Mahfouz Memorial Literature Singles: The Game of Fates


Packet by Ike

(Again Superpowers)

1.The stories in this collection feature a title character who “drives a brave trade with the fears of man,” Excellenza who talks with Bonnadonna after he designs the titular structure, and a narrator who wonders how to get to fairyland before talking to Marianna. Another story sees Oberlus living on Hood’s Island in a work about the Rock [►] Rondo Tower after encountering some tortoises. Other stories in this collection sees Babo’s head impaled on a stick and focuses on an insurrection by African Americans against Alexandro Aranda, while the most famous work sees the replacement of Nippers and Turkey work at a Dead Letter Office before preferring not to eat and dying. For ten points, name this story collection containing “The Enchanted Isles,” “Benito Cereno,” and “Bartleby the Scrivener,” written by Herman Melville.
ANSWER: The Piazza Tales
2.The protagonist of this novel uses butter as lotion for her skin and takes a daffodil to press under a mattress. One character in this work might be Frederick Waterford or Frederick Judd, and this novel is framed as a bunch of [►] cassette tapes found in Maine by Pieixoto. One character stays with Quakers before becoming a prostitute at Jezebel’s. The protagonist learns about the phrase “Don’t Let the bastards grind you down,” during Scrabble, and this work that features the secret police The Eyes of God sees the protagonist threatened to clean up toxic waste in the Colonies if she is unable to produce babies, which will entail a label of unwoman. For ten points, name this tale about the Republic of Gilead focusing on Offred, a feminist dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood.
ANSWER: The Handmaid’s Tale
3.One character in this play has a diary detailing how he urinated all over St. Mark’s Cathedral, and he talks about getting tons of red herrings from cheese vendors. This play ends with the text asking the audience to show their appreciation by clapping, and it is dedicated to [►] both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. A hermaphrodite in this play has the soul of Pythagoras, while a eunuch has no lines and is named Castrone. Its other characters include Peregrine and Lady Politic Would Be. The title character wants Celia and dresses as Count of Montebank to woo her, and Bonario tries to punish the title character, who ends up being punished with Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino. For ten points, name this play about the assistant of Mosca, a Venetian foxy fellow written by Ben Jonson.
ANSWER: Volpone
4.The protagonist is intrigued by a German translation of The Egyptian Book of the Dead and visits the Autumn Harvest Farms after Adele helps out with a disappearance. One character wants to set a world record by sitting in a cage with [►] poisonous snakes for as long as possible, while one of the protagonist’s sons plays chess with Tommy Roy Foster. Murray Siskind really likes Elvis in this novel that features the protagonist teaching about Adolf Hitler at the College-On-The-Hill. The second part of this novel sees a derivative of Nyodene D. released into the air, causing Heinrich and Babette to panic as they evacuate.For ten points, name this novel featuring an airborne toxic event and the drug Dylar, focusing on Jack Gladney, written by Don Delillo.
ANSWER: White Noise
5.One of this author’s novels begins with the protagonist offering up the family pony to the King of Denmark and moving to Utah because of Mormons, only to find out that Steinar doesn’t like Mormons. In another work, Bui Arland has an affair with the protagonist while the Prime Minister negotiates to sell her home country to Americans. In addition to Paradise Reclaimed and The Atom Station, this author wrote about the lover of Garoar Holm in his novel about the resident of Brekkukot, Alfgrimur, in his The [►] Fish Can Sing. In another work, Asta Sollilja is the daughter of a man who really wants to farm sheep, Bjartur of Summerhouses. For ten points, name this author of Independent People who is definitely the most famous Icelandic author out there.
ANSWER: Haldor Laxness
6.One of this man’s characters can’t suicide at a canal because a sign tells him that suicides are not allowed, while one of his plays features a man who offers his body to function like a cow after it is known he likes the title clothing only women wear. In addition to writing about weird stuff in Inventions by R62 and The Great Stockings, he wrote of Hippie Boy and Hippie Girl sniffing glue when a man and woman from hell appear shortly after in his play The Man Who Turned into a Stick. Another work details preparations being made in view of ICT 1's prediction by turning fetuses into [►] aquans, and yet another depicts a man that is left in a house of sand after collecting bugs. For ten points, name this author of Inter Ice Age 4 who wrote about Niki Jumpei in The Woman in the Dunes.
ANSWER: Kobo Abe or Kimifusa Abe

7.One author with this last name wrote about Lambert Simnel vying for power with the titular pretender of the throne in his Perkin Warbeck, while another author with this last wrote about Amoreuse pursued by Mr. Sorrel, who goes into the Middle Ages after a train crash and falls in love with the title character in Lady [►] Whose Bright Eyes One drama written by a person with this last name showed the title character choosing Soranzo for marriage, even though she wants her brother Giovanni. EdwardAshburnham is the title character in a novel by a person with this last name, and it focuses on Florence and John Dowell.For ten points, give this last name shared by the author of Tis Pity She’s a Whore, and a collaborator with Joseph Conrad on The Inheritors, who wrote Parade’s End and The Good Soldier.
