LIR30 Assignment One Name ____________________________

DUE (in the class box) : Fri day , February 3rd

Worth 2 0 points

Introduction to Information and the Academic Library

Part 1:

“Information Literate” individuals are able to (hint: refer to Week 1 lecture notes):

1. ________________________________________________________________­__________________

2. ________________________________________________________________­__________________

3. ________________________________________________________________­__________________

4. ________________________________________________________________­__________________

5. ________________________________________________________________­__________________

Part 2:

Go to the Media Services Desk and check out a Library Audio Tour (you will need an ID) . You will also receive a map of the library, and a list of questions. Do NOT use the question sheet given to you at the desk. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW:

1. You would go to the Reference A rea to :

A. Check a book out of the library

B. Get assistance in finding information or working on a research assignment

C. Look at the latest issue of a magazine

D. Find oversize books

2. The Reference A rea contains :

A. Videos and music CDs

B. Books that can be checked out of the library

C. All the non-fiction books in the library

D. Books that cannot be checked out of the library

3. The Media Services Desk provides :

A. Audio-cassettes and compact discs

B. Videos and DVDs

C. Walkman, Discman players and calculators for use in the library

D. All of the above

4. Items in the Reserve Collection :

A. May include textbooks, recommended reading, and current UC and CSU catalogs

B. Have restricted checkout periods

C. Cannot be checked out without a valid student ID

D. All of the above

5. The Periodicals Area of the library contains:

A. Phone books

B. Current issues of magazines and newspapers

C. Encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, biographical sources

D. Oversize books

6 . The Circulation Desk is where you:

A. Bring reference materials to check out of the library

B. Ask for help with a research project

C. Bring circulating books to check out from the library

D. Ask for materials that are on reserve

7 . The Call Number is:

A. Found on the spine of each book in the library

B. The unique "address" for each book

C. A combination of letters and numbers

D. All of the above

8 . Library books are arranged o n the shelf by Call Number. The FIRST LETTERS of the call number
refer to the:

A. Author

B. Title

C. Subject

D. All of the above

9 . Books in the SRJC library collection are arranged by :

A. Author using the Dewey Decimal Classification System

B. Subject using the Library of Congress Classification System

C. Size and color

D. ISBN bar coding

10 . The Library C atalog (OPAC) allows you to search :

A. Only the collection of Plover Library at the Santa Rosa campus

B. Only the collection of Mahoney Library at the Petaluma campus

C. Both library collections of both campuses

D. All books published in the USA


LIR30 Information Literacy for Research Projects 5340 Kathy Thornley Assignment One Spring 2006