Syllabus Environmental Science
2015-2016 Syllabus (3rd & 4th Periods)
INSTRUCTOR: Mr. D. Ellis/ Mr. Travis Thomas
e-mail: ,
Please make sure that you contact the school to set up a Parent Connect account to allow you to view your child’s grades regularly online. You will find a Parent Connect Link on the BCHS website.
Course Description: Environmental science is an in-depth year long course exploring the environmental principles that affect the lives of all on earth. Our studies will include ecology, populations, water, air and land systems, resources and future considerations of environmental awareness.
Class Rules and Procedures
CLASS RULES: All students are expected to follow the rules of the classroom. The rules are posted in the room as a reminder of how you are expected to behave in the classroom. In the event that you decide not to follow the rules, corrective action will be taken.
Each student must:
- Be in his/her seat ready to work when the bell rings.
- Bring all materials needed to class—books, notebooks, pencils/pens, etc.
- Take notes and participate in class activities.
- No grooming in class—brushing/combing hair, lotion, nails, applying makeup, etc.
- NOT bring food or drinks into the classroom
- Be responsible for getting the work they miss due to excused absences. To get this work you need to SEE ME—the TEACHER!!
- RESPECT others and other’s property—the school’s, student’s, and teacher’s.
- Do NOT sleep in class.
Classroom Management Plan:
First Offense—Warning
Second Offense—Parent Contact
Third Offense—Office Referral
This will be followed unless the Bear Facts requires an immediate referral
MAKEUP POLICY: If a student misses a test, then he/she will complete the test on the day they return. If the student does not make up the test at all, then the test becomes an automatic (ZERO) 0. Any exceptions will be handled on an individual basis.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Three ring binder with paper, calculator, graph paper, pens/pencils.
GRADING PROCEDURES: There will be 2 basic types of grades: Formative and Summative
Formative = 60%
Summative = 40%
Parent Note: Please make sure you REGULARLY check Parent Connect for continuous grade updates. If you are concerned about your child’s grades please call me, e-mail me, or set a conference with me. Our job together is to see to it your child has the best opportunity to learn the information. When your child struggles with any information they should see me immediately for clarification and/or re-teaching. The ONLYway I know a student is having difficulty before the test is if they let me know!!! If you know of a special need your child has (like sitting in the front due to poor vision, not sitting by someone particular in class) please let me know as soon as possible to the issue may be addressed promptly. Please feel free to contact me yourself. We are after all a team for your child. I look forward to working successfully with you and your child in the coming months!!
Environmental Science – Major Standards to be Covered
SEV1. Students will investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem and relate
these phenomena to human society.
SEV2. Students will demonstrate an understanding that the Earth is one interconnected system.
SEV3. Students will describe stability and change in ecosystems.
Second Semester
SEV4. Students will understand and describe availability, allocation and conservation of energy and other
SEV5. Students will recognize that human beings are part of the global ecosystem and will evaluate the
effects of human activities andtechnology on ecosystems.
Tutoring: I am available for tutoring if given at least 24 hours notice. Disruptive, disrespectful, or non participating students will not be tutored without some form of parent-teacher conference occurring first.
Parent Signature ______Date______
Student Signature ______Date______