Decision - Request
(Please complete information on reverse side and check all that apply.)
□ I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and
TODAY I have trusted Him as my
Savior and the Lord of my life.
□ I want to BELONG to this church
and be a meaningful part of this
spiritual family.
□ I need to be BAPTIZED because
I have trusted Christ as my
Savior and Lord.
□ Please enroll me in the next
discover more about believing,
belonging and baptism, and
much more.
□ I would like a pastor to call me.
□ Prayer requests/other needs:
Series: Romans #1
"The Greatest News Ever"
Romans 1:1-7
Introduction. Romans tells us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about God, about man, and about how sinful man can come to God, find peace with God, and enjoy God now and for eternity. Romans does this with greater clarity and in a more comprehensive way than anything else ever recorded in history. It's the greatest news ever!
I. The greatness of the Gospel's ______(v 1-2)
· The ______source (v 1)
· The ______source
ü The Holy ______(v 2)
ü The Holy ______(v 4)
(II Peter 1:19-21; Galatians 1:11-12)
II. The greatness of the Gospel's ______
· Jesus came fully, totally, and completely ______(v 3) (Hebrews 4:15-16)
· Jesus came fully, totally, and completely ______(v 4)
ü His resurrection ______His ______
ü His resurrection ______His ______(Philippians 2:9-11)
III. The greatness of the Gospel's ______
· ______"______of faith" (v 5)
· ______"among ______" (v 5 NKJV)
· ______(v 6-7)
January 13, 2013
Spring semester starts TODAY!
Each of the following options are for men AND women
Faith Evangelism Strategy
led by Pastor Robin in the Fellowship Hall 4:00-7:00;
$10 for book
'First-timers' will attend Faith Basic 6:00-7:00.
General Bible Study (The Gospel of Mark)
led by Bro. Henry Davis in the Sanctuary 6:00-7:00;
Your Bible is your textbook
Breaking Free
Remove obstacles that hinder freedom by identifying spiritual strongholds and overcoming them through God's Word.
led by Dwight Klise & Doris Lloyd in room Green 160,
5:30-7:00; $10 for book.
What Did You Expect?
Engaged and married couples are called to a grace-based lifestyle
of daily reconciliation, marked by six practical commitments.
led by LeAnn Camp in room Green 152, 5:30-7:00.
Celebrate Recovery
Help for struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits by experiencing the loving power of Jesus through the recovery process.
led by Lee Ann Lee in room Green 163, 5:00-7:00
For Women Only! Missing Pieces
Does God care? God's ways don't always make sense, but you can trust Him to reveal Himself and fill in your missing pieces.
led by Courtney Guest Sundays 5:30-7:00 in room Green 154,
led by Kathy Cross Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am at 3131 Wolcik,
led by Shirley Hurta Thursdays 6:30-8:30 pm in Green 154
Children 3 yrs-4th grade:
HD Kidz 6:00-7:00 (GA, RA, Mission Friends)
Discover how you can help spread the news of Jesus
across the street and around the world!
Youth Faith and Discipleship will start January 20th!
Middle School and High School Retreat
Sunday January 20 thru Monday, January 21!
This will be our kick-off for Sunday discipleship and Faith.
See Bro. Jeff or Amanda Cross for more information!
"The Heart of the Bible" 365 Chapters for 2013
(5 minutes a day in the Word)
Genesis, Exodus 1-20, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans,
I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, James, I John, Revelation 19-22, Proverbs, 6 Psalms (1, 23, 34, 37, 103, 109), I & II Samuel, Daniel 1-6, Isaiah 40
We support the International Mission Board of SBC through the Lottie Moon Offering. Your giving helps take the Good News of Jesus to unreached people groups. Received so far: $ 40,223.
264 children are participating in our Upward leagues!
Every Saturday through February 23, our Gym is filled with families of these children as we host 13 hours of basketball and cheerleading! The first game begins at 8:00 am; the last one at 8:30 pm.
We need people to give devotionals at half-time of each game! Please contact Shirley Hurta (713-302-8447) to sign up for at least one 3-5 minute devotional. We have printed items you can read, if you prefer.
Clean-up Crew: Show up at 7:00 pm to help prepare our facilities for Sunday worship.
Greeters: Come be a friendly face! Thank guests for being in our league, and invite them back to worship with us on Sunday morning.
This Week at Crosby's First Baptist Church
TODAY – 1/13
8:00 am Early SundaySchool for Adults
9:00 am Praise Band-led Worship
SundaySchool for babies-4th grade, College and up
10:30 am Choir-led Worship
SundaySchool first grade up, Children's Church 0-5 yrs
4:00 pm Faith Sunday School Evangelism Strategy
5:00 pm Celebrate Recovery
5:30, 6:00 Discipleship Classes – see bulletin front page
6:00 pm 'HD Kidz' (3 yrs-4th grade)- children's missions
MONDAY – 1/14
6:15 pm 'Joy Bells' handbell rehearsal
7:00 pm College/Young Adult Bible study (off campus)
TUESDAY – 1/15
10:30 am Shut-in Meals prepared and delivered
7:45 am Power-Up Youth Prayer Breakfast in Fellowship Hall
9:00 am Men's breakfast at Ricky's – pay your own ticket
6:00-6:30 Dinner served in fellowship hall, $3/meal (pay at door).
You must have reservations! Drop bulletin 'coupon' in offering plate or call church office NO LATER THAN NOON TUESDAY.
This week: Taco Salad
6:00-7:45 'FUEL' (7th-12th grades)
6:30-7:45 'Crossover' (5th-6th grade) and 'KidZone' (3 yrs-4th grade)
6:45 pm Adult Bible Study /prayer meeting
6:45 pm Choir rehearsal
11:30 am Ladies' Domino and covered-dish lunch in workroom
7:00 pm Praise Band rehearsal
SATURDAY – 1/19 – Sunday School monthly fellowships
8:00 am Group leaves FBC for 1,000 Hills Ministry in Houston
8:00 am Upward Basketball games 8:00 am-9:00 pm
NEXT WEEK – 1/20
Ushers @ 9:00 – B. Hunt, R. Walsh, J. Gilbert, J. Hearne
@ 10:30 – H. Black, B. Wyeth, D. Marvin, A. Shuttlesworth, B. Goings
Budget Needs YTD: / $21,965 / Budget Receipts YTD: / $28,379Needs weekly for 2013: / $21,965 / Receipts last week: / $28,379