Kirk C. Wilhelmsen MD,PhD

September 22, 2014

Personal Information:

Name: Kirk Child Wilhelmsen, M.D., Ph.D.

Campus Mail: 5093 Genetic Medicine Building


Home address: 321 Bayberry Dr.

Chapel Hill, NC 27517

Phone: 919-966-1373 (office)

919-969-2990 (home)



Neurology Resident Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Department of Neurology; 1987-91

Medical Intern Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center Department of Medicine; 1986-87

M.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison; School of Medicine; 1986

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison; Department of Molecular Biology; Advisor - Howard M. Temin, Ph.D.; 1984

B.S. University of California, San Diego; Chemistry; 1978

Professional Experience:

Director Bioinformatics; Renaissance Computing Institute; 1/11-present

Domain Scientist for Biology and Genomics; Renaissance Computing Institute; 1/07-present

Member Neuroscience Center; 8/05 – present

Member Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center; 6/04 – present

Associate Professor of Genetics and Neurology; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2/04 – present

Member Carolina Center for Genome Science; 2/04 – present

Member Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies; 2/04 – present

Co-Director Bioinformatics Core TraCS Institute (UNC CTSA) 1/07-1/08

Visiting Professor of Genetics; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 10/03-2/04

Associate Professor of Neurology; University of California, San Francisco; 5/99-10/03

Assistant Professor of Neurology; University of California, San Francisco; 2/95-5/99

Assistant Professor of Neurology; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; 10/90-2/95

Postdoctoral Fellow, DANA Fellow and Keck Scholar; Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry, Laboratory of Conrad Gilliam, Ph.D.; 1988-90

Honors and Awards:

2008 Carol Masters Schiller Scholar in Neurology

1999 Potamkin Prize for Neurology

1999 Decade of the Brain Lecture at the AAN

1990-94 Herbert Irving Assistant Professor of Neurology

1991 Klingenstein Fellow Award

1986 Forester Award for Neurology

1984 Price Award for Cancer Research

1975 California State Scholarship


Book Chapters:

Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2006). Frontotemporal dementia - current concepts. In Dementia and Motor Neuron Disease, M.J.Strong, ed. (Abingdon: Informa Healthcare Ltd), pp. 9-21.

Wilhelmsen,K.C., Clark,L.N., Geschwind,D.H., and Miller,B.L. (2000). Mutational analysis of tau in chromosome 17-linked dementia. In Fatal Attractions: Protein Aggregates in Neurodegenerative Disorders (Research and Perspectives in Alzheimer's Disease), V.M.Y.Lee, J.Q.Trojanowski, L.Buee, and Y.Christen, eds. (Berlin: Springer), pp. 19-28.

Clark,L.N. and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (1998). The genetics of Pick Complex and Adult-Onset Dementia. In Pick's Disease & Pick Complex, A.Kertesz and D.G.Munoz, eds. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), pp. 269-280.

Wilhelmsen,K.C., Moskowitz,C.B., Weeks,D.E., Neystat,M., Nygaard,T.G., Clark,L., Dancoup,M., Sobrevega,E.E., Rosales,R., Gamez,G.L., Pacioles,O., Perez,M., and Fahn,S. (1998). Molecular genetic analysis of Lubag. In Dystonia 3, S.Fahn, C.A.Marsden, and M.R.DeLong, eds. (Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers), pp. 341-348.

Wilhelmsen,K.C. (1998). Genetic interventions in geriatric neuropsychiatry. In American Psychiatric Press Textbook of geriatric neuropsychiatry, C.E.Coffey and J.L.Cummings, eds. (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, Inc.), pp. 905-914.

Wilhelmsen,K.C. and Clark,L.N. (1998). Chromosome 17-linked dementias. In Neuropathology of Dementing Disorders, W.R.Markesbery, ed. (London: Edward Arnold Publsihers), pp. 170-180.

Wilhelmsen,K.C. (1997). Disinhibition-dementia-parkinsonism-amyotrophy complex (DDPAC) is a non-Alzheimer's frontotemporal dementia. In Advances in Research on Neurodegeneration, Y.Mizuno, M.B.H.Youdim, D.B.Calne, R.Horowski, W.Poewe, and P.Riederer, eds. (New York: Springer Wein), pp. 269-275.

Brzustowicz,L.M., Wilhelmsen,K.C., and Gilliam,T.C. (1991). Genetic analysis of childhood-onset spinal muscular atrophy. In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, L.P.Rowland, ed. (New York: Raven Press), pp. 181-187.

