PROFORMA FOR Faculty Profile
1.2. / Name / DR. AJAY KUMAR DUBEY
3. / Date of Birth / Date Month Year
03 08 1959
4. / Designation / ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
(PROFESSOR SCALE- Since 18.01.2005)
Officer-in-charge (Head) of the Department
5. / College
Department / College of Agriculture/Horticulture
Department of Vegetable Science, Kalyanpur, Kanpur
6. / Contact info / Office Details / Personal Details
Phone :
Email : / Phone :
Mobile: 09935865732
Emails :
7. / Year of joining at CSAUA&T / Date Month Year
18 01 1988
8. / Date of last promotion / Date Month Year
20 07 2000
From: Asstt. Prof. To: Assoc. Prof.
9. / Responsibilities assigned / Teaching –Imparting Teaching to UG & PG classes .
Research- Crop Improvement of Vegetable crops.
Extension-Actively engaged in extension activities.
AICRP-Principal Investigator & Officer-in-charge of AICRP-POTATO(CPRI, SHIMLA)
Others (specify) Principal Investigator , ALL INDIA NETWORK RESEARCH PROJECT ON ONION & GARLIC(DOGR, Rajgurunagar, Pune, (MS.)
10. / Awards received / National
Name - SHIKSHA RATAN PURASKAR Agency- India International Friendship Society
Year- 12th October, 20111
11. / Publications since joining CSAUA&T
(give numbers only) / Books: Shakbhaji kee Jaivik Khaitee(2008)
Technical Bulletins:2
Review Articles:------
Research Papers:
International: 04
Popular articles:56
Others (specify):
12. / Books published / Title Shakbhaji kee Jaivik Khaitee
Authors – DRs. Ajay Kumar Dubey, Shrawan Kumar Singh, V.K.Sharma & J.P.Srivastava
Publisher- Department of Vegetable Science, Kalyanpur, Kanpur
Year of Publication-2008
13. / Technical Bulletins published / Title –Pramukh Beej Masala Phaslon Kee Khaitee
Authors –DRs. Ajay Kumar Dubey and Sanjiv Kumar Singh
Publisher- Department of Vegetable Science, Kalyanpur, Kanpur
Year of Publication-2016
14. / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 5 NAAS rating journals) during last 10 / NA
15. / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 3 NAAS rating journals) during last 10 / 1. A.K. Dubey & S.K. Singh (2006), Response of Zinc (foliar spray) on growth and quality of Onion (Allium cepa L.), J. Farming System Research & Development,12 (1&2):117-118.
2. N. P. Singh, A. K. Dubey and J. P. Srivastava, (2006), Genetic Architecture of yield and its component traits in Bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina). Standl.] Veg. Sci.,(2) :117-118.
3. 5. A. K. Dubey, J. R. Yadav and B. Singh, (2007), Studies on Induced mutations by gamma Irradiation in Okra, Prog. Agri.,Vol.7 (1&2):pp-46-48.
4. J.P.Srivastava, N.S.Shukla,N.P. Singh & A.K.Dubey(2008), Genetic parameters to breeding value in Round-Gourd(Praecitrullus vulgaris Pang.), Veg. Sci. Vol.35(1): pp.84-85.
5. A.K. Dubey & S.K. Singh (2008), Effect of bio-fertilizer and nitrogen on quality of Onion (Allium cepa L.), J. Farming System Research & Development, 14 (1):109-110.
6. A. K. Dubey, N. P. Singh and J. P. Srivastava, Character Association and Path coefficient Analysis in French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Veg. Sci. Vol.36(3-Supplim.): pp.378-389.
7 . A.K.Dubey, S.K.Singh, J.P.Srivastava and Sanjive Kumar Singh (2008), Studies on the effect of vermi-compost and Nitrogen on the growth, yield andQuality of Garlic (Allium sativum L.). Annals of Horticulture 1 (1),86-87.
8. Sanjive Kumar Singh, J.P.Srivastava, A.K.Dubey and S.K.Singh (2008), Correlation and path coefficient analysis studies in Garlic (Allium sativum L.). Annals of Horticulture 1(1),96-97.
