Application to Audition for the SFHS DECA Prom Fashion Show

The application packet (this form and teacher evaluation form) and a check for $25are due Thursday, September 13th. No applications will be accepted after this date. Auditions for female models will be held in the Business and Marketing Academy on Thursday, September 27th beginning at 7 am. You will be given a specific audition time. Names of those auditioning and time slots will be posted by Monday, September 24th outside of Room 213 in the Business and Marketing Academy. It will be your responsibility to check your time before auditions.

Student Name: ______

Gender: (Please circle) Male Female

Grade:(Please circle) 9101112

Phone number at which you can be contacted: ______

Your Email Address:______Parent Email______

Parent Phone Number: ______

Class Schedule (Teacher & Room number)

TeacherRoom #

1st Period______

2nd Period______

3rd Period______

4th Period______

5th Period______

6th Period______

7th Period______

Please indicate below the sports and extracurricular activities in which you participate fall or spring semester:


_____I am a paid DECA member for the 2012-13 school year. (I understand if I paid dues last year, I need to pay again for the current school year). Please attach a DECA membership form with $20.00 payment with this application if you have not paid yet this school year.

_____I am submitting a $25.00 modeling fee with the application. (Please make checks payable to SFHS DECA.) Cash will not be accepted.This fee is non-refundable if you are selected to model in the show. If not selected, your check will be returned to you. Included in the fee is a DECA Prom Fashion Show t-shirt, an electronic photo of you in your prom attire the night of the show, and a Chick-Fil-A dinner the night of the show.

If selected to model in the show, I agree to the following requirements listed below: (These must be checked off before turning in your application.

_____I will attend the mandatory organization meeting in room 213 at 7:45 am on Thursday, October 4th.

_____I will sell 5 tickets to each show; total of 10 tickets. Tickets are $7.00 each. I will submit payment for the tickets by Wednesday, November 14th. (I will submit a check made payable to SFHS DECA for $70.00.) Checks will be held until Wednesday, January14th at which time they will be cashed.

_____I will attend the following practices in room 213 from 7:30 to 8:15am.

Tuesday, Nov 27

Thursday, Nov 29

Monday, Dec 3

Wednesday, Dec 5

Tuesday, Dec 11

Thursday, Dec 13

Monday, Dec 17

Wednesday, Dec 19

Tuesday, Jan 8

Thursday, Jan 10

_____ I will attend the following practices in the PAC from 4:00 to 5:30 pm.

Monday, Jan 14

Wednesday, Jan 16

_____I will model in two shows on Thursday, January 17th (5:30 & 8:00 pm). I understand I must be available on this date starting immediately after school until approximately 10:00 pm.

_____I will attend a fitting session (TBA). Girls will be fitted at Bravura Fashions at the Avenue Forsyth. I understand the dress I wear in the show is not my choice – it will be a decision made by Bravura.

_____I understand if I damage the garment I model in the show, I will be held responsible for paying for that garment. Perfume, spray tans, lotions, etc. cannot be used on the body when modeling dresses. Safety or straight pins cannot be used on dresses.

_____I understand I must be passing all classes and have acceptable behavior in all classes prior to the show.

I have read all of the above information carefully and understand the requirements for auditioning for the DECA Prom Fashion Show. If selected, I understand the requirements for being a model in the show.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Return thisapplication with the teacher evaluation form and a check for $25.00 by Thursday, Sept. 13