Wilhelmsen,K.C., Tarpley,W.G., and Temin,H.M. (1984). Identification of some of the parameters governing transformation by oncogenes in retroviruses. In Cancer Cell. Vol. 2 Oncogenes and Viral Genes., (New York: Cold Spring Harbor Press), pp. 303-308.

Temin,H.M., Chen,I.S.Y., Watanabe,T., and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (1983). Evolution of retro-viruses. In Perspectives on Genes and the Molecular Biology of Cancer. A.H.Robbins and G.F.Saunders, eds. (New York: Raven Press), pp. 243-254.

Wilhelmsen,K.C., Chen,I.S., and Temin,H.M. (1983). The organization of c-rel in chicken and turkey DNAS. In Oncogenes and Retroviruses: Evaluation of Basic Findings and Clinical Potential., T.E.O'Connor and F.J.Jr.Raucher, eds. (New York: Alan R. Liss Inc.), pp. 43-56.

Refereed papers:

O'Bryant, S.E., Xiao, G., Barber, R., Cullum, C.M., Weiner, M., Hall, J., Edwards, M., Grammas, P., Wilhelmsen, K., Doody, R., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Texas Alzheimer's, R., and Care, C. (2014). Molecular neuropsychology: creation of test-specific blood biomarker algorithms. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 37, 45-57.

Norden-Krichmar, T.M., Gizer, I.R., Libiger, O., Wilhelmsen, K.C., Ehlers, C.L., and Schork, N.J. (2014). Correlation analysis of genetic admixture and social identification with body mass index in a Native American community. American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council 26, 347-360.

Fan, Z., Greenwood, R., Felix, A.C., Shiloh-Malawsky, Y., Tennison, M., Roche, M., Crooks, K., Weck, K., Wilhelmsen, K., Berg, J., and Evans, J. (2014). GCH1 heterozygous mutation identified by whole-exome sequencing as a treatable condition in a patient presenting with progressive spastic paraplegia. J Neurol 261, 622-624.

Bizon, C., Spiegel, M., Chasse, S.A., Gizer, I.R., Li, Y., Malc, E.P., Mieczkowski, P.A., Sailsbery, J.K., Wang, X., Ehlers, C.L., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2014). Variant calling in low-coverage whole genome sequencing of a Native American population sample. BMC genomics 15, 85.

Szigeti, K., Lal, D., Li, Y., Doody, R.S., Wilhelmsen, K., Yan, L., Liu, S., Ma, C., Texas Alzheimer, R., and Care, C. (2013). Genome-wide scan for copy number variation association with age at onset of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD 33, 517-523.

Gizer, I.R., Gilder, D.A., Lau, P., Wang, T., Wilhelmsen, K.C., and Ehlers, C.L. (2013). Contributions of ethnicity to differential item functioning of cannabis abuse and dependence symptoms. J Stud Alcohol Drugs 74, 320-328.

Berg, J.S., Adams, M., Nassar, N., Bizon, C., Lee, K., Schmitt, C.P., Wilhelmsen, K.C., and Evans, J.P. (2013). An informatics approach to analyzing the incidentalome. Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics 15, 36-44.

Li, Y., Shaw, C.A., Sheffer, I., Sule, N., Powell, S.Z., Dawson, B., Zaidi, S.N., Bucasas, K.L., Lupski, J.R., Wilhelmsen, K.C., Doody, R., and Szigeti, K. (2012). Integrated copy number and gene expression analysis detects a CREB1 association with Alzheimer's disease. Translational psychiatry 2, e192.

Gizer, I.R., Ehlers, C.L., Vieten, C., Feiler, H.S., Gilder, D.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2012). Genome-wide linkage scan of antisocial behavior, depression, and impulsive substance use in the UCSF family alcoholism study. Psychiatr Genet 22, 235-244.

Crowley, J.J., Adkins, D.E., Pratt, A.L., Quackenbush, C.R., van den Oord, E.J., Moy, S.S., Wilhelmsen, K.C., Cooper, T.B., Bogue, M.A., McLeod, H.L., and Sullivan, P.F. (2012). Antipsychotic-induced vacuous chewing movements and extrapyramidal side effects are highly heritable in mice. The pharmacogenomics journal 12, 147-155.

Cabanski, C.R., Cavin, K., Bizon, C., Wilkerson, M.D., Parker, J.S., Wilhelmsen, K.C., Perou, C.M., Marron, J.S., and Hayes, D.N. (2012). ReQON: a Bioconductor package for recalibrating quality scores from next-generation sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 221.

Barber, R.C., Edwards, M.I., Xiao, G., Huebinger, R.M., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Wilhelmsen, K.C., Hall, J.R., and O'Bryant, S.E. (2012). Serum granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and Alzheimer's disease. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra 2, 353-360.

