7th Grade Algebra I For Parents—Please Read this Thoroughly With Your Child
Mrs. Traci Barton
859-384-5333 ext 2135
VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: This class will be run as an honors high school course. This means, not only will the course be accelerated, it will also be more challenging than a typical Algebra 1 course.Please discuss with your child that this class requires more work than a regular 7th grade class and involves more studying and homework. If you or your child think it best they wait until next year to do Algebra I please contact me immediately.
This year-long course prepares students to enter the study of Geometry as eighth graders. The focus of the course is building the foundation necessary for success in the study of Algebra. Students will become familiar with the following: expressions, radical expressions, polynomials, rational/irrational numbers, linear expressions, creating equations, reasoning with equations and inequalities, functions, linear models, quadratic models, data summarization, and graphing linear equations.
McDougal Littell Algebra 1. The website that complements our book is as follows:
---This website offers section quizzes, chapter tests, @ Home Tutor, and much more.
-- also is a good place to search for videos for help
- Students will have homework almost every night. Since this is an advanced math class for 7th grade, if they are not completing their assignments, they will be removed from the class.
- I grade homework in a variety of ways. The three main ways are as follows:
- A completion grade (grade based on completion and work shown)
- Will choose 5problems that fully encompass the material taught and give a grade based on the amount correct
- Full Grade (some assignments will have a grade based on all problems that were assigned)
- All homework will be done in pencil only. All work should be shown, showing me how they came to their answer…that is how I know if they are learning! Calculators will not be allowed for the first term of this class, unless we begin to go through the material at a faster pace. (Once calculators are allowed students only need a scientific calculator—not a graphing calculator)
- There is no extra-credit in this class. If they miss an assignment I do allow them to turn it in for ½ credit. There is no way to improve their grade by doing additional work.
- Any assignment (not test or quiz) that is not an 80% or above can be redone to receive up to an 80%. These are called redos in my class. They can be turned in any time before the grading period is over.
All their years in math so far have given them the foundation to learn Algebra. It still can be difficult at times, please encourage them to NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP! I can stay after school to help, I can come before school.
Your child must meet the three following criteria to be promoted to Algebra I next year:
1. “B” average in this Algebra 1 class (87% or higher)
2. An A or B on the End of Course Exam administered by ACT
3. Scantron (computer administered test) scaled score of 3055 (equivalent to an advanced
9th grade student in the spring of 9th grade)
Everything is based on points. Most homework assignments vary in points. All individual tests will be worth 100 points. All quizzes and partner tests will be worth 50 points.
As of last year, all students in Algebra 1 must take an End of Course Exam (EOC). This exam is made by the ACT organization, and given here at school at the end of the year. This exam is worth 10% of the student’s final grade in the course. (The partner tests in class are practice for the EOC exam)
I will be sending home emails on a regular basis to update what is going on in class as well as any issues that I see occurring in my class. I will also use the Infinite Campus program to send home automated emails to tell you if your child is missing more than one assignment in my class. I will usually do this on Fridays. Please make sure that I have any or all emails that you want this information to go to.PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT INFINITE CAMPUS HAS THE CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESSES FOR YOU!
I will also be using a technology called ‘Remind 101’ to send reminders via text and email. The information for this service is attached to this document.
Student Name ______
Please sign here to acknowledge that you and your child have gone over the responsibilities of taking Algebra 1 in 7th grade and are committed to keeping up with the rigor of the course.
Parent signature ______
Student Signature ______
I have read the Remind 101 information (on the next page) and allow my child to participate in Mrs. Barton’s remind 101 text messages or emails
Parent signature ______
What is Remind 101?
Remind101 is a service that provides a safe way for teachers to text message or email students and parents. Using Remind101, teachers can engage their students and parents more effectively without needing to know their phone number and without having to give their phone number out.
How Does it Work?
First, a teacher adds his/her class, which generates a unique code. The teacher then shares that code with students or parents. At that point, any student or parent who sends a text message with the code will be "subscribed" to the teacher's class. Any time a teacher sends a message from Remind101, all the students or parents subscribed will receive it. Please visit to see more about the service and its safety.
Is it Free For Students and Parents?
Remind101 is a free service for parents and students, but standard messaging rates apply with your cellular carrier. If you do not have unlimited texting and would prefer to get the email reminders, sign up for those instead.
Do I give any Personal Information?
No! You do not visit any website to sign up, you simply send a text message or email to the number assigned to the class and reply with your name only so I can identify who is signed up. I do not see your phone number or email address when I login to send messages, I only see your names.
Do both parents and students need to sign up? Do I need to sign up for both email and text?
This is completely up to you. I definitely want students to sign up. The whole point of the service is to help hold students accountable for their assignments. If you as the parent want to keep up with class, you are more than welcome to sign up as well! The same exact email and text will be sent out, so it is up to you if you want to get the same information via email as well as text.
How do I sign up?
Please see the back of this paper! You DO NOT have to visit any website to sign up for this service.
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