Leo – Libra

These are another one of those Sextile aspect sign combos that usually work. Let’s take a closer look and see what we’ve got with these two. First of all we have a Fire sign and an Air sign. So far so good, except for the usual danger of too much Air causing an explosion or too much Fire burning up all the Air. In general these two can build a healthy, synergistic relationship. One point there.

We have a Fixed sign and a Cardinal sign. This can be a bit of a challenge, but its success depends largely on what the Fixed sign is fixed about. This generally means that these people are set in their ways and not likely to change. This also means they’re quite stable, but you just need to know what that means. A Fixed Fire sign is likely to be fixed in knowing what they want and how to get it. They’re a bit opinionated, primarily in liking high quality merchandise, the more the better. These are the folks that like the labels in their clothing to say the right things, like DKNY. Walmart is not likely to be their favorite store. Libra, being capable more than most at being able to see both sides of an argument can probably deal with that. Another point there, making two total.

We have someone ruled by the Sun and someone ruled by Venus. This is not a bad combination at all. One is at the center of the Solar System with all the other planets revolving around it and Venus is the Goddess of Love. Leo has definitely been known to think they’re at the center of the Solar System, maybe even the Universe and Libra definitely wants to bring love and harmony to all creatures, on Earth and everywhere else. So far so good. That brings us to three points.

Then we have Leo hailing from the 5th House of creativity, children, love affairs and other pleasures. Not a bad place to be from and certainly not a bad match for someone resident in the 7th House of relationships. That makes four points. Not bad, not bad at all.

So the fundamentals all seem to work for these two. I guess the things I would put on the Watch List for this couple would be, 1) Leo’s need for affirmation, adoration and of course, homage in the form of expensive gifts; 2) Libra’s tendency to argue when they’re trying to be fair to everyone. (Hint: Lions aren’t always interested in being fair. Remember they’re carnivorous and eat other animals. This is the antithesis of “fair.” They also consider themselves royalty and don’t like to be questioned. I knew a Leo once who got a PhD in ornithology, which to those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s basically birdwatching, and wondered why she couldn’t find a job. <sigh>) Nonetheless, keep those two items, as well as the bank account, under control and you might have something worth keeping.

Leo – Sagittarius

Uh-oh, here we go with two Fire signs again. Now I know that the signs themselves are Trine and supposed to get along just fine, but whenever you put two Fire signs together things can get a little hot. This is not to say they aren’t good, only that there is a risk involved. Kind of like setting off your own fireworks on the 4th of July or New Years Eve. It’s cool, noisy, awe inspiring and thrilling, but if you’re not careful you could lose or at least injure various body parts.

Actually, these two can be quite good together. Leo thinks they’re descended from royalty and Sag thinks they’re intellectual royalty. Thus both have a superiority complex of sorts that will drawn them to each other as equals. Leo basks in the light of the Sun, center of the Solar System, and Sag enjoys rulership from Jupiter. This brings up the additional point that the only sign that Sag can’t say “mine is bigger than yours” to is Leo. Jupiter is also the planet of luck and expansion and some scientists believe is actually a “failed star” that didn’t quite have what it took to give the Sun a companion and thus become a binary star system. Which is probably just as well because if that had happened, then Earth might not exist, being between them. And that’s a philosophical question worthy of any Sag, but it’s not something that Sag wants to talk about because any kind of failure simply isn’t on their radar as possible.

These two both have tempers. That means that when they disagree it will probably get noisy. However, this is just how they communicate and probably not bad for anyone except innocent bystanders, particularly those of the Water persuasion who might be worried they’re going to hurt each other. Not to worry, Lions and Archers are pretty well-matched in that department. In the social department, Sag talks well and Leo shows well, quite a good combination for a couple that wants to be noticed.

The main thing they need to do to keep the relationship healthy is make sure they don’t trip over their own ego and forget to take care of each other. Since they’re very likely to be quite proud of each other, this will hopefully not happen, but both are somewhat high maintenance, as signs go, so if either notices the other being a little quieter or sulkier than usual they might want to take stock of what they’ve done lately to show their adoration. Some kind of personal token of quality will work for Leo and airline tickets for two to some foreign destination will work for Sag. Just make sure your bank accounts can afford it, since that’s one pitfall that’s easy for Fire signs to fall into. Other than that, this could work and work well.