Webb, A., Lind, P.A., Kalmijn, J., Feiler, H.S., Smith, T.L., Schuckit, M.A., and Wilhelmsen, K. (2011). The investigation into CYP2E1 in relation to the level of response to alcohol through a combination of linkage and association analysis. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 35, 10-18.

Shaw, C.A., Li, Y., Wiszniewska, J., Chasse, S., Zaidi, S.N., Jin, W., Dawson, B., Wilhelmsen, K., Lupski, J.R., Belmont, J.W., Doody, R.S., and Szigeti, K. (2011). Olfactory copy number association with age at onset of Alzheimer disease. Neurology 76, 1302-1309.

O'Bryant, S.E., Xiao, G., Barber, R., Reisch, J., Hall, J., Cullum, C.M., Doody, R., Fairchild, T., Adams, P., Wilhelmsen, K., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Texas Alzheimer's, R., and Care, C. (2011). A blood-based algorithm for the detection of Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 32, 55-62.

O'Bryant, S.E., Xiao, G., Barber, R., Huebinger, R., Wilhelmsen, K., Edwards, M., Graff-Radford, N., Doody, R., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Texas Alzheimer's, R., Care, C., and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging, I. (2011). A blood-based screening tool for Alzheimer's disease that spans serum and plasma: findings from TARC and ADNI. Plos One 6, e28092.

Gizer, I.R., Ehlers, C.L., Vieten, C., Seaton-Smith, K.L., Feiler, H.S., Lee, J.V., Segall, S.K., Gilder, D.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2011). Linkage scan of alcohol dependence in the UCSF Family Alcoholism Study. Drug Alcohol Depend 113, 125-132.

Gizer, I.R., Ehlers, C.L., Vieten, C., Seaton-Smith, K.L., Feiler, H.S., Lee, J.V., Segall, S.K., Gilder, D.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2011). Linkage scan of nicotine dependence in the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Family Alcoholism Study. Psychol Med 41, 799-808.

Gizer, I.R., Edenberg, H.J., Gilder, D.A., Wilhelmsen, K.C., and Ehlers, C.L. (2011). Association of alcohol dehydrogenase genes with alcohol-related phenotypes in a Native American community sample. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 35, 2008-2018.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Gilder, D.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2011). Linkage analyses of stimulant dependence, craving, and heavy use in American Indians. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 156B, 772-780.

Webb, A., Lind, P.A., Kalmijn, J., Feiler, H.S., Smith, T.L., Schuckit, M.A., and Wilhelmsen, K. (2010). The Investigation into CYP2E1 in Relation to the Level of Response to Alcohol Through a Combination of Linkage and Association Analysis. Alcohol ClinExpRes 35, 10-18.

Gizer, I.R., Seaton-Smith, K.L., Ehlers, C.L., Vieten, C., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). Heritability of MMPI-2 scales in the UCSF family alcoholism study. J Addict Dis 29, 84-97.

Ehlers CL, G.I., Schuckit MA,Wilhelmsen KC (2010). Genome-wide scan for self-rating of the effects of alcohol (SRE) in American Indians. Psychiatr Genet. 221-8

Ehlers, C.L., Phillips, E., Gizer, I.R., Gilder, D.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). EEG spectral phenotypes: heritability and association with marijuana and alcohol dependence in an American Indian community study. Drug Alcohol Depend 106, 101-110.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Vieten, C., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). Linkage analyses of cannabis dependence, craving, and withdrawal in the San Francisco family study. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 153B, 802-811.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Vieten, C., Gilder, D.A., Stouffer, G.M., Lau, P., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). Cannabis dependence in the San Francisco Family Study: age of onset of use, DSM-IV symptoms, withdrawal, and heritability. Addict Behav 35, 102-110.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Vieten, C., Gilder, A., Gilder, D.A., Stouffer, G.M., Lau, P., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). Age at regular drinking, clinical course, and heritability of alcohol dependence in the San Francisco family study: a gender analysis. The American journal on addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions 19, 101-110.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Schuckit, M.A., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). Genome-wide scan for self-rating of the effects of alcohol in American Indians. Psychiatr Genet 20, 221-228.

Ehlers, C.L., Gizer, I.R., Phillips, E., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2010). EEG alpha phenotypes: linkage analyses and relation to alcohol dependence in an American Indian community study. BMC Med Genet 11, 43.

Lind, P.A., Eriksson, C.J., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2009). Association between harmful alcohol consumption behavior and dopamine transporter (DAT1) gene polymorphisms in a male Finnish population. Psychiatr Genet 19, 117-125.

