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Finance Council Chair………………….…..Kimberly Schoolcraft
Parish Pastoral Council Chair..………………Kathleen Harrington
Rel Ed Advisory Committee ...Melissa Moriarty, Suzanne Harlow
RCIA ………………………………… .Joline Lambert
Bible Study………………………………………...Joline Lambert
Adult Education………Mary Federici, Joline Lambert, Bob Stack
Parish Organizations
Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey
Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt
St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan
Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere
Women’s Ministry Group…………………………..Mary Federici
Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere
Affiliated Organizations
Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill
Schoenstatt Community……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki
Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto
Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor
Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault
Parish Ministries
Altar Servers………………………………..………….Sue Fratini
Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni
Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini
Eucharistic Ministers, Readers……….………..……Beth Modlish
Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici
Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz
Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci
Soup Kitchen……………… …... Nancy Garen,, Sandy O’Connor
Sacristy.…………………..……….Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa,
Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill
Wedding Coordinator……………………………..Donna Whelan
Wedding Team……...…Kathy Harrington, Gina Broderick,
Christina Straney, Tina Broderick, Trish Ragone
Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754
Office Hours
The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.
New Parishioners
We warmly welcome new members to join our parish. Please fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors.
Sacrament of Baptism
The Sacrament is celebrated by appointment. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.
Sacrament of Marriage
The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least one year in advance.
Sacrament of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.
Hospital Visits
If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name mentioned at Mass during the Prayers of the Faithful.
Parish Office: 413-562-3450
Parish Fax: 413-562- 9875
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 489, Westfield MA 01086
Website: www.diospringfield.org/olbs
Sue Fratini, Parish Secretary
Fr. Dan Pacholec
Deacon Paul Briere
Mary Federici
Religious Education :
Director of Faith Formation:
Deacon Paul Federici Coordinator of Elementary Grades:
Sheila Conroy Coordinator of Middle/High School:
Lisa Laferriere Melanie Peetz, Music Ministry 562-3450
Bob Stack, Facilities Manager 562-3450
Sat 7/18 3:15-3:45PM Confessions
4:00PM +Edward J. Bean
Birthday Remembrance
r/b his Wife & Family
Sun 7/19 7:00AM +Joseph Newton
r/b Lorraine Couture & Family
8:30AM +Michael Drapeau
r/b his wife Susan
11:00AM +Marie Joann Claps
r/b Nick & Pam Perfido
Mon 7/20 7:00AM +Lucien Nadeau
r/b Jerome Harrison
Tue 7/21 7:00AM +Bob Somers
r/b Peter & Phyllis Chlastawa
Wed 7/22 7:00AM +Richard “Rob” O’Reilly
r/b James & Sandra Allen
Thurs 7/23 7:00AM Communion Service
Fri 7/24 7:00AM Communion Service
Sat 7/25 8:00AM +Rita Tobias
Anniversary Remembrance
r/b her daughter Joanne
3:15-3:45PM Confessions
4:00PM +Jeannie Larivee
r/b Paul & Louise Stevens
Sun 7/26 7:00AM +Joseph A. Phelan
23rd Anniversary Remembrance
r/b Joanne & Clem Fucci
8:30AM +James Higgins
11:00AM +Theresa Forcier
r/b Roger Beaudoin
To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please call Pauline at 862-3885 or Diane at 568-9754.
