Your Name

Phone Number | Most Relevant Address | Personal Email | Online Portfolio URL


University of New Hampshire - Durham, NH Expected: May Year

Bachelor of Science: ? - Minor:? GPA: Above a 3.0

· Honors? Awards? Accolades?

· (EXAMPLE)Dean’s List: Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Fall 2014

Study Abroad School Name – City, Country Dates-Dates

Semester Abroad Studying What?

SKILLS (Including soft skills and technical, populations you worked with, safety skills you complied to, etc.)

· List your skills gained through all of your experiences; both in and out of the class room

· Skill

· Skill


· Organization you received it from: Name of the certificate Expires: Month Year

· (EXAMPLE)American Red Cross: First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Certified Expires: October 2018

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (This includes any work directly related to your field)

Company Name – City, State Dates - Dates

Job Title

· Give full detailed sentences describing everything you have done

· Elaborate and sell yourself as much as possible

· This should be at least 3-4 bullet points long


Exeter Hospital – Exeter, NH May 2016 – Present

Licensed Nursing Assistant

· Perform and/or assist patients in their personal care needs such as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

· Maintain a safe, comfortable, and therapeutic environment for patient and family

CLINICAL ROTATIONS (Also called Fieldwork/Practicum/Internship: academically driven work experience)

Company Name – City, State Dates - Dates

Job Title

· Give full detailed sentences describing everything you have done

· Have at least 2 - 3 bullet points under each (since there tend to be quite a few you may not have room to do 3 – 4)


Portsmouth Regional Hospital – Portsmouth, NH May 2016 – Present

Student Nurse

· Apply mental health concepts and principles of therapeutic communication in psychiatric health

· Provide smoking cessation education and assess using Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment (CIWA) scale

LEADERSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS (Clubs/orgs and leadership positions related to the field)

Club/Organization Name – City, State Dates - Dates

Position title

· Describe what you do in this position


Your Story International – Pont Morel, Haiti January 2016

Nutrition Director

· Developed a cohesive year-long nutrition plan to educate malnourished Haitians how to get to a healthy state

· Implemented the “Teach Back” method while educating Haitian patients to ameliorate their overall public health