Ehlers, C.L., Gilder, D.A., Gizer, I.R., and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2009). Heritability and a genome-wide linkage analysis of a Type II/B cluster construct for cannabis dependence in an American Indian community. Addict Biol 14, 338-348.

Sherva, R., Wilhelmsen, K., Pomerleau, C.S., Chasse, S.A., Rice, J.P., Snedecor, S.M., Bierut, L.J., Neuman, R.J., and Pomerleau, O.F. (2008). Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in neuronal acetylcholine receptor subunit alpha 5 (CHRNA5) with smoking status and with 'pleasurable buzz' during early experimentation with smoking. Addiction 103, 1544-1552.

Ehlers,C.L., Lind, P.A., Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2008) Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the Mu Opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) and self reported responses to alcohol in Southwest California Indians. BMC Medical Genetics 9, 35.

Lind,P.A., Eriksson, C.J.P and Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2008) The role of aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 (aldh1a1) polymorphism in harmful alcohol consumption in a Finnish population. Human Genomics 3, 24-35.

Webb, A.E, Miller, B.L. Bonasera, S. Boxer, A., Karydas, A. Wilhelmsen, K.C. (2008) The Role of the Tau Gene Region Chromosome Inversion in PSP, CBD and related disorders. Archives of Neurology 65, 1473-1478

Ehlers,C.L., Gilder,D.A., Slutske,W.S., Lind,P.A., and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2008). Externalizing disorders in American Indians: Comorbidity and a genome wide linkage analysis. Am J Med. Genet B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 147B, 690-698.

Quinzii,C.M., Vu,T.H., Min,K.C., Tanji,K., Barral,S., Grewal,R.P., Kattah,A., Camano,P., Otaegui,D., Kunimatsu,T., Blake,D.M., Wilhelmsen,K.C., Rowland,L.P., Hays,A.P., Bonilla,E., and Hirano,M. (2008). X-linked dominant scapuloperoneal myopathy is due to a mutation in the gene encoding four-and-a-half-LIM protein 1. Am J Hum Genet 82, 208-213.

Ehlers,C.L., Slutske,W.S., Lind,P.A., and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2007). Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and impulsivity in southwest California Indians. Twin Res Hum Genet 10, 805-811.

Ehlers,C.L., Wall,T.L., Corey,L., Lau,P., Gilder,D.A., and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2007). Heritability of illicit drug use and transition to dependence in Southwest California Indians. Psychiatr. Genet 17, 171-176.

Guo,G., Wilhelmsen,K.C., and Hamilton,N. (2007). Gene-lifecourse interaction for alcohol consumption in adolescence and young adulthood: Five monoamine genes. Am J Med. Genet B Neuropsychiatr. Genet 144, 417-423.

Muallem,H., North,K.E., Kakoki,M., Wojczynski,M.K., Li,X., Grove,M., Boerwinkle,E., Wilhelmsen,K.C., Heiss,G., and Maeda,N. (2007). Quantitative effects of common genetic variations in the 3'UTR of the human LDL-receptor gene and their associations with plasma lipid levels in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Hum Genet 121, 421-431.

Swan,G.E., Lessov-Schlaggar,C.N., Krasnow,R.E., Wilhelmsen,K.C., Jacob,P., III, and Benowitz,N.L. (2007). Genetic and environmental sources of variation in heart rate response to infused nicotine in twins. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 16, 1057-1064.

Wright,F.A., Huang,H., Guan,X., Gamiel,K., Jeffries,C., Barry,W.T., de Villena,F.P., Sullivan,P.F., Wilhelmsen,K.C., and Zou,F. (2007). Simulating association studies: a data-based resampling method for candidate regions or whole genome scans. Bioinformatics. 23, 2581-2588.

Ehlers,C.L. and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2006). Genomic screen for loci associated with tobacco usage in Mission Indians. BMC Med. Genet. 7, 1-9.

Ehlers,C.L. and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2006). Genomic screen for substance dependence and body mass index in southwest California Indians. Genes Brain Behav. 6, 184-191.

Ehlers,C.L., Slutske,W.S., Gilder,D.A., Lau,P., and Wilhelmsen,K.C. (2006). Age at first intoxication and alcohol use disorders in Southwest California Indians. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res. 30, 1856-1865.

Fried,M.W., Kroner,B.L., Preiss,L.R., Wilhelmsen,K.C., and Goedert,J.J. (2006). Hemophilic siblings with chronic hepatitis C: Familial aggregation of spontaneous and treatment-related viral clearance. Gastroenterology 131, 757-764.