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What to do? The Pope's practical tips…
(Highlights of the article)
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis' encyclical "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home" is a call for global action as well as an appeal for deep inner conversion. He points to numerous ways world organizations, nations and communities must move forward and the way individuals - believers and people of good will - should see, think, feel and act. Here are some of the pope's suggestions, with references in parentheses to their paragraphs in the encyclical:
- Do not give in to denial, indifference, resignation, blind confidence in technical solutions. (14, 59)
- Reduce, reuse, recycle. Preserve resources, use them more efficiently, moderate consumption and limit use of non-renewable resources. (22, 192) Promote green construction with energy efficient homes and buildings. (26, 180) Protect clean, safe drinking water and don't privatize it with market-based fees for the poor. (27-29, 164) Keep oceans and waterways clean and safe from pollutants; use biodegradable detergents at home and business. (30, 174)
- Promote smart growth. Create livable communities with beautiful design and plentiful green spaces for everyone, especially the poor. Tackle noise and "visual pollution," and save cities' cultural treasures. Design spaces that help people connect and trust each other. (44-45, 113, 143, 147)
- Put an end to "mental pollution." Think deeply, live wisely, love generously. (47)
- End the tyranny of the screen, information overload and distractions. Watch out for media-induced melancholy and isolation. Cultivate real relationships with others. (47)
- Get down from the ivory tower and stop the rhetoric. Get to know the poor and suffering; it will wake up a numbed conscience and inspire real action. (49)
- Stop blaming problems on population growth. The real threat is excessive consumerism and waste (50)
- Sweat it out. Increasing use and power of air-conditioning seems "self-destructive." (55)
- Even if it doesn't fix the world, beautification and goodwill gestures inspire and remind people that "we were made for love." (58, 113, 212)
- Get back to nature -- "the caress of God" -- to recharge. Be more attentive to its beauty and wonder and revisit places that left you with happy memories. (84, 97, 215, 233) Use technology to solve real problems and serve people, helping them have more dignity, less suffering and healthier lives. (112)
- Be consistent. Pro-life, environmental and social justice movements are all connected. Protecting vulnerable species must include the unborn, endangered animals and the exploited. (91, 120)
- Believe in a happy future, a better tomorrow. Slow down, recover values and the meaning of life. Putting the brakes on "unrestrained delusions of grandeur" is not a call to go back to the Stone Age. (113-114, 225)
- Harness purchasing power. Examine what you buy and know that boycotts make a difference. (206)
- Plant a tree. Take mass transit. Car pool. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Chilly? Wear a sweater. Little things add up. (211) Less is more. Stop needless consumption. (193, 203, 222, 211)
- Moms and dads: teach kids to use things properly; to respect, take care of others; to ask permission politely; to say, "Thank you;" to control temper; to ask forgiveness; share. (213) -- Find happiness in simple things: get-togethers, helping others, honing a talent, enjoying art and music, praying. (223-226)
- Say grace before meals. (227) Love your enemies. (228) Practice "the little way" of St. Therese. (230)
- Go to Sunday Mass; receive the sacraments; encounter God in everything; rest on Sundays. (233-237)
- Sing as you go. (244) Pray. (246)
-Article by Carol Glatz June 18, 2015 Catholic News Service
0914 4
Is burning this week in loving memory of
requested by Joanne & Clem Fucci
Is burning this week in loving memory of
requested by the Parish
Do you have any locally grown or produced items? If so, Girl Scout Troop 40230 is looking for vendors for a Farmers Market to be held on Saturday, August 29th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the front lawn of the Church. To reserve a space free of charge, please contact Pat O’Connor at no later than August 15th. Thank you.
Our Parishioner and Westfield High Grad last year – Josh Burrage - is appearing in the travelling Broadway show “Newsies”. The show has been touring the country, but it will be coming as close as the Bushnell in Hartford this October. The cost of the trip will be $91.50 per person and includes the price of the bus, the ticket to the show and tip for the driver. It will be an 8:00PM show on Saturday October 17 – bus to leave Parish Center at 6:15PM and return by Midnight. Seats are in the Front Balcony. Forms to sign up for the trip are available on the tables near the bulletins – fill out the bottom of the form and along with your check (payable to “OLBS”), or cash, place it in an envelope marked “Bus Trip”, and drop it in the collection basket. Deadline for tickets is July 27.
A collection of used cell phones will be taking place in our parish in the weeks ahead. Hope Phones makes phones available for medical personnel in Third World Countries. Check out their website at hopephones.org. Please drop used cell phones in the box labeled “Hope Phones” in the Gathering Space. Any used cell phone is accepted – working or not. Chargers and accessories are not needed.
Dear Fr. Pacholec,
In the name of the La Salette Missionaries and especially of Fr. Joy Chukkananickal, I wish to thank you and the people of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church for your hospitality, generosity and prayers during the mission appeal on July 4 & 5.
We thank you for the opportunity to bring a renewed awareness of our Church’s Mission to your people and to bring their love and support to the needy of the mission countries served by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette.
