Chamber of Commerce

Fayetteville On Deck

Planning Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Tony, Christine, David, Jordan (telephonically)

  1. Outline Proposal
  • To establish a subcommittee of the Chamberthat will organize the local business community to maximize the upcoming investment in the downtown.
  • To use the excitement surrounding the baseball stadium and related development on the 9-acre site to engage the business community with the Chamber of Commerce, demonstrate the value in a Chamber membership, and promote economic vitality for the businesses and more involvement by them in the Chamber. In short, “own” the small business development component of the project as the Chamber of Commerce.
  • To develop a communication channel sponsored and supported by the Chamber that serves as an easily accessible hub for information related to the Hay Street project.
  1. Communication Channel.
  2. Goal is to establish a stakeholder communication link between businesses, city and private developers for information exchange, networking, etc.
  3. Develop an information portal with data about the project. Information might include:
  4. FAQs on project
  5. Project Calendar/Schedule
  6. Key dates
  7. Graphics, schematics, maps
  8. Aerial imagery
  9. Links to other information on other sites – COF, construction company
  10. Media coverage – news stories, u-tube videos, etc.
  11. Minutes of City baseball committee meetings.
  12. Vendor section – how to qualify as a construction vendor; how to get subcontracts.
  13. Merchant section – how to qualify as a merchant vendor.
  14. Way to submit questions
  15. Chamber would establish connectivity between COF, construction team, hotel, PCH and Astros to ensure frequent informational updates and information exchange between those entities and the local businesses.
  16. A planning meeting with partners is set for Tuesday at 2 PM at the Chamber. The goals are (1) to identify the information nodes and structure of the portal, and (2) to establish the relationships and information flow to support the portal.
  17. Partners include:
  18. Construction Companies – Christine to contact
  19. Astros – David confirmed attendance at meetings
  20. PCH – Jordan confirmed telephonic participation in meetings
  21. City – Tony to contact Kristoff
  22. 219 – Raquel and techs to attend meeting
  23. Site would need to be designed for easy updating and self-publishing. Consider using FSU interns to support the site.
  24. Site to have advertiser/sponsor support opportunities. Chamber could generate revenue and/or offer as member benefit.
  1. Chamber Committee: Chaired by Mark Rice. (Christine to confirm)
  • Subcommittees
  • Business Representation. (Brian Easley) Have someone from business community attend all of City’s baseball committee meetings to represent business community and report back to the stakeholders. Put information on portal. Prepare information email blasts of key issues.
  • Tony has minutes of previous meetings
  • Best Practices.(Tony Chavonne) Identify best practice cities we can contact. Identify key contacts at each city. (Chamber of Commerce) Develop list of questions. (see below) Identify how local business have leveraged the baseball stadium activity in their communities. Develop plan to get answers.
  • Charleston, WV
  • Lansing, Michigan
  • Greenville, SC
  • Nashville, TN
  • Durham, NC
  • Winston Salem, NC
  • Operations/Major Issues.(TBD) Identify major issues and track progress. Information and communication are critical.
  • Construction impact on downtown.
  • Traffic.
  • Parking
  • Homeless
  • Trash
  1. Schedule
  • Tuesday, 8/15, 2 pm – Planning Meeting
  • Thursday, 8/24, 8 am – Group meeting
  • Agenda
  • Verbal introductions and updates from partner representatives
  • Unveil the site
  • Subcommittee introductions and sign-up
  1. Other Suggestions
  2. Chamber may explore sponsoring some sort of “pre-bid” orientation with construction companies and local businesses.
  3. POCs
  4. Ritu SandhuBarton Malow 407-453-8338
  5. Kevin ArutaCity540-207-3264
  6. David LaneAstros 423-972-3791

150810 Baseball-Business Meeting