Ministry of Finance

POSITION TITLE: / Oil and Gas Royalty Analyst / POSITION
NUMBER(S): / Various
(e.g., Division, Region, Department) / Revenue Programs
(e.g., Branch, Area, District) / Mineral, Oil and Gas Revenue Branch /


/ Victoria
SUPERVISOR’S TITLE: / Manager, Petroleum Operations / POSITION
NUMBER / 94637

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The Mineral, Oil and Gas Revenue Branch administers parts of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Act relating to royalties and freehold production tax, the Natural Gas Price Act, the Mineral Tax Act, the Mineral Land Tax Act, the Oil and Gas Royalty and Freehold Production Tax Regulation, and certain cost recovery fees.
The mandate of the branch is to:
1.  publicize and explain provisions of the legislation,
2.  collect the authorized taxes and royalties,
3.  report the amounts of revenue received and receivable,
4.  verify the accuracy of amounts paid and issue assessments as required,
5.  ensure legislation is interpreted fairly and consistently,
6.  advise on changes to acts and regulations and to forecast revenue to be collected.


Royalty Analysts are responsible for a wide variety of duties related to collection of oil and gas royalties and freehold production taxes from 150+ royalty/tax payers. Major responsibilities include control of data received on various reports from the petroleum industry, control and reconciliation of payments received, requesting amendments and missing reports from operators and royalty payers, explaining and resolving reporting errors and discrepancies with royalty payers, computer system maintenance, and preparation of reference manuals. Royalty Analysts provide the initial point of contact for Industry clients and provide guidance to those clients in the reporting and payment of royalties and taxes. Royalty Analysts are responsible for ensuring that royalty invoices are prepared on an accurate and timely basis and that royalty accounts are kept clean.


The Revenue Programs Division (RPD) provides fair, efficient and equitable revenue and debt collection which supports public services to meet the needs of citizens in British Columbia. RPD fulfils the Ministry’s responsibility for effective financial management and administration of the Province’s various taxation Statutes.
The position reports to the Manager of the Petroleum Operations Section. The role requires judgement to incorporate risk analysis techniques to identify reporting anomalies for follow up.
Position links include:
§  Information Systems technical/professional resources – works collaboratively on system enhancements and fixes.
§  Manager and staff, Petroleum Operations Section - provides reporting process expertise.
§  Branch administrative support staff – provides direction and assistance regarding PRMS document processing.
§  Ministry of Natural Gas Development – verifies information oil and gas remittance reports.
§  Industry clients - ensuring that royalty invoices are prepared on an accurate and timely basis


Royalty Reporting (60%)
Analyze production and disposition discrepancy reports, royalty recalculations, and error reports generated when the Petroleum Royalty Management System (PRMS) does not concur with industry reports by:
·  Comparing to industry submitted data,
·  Reconciling submitted marketable gas volumes to pipeline splits to ensure completeness of filed reports
·  Identifying reporting variances and working with client to resolve
·  Examining royalty payer, reporting entity and facility codes used on reports from industry,
·  verifying client codes by understanding and confirming client organization structures with client
·  working with the Oil and Gas Commission to accurately reflect royalty payer client codes
·  ensure accurate set up of reporting entity structures
·  ensure accurate facility reporting by working with Oil and Gas Commission staff and client staff to ensure reported production is consistent with established physical facility linkages
·  Examining royalty factors: Crown Royalty Share calculation, well to facility linkages, cost allowance rates, exempt volumes, oil vintages, Posted Minimum Prices and volumes, etc.,
·  Verifying royalty rates as required by comparing system calculated royalty rates to manually calculated rates
·  Interpreting regulation to ensure wells correctly qualify for royalty incentive programs such as marginal/ultra-marginal
·  Reviewing client initiated well to facility linkage changes and ensure proposed changes meet reporting standards supporting Branch business requirements (eg. S1/S2 reporting/ PCOS rate calculations, OGC Measurement Manual)
·  Reviewing Producer Cost of Service Rates for reasonableness and recommending facilities requiring review by the PCOS Validations Officer.
·  Reviewing all wells qualifying for exemptions and verifying the validity of the exemption by ensuring eligibility requirements identified by the regulation have been met
·  Examining deep well credits
·  Resolving client inquiries regarding calculations of deep well credits
·  Verifying deep well depths as required by reviewing data in Oil and Gas Commission systems
·  Working with Oil and Gas Commission staff to resolve discrepancies with depths and/or identification of well events
·  Reviewing monthly Net Profit payout balances and royalty calculations
·  Review monthly cost submissions for reasonableness
·  Identify summer drilling credits that have been allocated to net profit well events
·  Review monthly payout statements to ensure revenue is calculated accurately and tier rate of returns are calculated accurately
·  Interpretation of legislation to ensure accurate assessment of royalties and taxes
·  Addressing client concerns by reviewing the appropriate regulation and ensuring all royalties have been calculated in accordance with the relevant regulation
Determine the validity of recalculation, discrepancy and error reports.
Assist royalty payers to understand and resolve reporting errors.
Royalty Payer Statement Analysis (10%)
Analyze outstanding balances in royalty payers’ accounts by using the Accounts Management System (AMS) and financial management reports. Validate monthly financial statements for royalty payers. Contact royalty payers for resolution of errors and discrepancies.
Coordinate statements with validations amendments, exemption termination reports, Reporting Entity structure reports, penalty/interest calculations, PRMS recalculations and error reports, and correspondence.
Provide account balance reports and financial information from the RMS database to be sent to royalty payers with their monthly financial statement.
Cash Control (10%)
Enter and balance deposits of revenue received by the branch (Petroleum and Natural Gas Royalties and Freehold Production Tax),
Reconcile bank deposit records and cheques received in the branch to the payment Remittance Advices.
Investigate payments/cheques received without a Remittance Advice.
Contact the Province’s bank in Calgary, Treasury Board staff and/or royalty payers to resolve discrepancies between bank deposit records and Remittance Advices.
Prepare journal vouchers for both internal and inter-ministry financial transactions.
Review and correct Remittance Advices in preparation for accurate data entry to AMS.
Prepare monthly cash receipts ledgers, using the bank deposit records, Remittance Advices, journal vouchers, and cheque requisitions for revenue received by the branch.
Verification of Well Information (5%)
Work with other Operations staff to review reports from industry of new wells and changes in well status/data to ensure information required for royalty purposes is accurate and complete using both PRMS and the Oil and Gas Commission’s IRIS database.
Resolve any data discrepancies or omissions by contacting production accountants and engineers in industry, and engineers and technicians in the Oil and Gas Commission.
Other Related Duties (3%)
Make recommendations on whether penalties should be assessed in situations where reports were submitted late by industry, prepare penalty invoices, and prepare journal entries to adjust and charge royalty payer accounts.
Validate and document requests for refunds of royalties.
Participate in training programs and seminars for industry.
Provide assistance and training to new staff members.
Computer System Maintenance (varies from 1% to 20%)
Identify programming errors in AMS/PRMS and complete Change Request Reports to explain the errors to systems analysts and request system program changes.
Assist in developing improvements or changes to the AMS/PRMS system to deal more effectively with changing conditions in industry or the royalty regime.
Write and carry out comprehensive tests to ensure that system program changes work. Major system changes periodically increase time spent on system testing.