Sincerely yours in our Lord and Lady,
Fr. Thomas Vellappallil, MS
Mega-sports raffle tickets will be on sale here at all Masses next weekend, July 25 & 26 for a chance to win tickets to all the New England Sports Teams! The raffle is a fundraiser for C.A.M.P.S., which is a one week Catholic-Christian Retreat Adventure experience for students entering grades 9-12. It blends a variety of creative activities, music, games, talks, discussion, worship, concerts, campfires and tournaments, and is held at a beautiful facility called “Lakeside” in Pittsfield the week of August 3-8. For more information about C.A.M.P.S., log onto campsministry.org, or contact Nick or Jeanne Morganelli at 572-9765. Also, view the Real-to-Reel story on C.A.M.P.S. featuring some of our parishioners by clicking on the link on our facebook page, or on youtube.com.
The local Schoenstatt Marian Community is undertaking a building project at their Movement House on Sandy Hill Road here in Westfield. They are doing a small renovation to the house in order to accommodate the Schoenstatt Altar in a space where people may be able to visit. The Schoenstatt Community is asking for volunteers to help with the renovation as well as donations for materials. Donations should be sent to the Schoenstatt Community, 163 Sandy Hill Road, Westfield, MA 01085. Checks should be made payable to “Schoenstatt”. For information or to volunteer, contact the Movement House at 562-9147.
July 5, 2015
Regular and Development (Gold) $ 7,907
Budget Requirement per Week 10,295
(deficit) (2,388)
Our Lady of La Salette Missionaries
$ collected $1,987
It’s time to register your children for the Fall Religious Education Program! You can find registration forms near the bulletins in the church or on our website, diospringfield.org/olbs.
Register Now!
Climb Mt. Everest at Vacation Bible Camp during the week of August 3-7 from 9 am - noon! Learn new songs, play games, do arts and crafts and learn more about Jesus! Children from ages 4, up to entering 5th grade are welcome to attend. Registration forms are available on the tables near the bulletins or on our website. Please return the forms by July 24.
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in helping during Bible Camp, please e-mail Sheila Conroy at . Help is also needed with painting and decorating before camp. Please drop by the Parish Center during any of the following dates and times: July 20 & 21 from 6-9PM, July 23 & 28 from 1-4PM & 6-9PM.
Supplies Needed
We would greatly appreciate if you could supply us with any of the following: 4x8 or 4x6 (1 inch thick) sheets of foam (available at stores like Home Depot), duct tape (white or gray), flat white sheets or white material (to make snow). It would also be much appreciated if anyone has the following items to be borrowed: small pop-up tents, camping or hiking equipment, rope icicle lights. All items are needed by July 27.
Supplies Drop Off
Anyone donating supplies can place them in the box in the Gathering Space.
Thank you for supporting our children!
JULY 25/26
4:00PM Bob Stack 7:00AM George Plante
8:30AM Kathy Sitler 11:00AM Diane Czerwiecki
4:00PM Diane Wright, Beth Modlish, Pat Pouliot
7:00AM Dave Trotman, Alex Trzasko III, Mike Skehan
8:30AM Irene Breton, Todd Dionne, Rachel Dionne
11:00AM Karen Scahill, Karl Weckstrom, Diane Sullivan
The 2016 Parish Mass Book is now open for scheduling Masses. Offering is $10.00.
Sanctuary Candle for 2016 burns for 2 weeks ($20)
Special Intention Candle for 2015 and 2016 burns for 1 week ($10).
Outdoor Mary Garden Candle for 2015 and 2016 burns for 1 week ($10).
Veterans Memorial Garden Candle for 2015 & 2016 burns for 1 week ($10).
(Call or email Sue in the Parish Office to reserve dates)
Bethlehem House Pregnancy Care Center, 33 Knipfer Avenue in Easthampton is in need of volunteers in each category:
-help with maintenance, yard work, painting, cleaning gutters, etc.
-baby basket makers: great group action, need help 2nd and 4th week of each month
-answer phone and schedule clients: Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays from 10-2pm
-cook once a week for volunteer staff
Call Pam today at 262-8517 or visit our Volunteer page at Bethlehenhousewma.org.
The Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Granby is having their Summer Fest on Saturday, August 1 from 5-10pm featuring music by the Eddie Forman Orchestra, adult & kid games, a chicken barbeque, and Summer Fest raffle. This will be held on the parish grounds at 256 State Street (Rt. 202) in Granby. We invite all your parishioners to join us for a fun time and good food. Proceeds of the festival and auction all remain in the IHM Parish to support our ministries. We hope to welcome you all to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Summer Fest 2015 in Granby on August 1!