9. P.K.Dwivedi, A.K.Dubey, Swapnil Dubey, S.K.Tewari, Astik Jha & Mukul Kumar (2017), Efficacy of Some Botanical Biopesticides and Insecticides against Onion Thrips. Thrips Tabaci Lindeman in Uttar Pradesh, J. Exp. Zool. India , Vol.20, No.1,pp.-89-91.
16. / List of ten best Publications in International Journals during last 10 years ( ISI Impact factor) / 1. Dheraj Mishra, A. K. Shukla, A. K. Dubey, A. K. Dixit and K. Singh, (2006), Insecticidal activity of Vegetable Oils against Mustard Aphid (Lipaphis erysimi, Kalt), Under Filed conditions. Journal of Oleo Science, (Japan Oil Chemist’s Society), Vol., 55, No. 5, pp. 227 – 231.
2. A.K.Dubey, J.P.Srivastava and N.P.Singh (2007) Studies on Floral Biology of Spine Gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.) Proceedings Ist International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables & Legumes, Acta Hort., 752, International Society of Horticultural Sciences , pp.453-458.
17. / Membership of the Professional Societies / 1. Indian Society of Vegetable Science
2. Allium Society of India, DOGR, Pune, MS.
3. Farming System Research & Development Association, Modipuram, Meerut.
4. The Society of Agricultural Professionals, Kanpur.
5. Indian Potato Association, CPRI, Shimla, H.P.
18. / Conference/Seminar/Symposium attended in the last 10 years
( Name/Place/Year) / 1. National Seminar on Cucurbits, 2005, Pantnagar.
2. National Symposium-SYMSAC-II, 2005, Pune, MS.
3. First International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables & Legumes, 2006, AVRDC, Hyderabad.
4.National Seminar on Management of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants in Farming Systems Perspective, 2007,Kanpur, U.P.
5. National Workshop on Production, Processing and Marketing of Spices & Aromatic Plants,2008, Cooch Behar, West Bengal.
6. National Symposium on Technological Innovations for Resource Starved Farmers in Global Perspective,2008, Kanpur, U.P.
7. Third Indian Horticulture Congress-on New R&D Initiatives in Horticulture for Accelerated Growth and Prosperity, 2008, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
8. Global Potato Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in New Millenium,2008 , New Delhi.
9. National Symposium on Food Security in Context of Changing Climate, 2010, Kanpur, U.P.
10. National Seminar on Bio-diversity, Traditional Medicine & Public Health,2016, CSJM, University, Kanpur, U.P.
19. / Conference/Seminar/Symposium organized as President/Co-ordinator/Secretary
( Name/Place/Year) / NA
20. / Foreign countries visited / NA
21. / Training Organized in the last 5 years / NA
22. / Training attended in the last 5 years / 1.Participated in Trainers Training Programme on Production Technology, Post Harvesting, Processing, Value Addition and Marketing of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, CSAUA&T, Kanpur,2010.
2.National Training Programme on Entrepreneurship Development & Management for Scientists & Technologists with the Government Sector , Organizer- Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) during December-19-23,2011.
23. / Externally funded projects handled ( Title/Agency/duration/Amount) / Title- Seed Production of Important Vegetable Crops(Table-Pea, Chilli, Garlic & Turmeric),
Agency -U.P. Council of Agricultural Research, Luchnow
Duration-2009-10(One Year).
24. / List of Current research projects / NA
25. / Patents held / NA
26. / Varieties/ Technologies Developed in the last 10 years / 1. Azad Rajmah in French Bean for Central U.P.- suitable for green pod.
2. Azad Sem-1 suitable for green pod.
27. / Significant contributions in the area of specialization ( not more than 5 / 1. Two varieties of vegetables crops developed and released from SVRC.
2. Two each selections of Early, medium and late maturing table-pea are being tested under AICRP-Vegetables trials.
28. / Participation in the college/university building activities / NA
29. / Resource Generated during last 5 years / Years Amount (in Lakh ) Scheme
2011-12 17,14, 210.00 Seed Production of Important Vegetable Crops (Table Pea, Chilli, Turmeric & Garlic).
UPCAR & SHM funded.
30. / Any other significant academic/research achievement / 1. Eight students of M.Sc.(Ag.) - Vegetable Science and three students of M.Sc.(Ag.) - Horticulture awarded their degrees under my supervision.
2. Two students of Ph.D. in Vegetable Science were also awarded their degrees under my supervision.
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