Pic Collage—Orders of Magnitude in our Universe: masses, distances, energies, and times
- Create a separate photo collage for each of the types of measurement using the app Pic Collage.
- Work with your table group (you may be shifted around to create groups of 2-3)
- Split up the task of finding photos
- Create the collages together (or split it up and trust your group members J)
- You will be creating 4 collages as a group
- When you are done, please make sure to email your final product to
Expectations—for each of the 4 collages:
- Title (the type of measurement the photos/pictures represent, including units used throughout the collage (i.e. kg, s, m, J)
- 1 picture representing the low end of the range
- 1 picture representing the high end of the range
- 3 pictures representing things throughout the rest of the range
- Caption on each photo stating the Order of Magnitude of the object in the picture
- Be creative, and have fun. You can take your own pictures if you want, or find them online. Your choice.
- Names of all team members, as well as your class period, must be included in the email when sending your finished products.
- Based on satisfactory completion of the expectations (satisfactory implies accurate and clear photos and caption/titles)
- Photos for each collage will earn up to 2 pts each (10 pts per collage)
- Proper titles and including names/period in your email(s) will earn you 5 points
- Creativity will earn you up to 5 pts. (this one’s subjective—if it’s fun to look at and easy to interpret, etc., you’ll get more pts. If there’s too much distraction going on, you won’t)
Total pts possible: 50 pts. àAll group members will receive the same score. Work together.