following items with your child’s name:
3 – 100 page wide rule composition books (not spiral notebooks)
1 - 12 count colored pencils
1 –pencil case
2 –1 inch binder with a set of 10 dividers
1-Washable Crayola Markers 12 pack
1-pair of scissors
These items do not need to be labeled:
Pencil top erasers
4 - glue sticks
4 – 12 count boxes of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga, if possible)
Lysol or baby wipes
3 – boxes of tissues
2– packs of wide ruled notebook paper
3 – pocket folders with prongs
4 – dry erase markers
1- pack post-it notes/index cards
Most of these supplies are on sale in July. We would prefer that you do not send in personal pencil sharpeners.
We are looking forward to a wonderful new school year,
The Fourth Grade Team