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DIRECT SUPERVISION (i.e., responsibility for signing the employee appraisal form)

Role / # of Regular FTE’s / # of Auxiliary FTE’s
Directly supervises staff
Supervises staff through subordinate supervisors

PROJECT /TEAM LEADERSHIP OR TRAINING (Check the appropriate boxes)

Role / # of FTE’s / Role / # of FTE’s
Supervises students or volunteers / Provides formal training to other staff
Lead project teams / Assigns, monitors and examines the work of staff

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Job Description Oil and Gas Royalty Analyst.docx July 29, 2014 Page 5 of 6


Kathy Brulotte / DATE:
July 29, 2014


I confirm that:
1. the accountabilities / deliverables were assigned to this position effective:
2.  the information in this position description reflects the actual work performed.
3.  a copy has / will be provided to the incumbent(s).
Kathy Brulotte / SIGNATURE: / DATE:
July 29, 2014

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·  Diploma in business administration or a related discipline; OR
·  Completion of accounting course work towards a certificate or diploma such as the Government Financial Management Certificate Program or the Canadian Association of Petroleum Production Accounting; OR
·  An equivalent combination of education and experience may be considered.
A minimum of two years’ experience in each of the following:
·  Managing relationships and resolving complex issues with multiple stakeholders
·  Working with financial management systems and Microsoft Word and Excel at an intermediate level,.
·  Interpreting and applying legislation
·  Customer service in a high volume tight timeframe environment
·  Preference may be given to those applicants:
·  Preference may be given to those applicants with experience in the oil and natural gas industry
·  Preference may be given to those applicants with experience with tax administration.
NOTE: Successful completion of security screening requirements of the BC Public Service, which may include a criminal records check, and/or Criminal Records Review Act (CRRA) check, and/or enhanced security screening checks as required by the ministry (Note: It is important that you read the job posting carefully to understand the specific security screening requirements pertaining to the position
·  Knowledge of accounting and control processes, requirements, and practices; and trends in the oil and gas business/industry sectors.
·  Preferred Knowledge of the B.C. oil and natural gas royalty regime
·  Preferred Knowledge of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Royalty and Freehold Production Regulation
Skills and Abilities:
·  Ability to build and maintain effective working relationships with government officials and professional peers, of varying levels, and non-government stakeholders
·  Problem solving and providing analysis with rationale
·  Effective oral and written communication skills
·  Effective research and analytical skills
·  Demonstrated skill in analyzing complex issues
·  Effective organizational skills


Analytical Thinking is the ability to comprehend a situation by breaking it down into its components and identifying key or underlying complex issues. It implies the ability to systematically organize and compare the various aspects of a problem or situation, and determine cause-and-effect relationships ("if...then…") to resolve problems in a sound, decisive manner. Checks to ensure the validity or accuracy of all information.
Problem Solving/Judgement is the ability to analyze problems systematically, organize information, identify key factors, identify underlying causes and generate solutions.
Initiative involves identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity and taking appropriate action to address current or future problems or opportunities. As such, initiative can be seen in the context of proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. Formal strategic planning is not included in this competency.
Results Orientation is a concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one’s own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation); challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continuous improvement). Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Results Orientation.
Innovation indicates an effort to improve performance by doing or promoting new things, such as introducing a previously unknown or untried solution or procedure to the specific area or organization.
Teamwork and Co-operation is the ability to work co-operatively within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organizational goals. It includes the desire and ability to understand and respond effectively to other people from diverse backgrounds with diverse views.

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