Gemini – Aquarius

These two Air signs are likely to get along quite well. Being the same Element, they Trine one another, making for a fairly comfortable foundation for the relationship. This is no guarantee, but bodes for similarity in temperament which can precipitate understanding. They both like to talk, also, which is good unless they talk so much they don’t listen. But as long as they both get to say everything they want to say it’s likely they won’t notice whether the other is listening or not.

Gemini gets bored easily but this is probably not something they’re going to have to worry about if they’re paired with an Aquarius. Our Water Boy or Girl is ruled by Uranus, planet of surprises, unexpected events and change. It seems just a bit contradictory that they are a Fixed sign, but this pertains more to their personality than anything. They are what they are and will stay that way inside, even if other things around them change. Gemini is a Mutable sign and very comfortable with change. They also adapt well to different circumstances and life styles, which can be a real asset if they’re paired with an Aquarius.

Gemini, as a mental gymnast, is likely to find a fair amount of brain fodder in a Water Carrier with their unconventional attitudes and sometimes wild ideas. They can look and act quite normal until they open their mouths, which is often, and then you might wonder if you’ve found another space alien like those portrayed on the old TV show, Third Rock from the Sun. But to a Gemini this is interesting and stimulating and not a problem.

Thus, these two are very likely to get along quite famously and have a happy life together. Not necessarily normal, mind you, but if they’re both happy it’s really nobody else’s business, n’est-ce pas?

Gemini – Cancer

Ordinarily Cosmic next door neighbors don’t get along very well, but I think these two are the exception. I say this based on the fact I knew a couple once from these Zodiacal persuasions and they got along great. They didn’t always agree, but they accepted each other’s differences in a good-natured way and were very happy together.

In writing these compatibility profiles I’m attempting to combine my knowledge of astrological sign personalities with practical experience. (NOTE:-- If you happened to read my Libra – Scorpio profile then you saw an example of a sign next door combination that in my experience didn’t work at all. This one is to balance that one out.)

Here we have an Air and a Water sign hailing from the 3rd House of intellect and 4th House of home environment respectively. Air and water aren’t necessarily a bad combination since bubbles can be quite entertaining. Water under pressure can cut steel, but that’s not what we have here. Hopefully, anyway. Air likes to talk a lot and Water likes to feel a lot. Not mutually exclusion by any means and often a good complementary relationship.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, master of communications and Cancer by the Moon, which can introduce moods into the equation. However, Crabs are usually basically good-natured and big-hearted, one of those into group hugs and kissing everyone hello, good-bye, etc. If they have an emotional meltdown for some reason, they might make a bit of a scene, but they’re not malicious as a rule. Of course they could be, given the right (or wrong, as the case may be) Ascendant or Moon sign, but this is not in the core nature of a Crab. Cancer is also a Cardinal sign, which is a nice match with Gemini’s Mutable (that’s MUTABLE not MUTATION). Gemini might have a slight tendency to bounce around a bit, and the Crab can lend some healthy stability to the relationship. On the other hand, the Gemini wit and multiple interests can be very enlightening and entertaining to the Crab.

Thus, all the differences between these two tend to be complementary and very workable in the big scheme of things. Throw in the Moon and Ascendant signs and this could go either way from there, but in general this couple will have good potential.

Gemini – Pisces

These two are both Mutable signs and thus Square one another, Zodiacally speaking. This flexibility could work well in some areas, badly in others, depending on other elements in the chart. One of the biggest problems with two mutable signs is the lack of stability (i.e. Earth or even Fixed signs), and both of these in their own way are definitely not stable.

Gemini tends to be ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), figuratively if not literally. Twins have multiple interests, get bored easily, learn very quickly, thanks to their ruling planet, Mercury, and as Air signs also like to talk and communicate, a trait further enhanced by Mercury.

Pisces tends to float about, catching the next wave, so to speak, and viewing everything from under water. As a Water sign they are immersed in a sea of emotion and feel things at a very visceral level. They tend to make their decisions based more on intuition than fact and generally tend to see only what they want to see. Their ruling planet is Neptune, which promotes fantasy, illusion, and if afflicted, deception. Thus, Fish are easily duped, thanks to their relationship with the King of the Sea, and being a Water sign doesn’t help since they don’t operate with logic but feelings. If there is some hare-brained get-rich-quick scheme out there, Pisces is very likely to fall for it, particularly if the subject salesperson is “nice.”

