January 30, 2013
DATCP, Madison
Attendees: David Sander, Eric Maggio, Jacques Daniel, Cindy Lease, Chris Tourdot, George Kaelin, Jay Garbe, Shelly Miller, Steve Peter
1. Call to Order
David Sander called the Executive Committee meeting to order at 10:45 a.m.
2. Treasurer’s Report (Lease)
A) WWMA Checking balance = $1,502.29
B) WWMA President’s Travel = $3,201.94
C) CD’s = $1114.61 & $1059.25
Kaelin motions to pass. Lease seconds. All in favor.
3. Nonprofit Status (Lease)
A) WWMA is under review for nonprofit status as of December 18, 2012. A decision should be reported within 90 days of this date.
4. Webmaster (Tourdot)
A) Recently experiencing delayed communication from our webmaster regarding malfunctions in website updates. If problems persist, the organization may change webmasters.
B) Members will research alternative webmasters for our website as a fall back for our webmaster if they fail to meet our expectations.
C) Updates have been made to the website and it is currently up to date.
5. Membership Renewals (Lease)
A) Looking to send out electronic renewal notices to Associate Members
- Can our website do this automatically on an annual schedule? Chris will contact webmaster to determine
- If the website cannot, most Associate Members have provided e-mail contact info that we may use to significantly reduce mailings
6. Conference Center Locations (Sander)
A) David visited 3 possible locations to host fall conference 2013 (Oct. 7, 8, 9)
- Stoney Creek, Wausau
- Smaller facility but sufficient space and accommodations for us
- No fee for conference facility with a group of 50 or more (we are expecting 55-75)
- Food must be catered in
- Management is eager to work with the association
- Holiday Inn, Wausau
- Management was not very interested in hosting us
- Holiday Inn, Stevens Point
- Large facility
- Management was willing to host us, however they are hosting 2 other conferences at the time
Kaelin motions to explore Stony Creek, Wausau. Lease seconds. All in favor
7. Package Checking Training
A) Shelly Miller will lead the training and will select experienced inspectors to assist in training.
- The inspectors selected will lead small group training and will meet with Shelly prior to conference
- Shelly will have assistant trainers selected by the end of March 2013
B) The Grocer’s Association and major grocery corporations in WI will be invited as the education will be advantageous to both parties
C) Classroom training: Intro to Handbook 133
- Will be conducted on the first day and will take about 2 hours
- PowerPoint with handouts
D) Hands-on training
- Groups of 5 or 6 people maximum led by a trainer
- Shelly & Steve are to select the products to be tested and David will look into obtaining those products through donation or purchase
- There will be a variety of packaging checking stations offering an array of package testing process. All attendees will go through every stations
- Experienced inspectors will be expected to assist the trainers in teaching our newer inspectors
- Training will be conducted in 1 room with several tables to host small group sessions
E) We need to bring our own equipment & supplies including: projectors, microphones, laptops, scales, weights, glassware
F) No exam will be held at the end. More time in specialized package checking is thought to be more advantageous to the group.
8. Next Meeting
A. Shelly will meet with the selected trainers prior to conference. Meeting time and location TBA
9. Adjournment
David Sander adjourns the meeting at 12:45 p.m.