ANSWER: Ford (take John Ford or Ford Madox Ford)
8.This author that analyzed the Cottingley photographs depicted Cyrus Headley at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in The Maracot Deep. He described Abercrombie Smith reviving an Egyptian mummy in Lot no. 249, and Alleyne Edricson is the subject of his The [►] White Company. This author depicted how the title Hussar slew the brothers of Ajaccio in a work about Etienne Gerard. This man wrote about Enid in his The Land of Mist, which is followed by The Disintegration Machine and When the World Screamed in his works about Professor Challenger, The Lost World series. This man’s novel about Molly Maguires, the Valley of Fear sees the appearance of Sebastian Moran’s master, Professor Moriarity. For ten points, name this man who created Sherlock Holmes.
ANSWER: Arthur Conan Doyle
9.In one of this author’s works, the earth is created by an imperfect being descended from a self-perceived perfect creature, leading Demiurgos to be subjected to Demogorgon’s wit. In a novel, Setoc is the owner of the title character who loses an eye and is unable to marry Semire, but ends up marrying a woman sold to Ogul from Abrogad, Astarte. In a story, this author depicted a man from Saturn and his friend from [►] Sirius visiting the planet Earth, the latter of which is the title giant. In another work, this author created a character that calls Paradise Lost a rambling commentary on the first book of Genesis. In addition to “Plato’s Dream,” Zadig, and “Micromegas,” the title character is accompanied by Cacambo and Cunegonde in another work. For ten points, name this author of Candide.
ANSWER: Voltaire or Francois-Marie Arouet
10.This man’s more bizarre works include the screenplay for A Trip to the Moon and the line “Hear my smashed blood review the violins,” in Sonnets of Dark Love. Half a decade before his death, he wrote about two lovers one of which smokes a cigar for the entire play without talking, and in another work the title creature is loved by a cockroach. In addition to When Five Years Pass and The [►] Butterfly’s Evil Spell, this man wrote about Pepe el Romano being courted by Anguistas, a daughter of the title character. Another play sees Death appear as an old beggar woman and the moon as a character. That play also sees the bride loved by Leonardo and begins with a description of the Mother’s past. For ten points, name this author of Yerma, The House of Bernarda Alba, and Blood Wedding.
ANSWER: Federico Garcia Lorca
11.In one of this man’s works, a supplicant and a king’s housekeeper exit through the door of decisions to search for the title place, while in another Tertuliano Afonso watches a video that stars someone who looks exactly like him. In addition to The Tale of the Unknown Island, and The [►] Double, this author wrote about a shepherd masquerading as the devil, and he titled a novel after a heteronym of Fernando Pessoa. In addition to The Gospel According to Jesus Christ and The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, this author showed a doctor’s wife feigning illness to comfort her husband and the girl with the dark glasses being subjected to pure white. Another novel describes a landmass being formed from the Iberian Peninsula. For ten points, name this author of The Stone Raft and Blindness, the only Portuguese author to date who has won the Nobel Prize.
ANSWER: Jose Saramago
12.This author whose essays were recently collected into Havanas in Camelot wrote about Cass and Peter Leverett committing lots of murder in a town featuring Luigi the policeman and showed Dolly Bonner as the girlfriend of the husband of Helen, Milton, which factors into [►] Peyton Loftis’s decision to commit suicide. In addition to writing about Mason Flagg, the title woman of another of this author’s novels has a daughter named Eva and is in love with Nathan Landau in this author’s novel narrated by Stingo that focuses on Ms. Zawistowska. In a 1968 Pulitzer winner, the lawyer Thomas Gray listens to the title character. For ten points, name this author of Set This House on Fire and Lie down in Darkness, the memoirist of Darkness Visible who also wrote Sophie’s Choice and The Confessions of Nat Turner.
ANSWER: William Styron
13.One author from this country wrote a novel set at Hopfer’s, entitled The Doll, and the historical novel Pharaoh. Another author from here wrote The Land of Ulro and described Delta, the Troubadour in his The Captive Mind. One Nobel Laureate from here said “Many shaky answers have been given to this question,” in her “Some [►] Like Poetry.” Another author from this country wrote about the Basia and Zangloba in his Fire in the Steppe. In another work from this country, Tigellinus clashes with Petronius in a work about Calina, the daughter of the Ligians, whom Marcus Vinicius loves. For ten points, The Deluge, With Fire and Sword, and Quo Vadis were written by Henryk Sienkiewicz, who is from what country?