So what do you get when you get these two together? While Gemini is usually borderline brilliant, they don’t always concentrate on any one thing long enough to see it through, unless they have some nice, stabilizing Earth elements in their Chart. While Twins tend be very intelligent and several of my acquaintance actually have advanced degrees, they often wind up doing something entirely different career-wise than what they studied. Frankly, I’m impressed they can get a PhD since that requires specialization, but somehow they pull it off. Anyway, you pair a Twin with a Pisces and the Fish is likely to watch the Gemini somewhat like a chicken watching a card trick. They’ll be fascinated with the movement and all the talk but not really have a clue what’s going on. Neither will they care. And that could be a problem, because Gemini needs intellectual stimulation.

Thus, while there aren’t any glaring “Danger” signs with these two other than the natural square, there are several fundamental incompatibilities that incline me to give it the usual “long engagement” rating. If you’re involved in a Gemini-Pisces relationship, it’s a good idea to make sure you get past that first wave of attraction and make sure you have what it takes to be suitable long-term companions. If you’re a Gemini who’s inclined to say “Talk techie to me, baby,” just remember that the response you get from a fish bowl isn’t going to be very stimulating.

Scorpio – Aquarius

As two Fixed signs, this is the typical squared off situation that throws a red flag. And the Scorpion and Water Carrier can each be fixed in a very specific way. Whether they are going to be Fixed in a positive way or a lethal way is the question, so let’s take a closer look at these two. For starters, Scorpio is a Water sign and Aquarius is Air. This is the bubble combo that can at best be described as somewhere between champagne and bicarbonate of soda. Neither of those is necessarily bad, and given the fact that Scorpio is prone to digestive problems, maybe having a ready source of bicarb of soda isn’t all bad. The key is the source of the bubbles.

As a Water sign Scorpio is ruled more by emotion than logic. While Scorpios can be quite affectionate, so can a snake looking for a warm place to sleep. Okay, that wasn’t fair. I apologize. But let’s just say the Water sign emotion inherent in a Scorpion is not the same as that inherent in a Crab or Fish.

The key lies in the ruling planet and in this case it’s Pluto, God of the Underworld. Scorpios are on the ultimate power trip, even if that only means finding someone who will take good care of them. They have a bit of an entitlement mentality that derives from that 8th House “other people’s money” element. They were often neglected as children and therefore want to make up for that the rest of their lives. A textbook example is Darth Vader. (If I have to explain who that is, then you’re undoubtedly from another planet.) Leos may think they’re royalty and Sagittarius may think they’re geniuses, but Scorpios think that someone ought to take care of their every need. If you don’t think that constitutes a power trip, try it sometime. How much do you take care of yourself versus someone doing it for you? Get the picture?

Aquarius, on the other hand, is an Air sign. They like to talk and communicate plus they operate more on logic than emotion. This doesn’t mean that their logic is sound since they have some pretty unconventional ideas as a rule and it doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions. They’re just different. Aquarius is best described by the Solomon family on the TV show, Third Rock from the Sun. Functional and self-supporting but just a little bit unusual. Okay, downright weird. Whatever. Water Carriers are ruled by Uranus. Let’s put aside the usual snickers that always accompany mention of that planet and think about what it represents. This is the planet of change, surprises and unexpected events. The people it rules are thus quite different and generally full of surprises. Whether or not they’re different enough to want a pet Scorpion is the question.

Since Water Carriers tend to be very tolerant and nonjudgmental this could work. They like people, like all Air signs, and are very social beings. If they’re well connected, then Scorpio may perceive that as a form of power. Scorpios are also different than the average Joe so Aquarius probably will be quite tolerant, possibly even to the point of comfortable, with them. So in the final analysis, this could be another exception to the square rule, particularly with compatible Moon and Ascendant signs. However, remember that as Fixed signs these folks aren’t going to change their basic dispositions or opinions anytime soon. They could have very different ideologies that are flat-out incompatible. They also can be quite different on the inside than they appear, so this is another case where I recommend a long engagement. And after you hitch up I recommend that you maintain separate bank accounts. Trust me on that one.

Scorpio – Pisces

As two water signs that Trine each other these two are supposed to be a good bet. I’m not so sure. The fact that Fish and Crabs are Water signs makes sense, but I’ve always wondered how a Scorpion, which I think of as a desert creature, is in there, too. The only thing I can think of is that Scorpios are definitely ruled by emotion and there was no place else to put them, other than their own category. But they are not emotional in the same sense as their fellow water signs. The one thing you should never forget about a Scorpion is the fact their tail is lethal. Of course Fish range from goldfish to barracudas, too, though this is somewhat unusual. If you’re a Pisces, I recommend that you think about this and decide what kind of fish you would characterize yourself as. Then ponder a bit on that Scorpion’s tail.