Compliance with Website requirements – Academy Check

Academy / Date / Web address

This audit is based on the DfE’s guidance ‘What academies, free schools and colleges should publish online’ dated July 2017. An academy’s Funding Agreement, The Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations (EISS) 2014and the Academies Financial handbookprovide details of what must be published on the website (the requirements of the EISS Regulations and Academies Financial handbookare indicated by *). XXXX Academy’s Funding Agreement is dated XXXX.

Please refer to table below:
Additional Information
Documents on academy website / Tick if information available / Comments
1 / Academy name
2 / Postal address
3 / Telephone number
4 / Named member of staff to deal with queries
5 / Name of principal
6 / Name and address of chair of governors
7 / Name and contact details of SENCo
8 / Admission arrangements
9 / *Most recent Ofsted report (actual or link)
10 / KS2 results: % of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths; average progress in reading, writing and maths between KS1 and KS2; % of pupils achievinghigher standard in reading, writing and maths; pupils’ average scores in reading and maths tests
11 / KS4 results: Progress 8 score; attainment 8 score; % of pupils with grade C or above in English and maths, % of pupils entered for English Baccalaureate (GCSE grade C or above in English and Maths, 2 sciences, a language and history or geography); % of pupils achieving English Baccalaureate; % of students who are IETE
12 / KS5 (16-18): progress of students compared to nationally; average grade at KS5 (both above shown separately for A levels, academic, applied general and tech level qualifications); progress in English and maths; retention (shown separately for each qualification type); % of students who are IETE (in the year after end of KS4)
13 / Link to DfE performance tables
14 / Content of curriculum
15 / Approach to the curriculum
16 / Name of phonics or reading schemes used in KS1 (where applicable)
17 / GCSE options and other Key Stage 4 qualifications offered (where applicable)
18 / 16 – 19 study programme requirements
How these are met
19 / How parents can find more information about the academy’s curriculum
20 / Behaviour policy and anti-bullying strategy
21 / Exclusion policy
22 / PPG - for current year - publish a strategy for use of PP; amount received in current year; summary of barriers to educational achievement; how PP to be spent and reasons for chosen approach; how impact measured; date of next review of strategy; how previous year’s PP spent; impact per academic year (although allocated by financial year)
23 / Yr 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium (if received) – allocation for current financial year; spending plans; spend in previous financial year; impact and assessment of impact
24 / PE and Sports grant, spend and impact
25 / SEND policy – outlines provision offered by academy inc accessibility plan
26 / SEND report – impact of provision and admissions etc (can be combined with SEND policy)
27 / Equality objectives – how academy is complying with equality duty (updated annually); the academy’s equality objectives (update every 4 years)
28 / Complaints policy
29 / *Annual reports and accounts
30 / Memorandum of association; Articles and Funding Agreement; names of Charity Trustees and members
31 / *Governance arrangements
32 / Charging and remissions policy – details of when charges made and remission
33 / Values and ethos
34 / *Arrangements made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils

XXXX Academy