ANSWER: Poland
14.[Note to moderator: Heavily emphasize the first two words, “THIS POEM”]
This poem is by far the most famous work of the author of the horrible collection Words for the Hour and a novel about Laurence who learns from Paternus he is a hermaphrodite. One entity in this work uses the “soul of [►] wrong [as] his slave,” and argues “the world shall be his foot stool.” This work imagines “in the beauty of lilies, Christ was born across the sea,” and that “he is honor to the brave,” in addition to being “wisdom to the mighty.” The narrator has “read a fiery Gospel writ in burnished rows of steel,” after being able to “read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps.” It notes that the Lord is “trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,” and that “he hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword.” For ten points, the truth is marching on, and “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah,” are phrases used in what Julia Ward Howe poem?
ANSWER: The Battle Hymn of the Republic (if someone is confused on the 1st line, prompt on Julia Ward Howe)
15.One character in this work sings while she is on fire, while a woman in this work is accused of standing on a parapet, transforming into a pure white swan and back. Wamba provides a priestly disguise for the title character’s father. This novel that has a character named [►] Ulrica sees Aymer pay a fine and Waldemar Fitzurse being banished. Lucas de Beaumanoir presides over a trial in this novel that sees Maurice de Bracy kidnapping a woman and Reginald Front de Boeuf kidnapping a Jew for gold. The title character wins a contest at Ashby-de-la-Zouche as “The disinherited knight,” in this work that sees characters taken to Torquilstone, where Richard the Lion-Hearted as the Black Knight rescue Cedric the Saxon and his son Wilfred. For ten points, name this Sir Walter Scott romance whose other characters include Lady Rowena and Robin Hood.
ANSWER: Ivanhoe
16.One lawyer in this novel has a “sacred rage,” while another character responds to all nonsensical things with “Oh, oh, oh!” In the ninth book, the protagonist imagines himself in a sunken boat, and he had failed [►] Gloriani’s test to see if he blends into society. The protagonist confides in Bilham and meets an associate of Mamie at the Notre Dame Cathedral, which gives him the resolve to ignore a telegram telling him to return home, prompting Sarah Pocock to come to Europe. The protagonist travels with Mr. Waymarsh to serve in the title occupation for his beloved. For ten points, name this Henry James novel which sees Madame de Vionnet supposedly poisoning the culture of Chad Newsome, which prompts a rescue by Lewis Lambert Strether.
ANSWER: The Ambassadors
17.The title character exposes his grandfather's smuggling and falls in love with de Saverne in one of this author’s works. He also wrote about Lord Spinachi rescuing Queen Rosalba of Crim Tatar with Giglio and Bulbo. In addition to Denis Duval and the The Rose and the Ring, this author wrote about Arthur joining Parliament and marrying [►] Laura Bell. In another work, the neighbor of George Washington enlists into the French and Indian War and sees his brother Harry marrying Fanny Mountain. In addition to The History of Pendennis and The Virginians, this author also wrote a tale about George Osborne marrying Amelia Sedney before William Dobbin does in a novel about Becky Sharp, whose subtitle notes it has no hero. For ten points name this author of Vanity Fair.
ANSWER William MakepeaceThackeray
18.One part of this book uses an image of “the son of fire in his eastern cloud,” and “the flaming hair, shot like the sinking sun into the Western Sea.” In addition to “A Song of Liberty” at the end of this work, it also imagines a “Dragon-Man, clearing away the rubbish from a cave’s mouth,” and the advice “the busy bee has no time for sorrow,” and “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom” are some proverbs found in one of the title locales. This work also praises [►] “Energy as Eternal Delight,” and many of this work’s sections are called “A Memorable Fancy.” Featuring the repeated voice of Satan, Aldous Huxley borrowed used the phrase Doors of Perception from this book to title a work of his. For ten points, name this William Blake book named for two opposite afterlifes.
ANSWER: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
19.One author from this country wrote the collection The Sunken Oboe and Water and Earth, while another wrote the seminal collection Cuttlefish Bones. In addition to members of this country’s [►] Hermetic movement, it is also home to the Twilight Poets and the poets of the Sweet New Style. In one poem from this country’s literature, Clorinda joins the army to combat some infidels in Jerusalem Delivered. One poet from here wrote about his love in “My Secret,” and about Hannibal and Carthage in the epic Africa. For ten points, name this country home to two poets that adapted the Roland story, as well as an author that wrote extensively about Laura and is the namesake of a poetic form consisting of an octet and sestet.
20.This author wrote about soldiers cutting off the strings of their cap heads to prevent a suicide in his Tethered Steed and the Eight Provinces of the East. In one work by this author, Oyodo is a sadist and forces Yoshiteru to kill other women for her pleasure, while in another story, Umewaka dies at the title location even though Hanjo and Matsuwaka are reunited. In addition to [►]Lovers Pond in Settsu Province, and Twins at Sumida River, Donald Keene heavily worked to make his The Courier for Hell andGonza the Lancer accessible. This author is also known for writing about a woman that shoves her lover under a porch and uses her feet to communicate in a play that ends with a double suicide at Sonezaki. For ten points, name this foremost Japanese dramatist of the 17th century.
ANSWER: Chikamatsu Monzaemon