This is a notice of a Regular Session of The Board of Trustees of The Bartlett Independent School District
Date: November 20, 2013
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Bartlett I.S.D. Cafeteria
I. Call to Order
1. Invocation
2. Pledges
II. Roll Call
III. First Order of Business:
1. Recognition of the Bartlett Bulldog Football Team Advancing to the Playoffs
2. Public Audience
IV. Information Items:
1. Principal’s Report
a. Accountability Data
2. Superintendent’s Report
a. Facilities & Major Expenditures
V. Action Items:
1. Review Letters of Interest for Vacant Board Member Position
2. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Replacing Board Member
3. Administer Oath of Office to Newly Appointed Board Member
4. Reconstitution of Board of Trustees
5. Approve Consent Items:
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Approval of Payment of Bills
c. Approval of Budget Amendments
6. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Casting Votes for Appraisal District Board
7. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to TEA Waivers for Staff Development and Early
Release Days
8. Discuss & Consider & Possible Approval of Resolution for TASB Media Honor Roll
9. Approval of Public Reporting of Highly Qualified Teachers
10. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Team of 8 Training
11. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Setting Date for Future Board Meetings
VI. Executive Session:
1. Discuss & Consider Personnel
a. Discuss & Consider Superintendent’s Evaluation
b. Discuss & Consider Certification Issues
2. Consultation with Attorney Concerning Pending Matters
VII. Action Items
1. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Items Listed Under Executive Session
a. Discuss & Consider & Possible Action in Regard to Superintendent’s Evaluation
b. Discuss & Consider Certification Issues
VIII. Adjourn
Posted this date Friday, November 15, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act (Subchapters D and E of Ch. 551, Tex. Gov’t Code), the board may enter closed meeting to deliberate any subject authorized by Subchapter D that is listed on the agenda for this meeting. Any final action, decision, or vote on a subject deliberated in closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
The meeting will be held in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act [42U.S.C. 12101 (1991)]. The facility where the meeting is to be held is wheelchair-accessible, and handicapped parking is available. Request for sign interpretive services are available upon request received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To make arrangements for those or other handicapped services, please call (254) 527-4247.
Bartlett ISD Superintendent
*NOTE: Agenda items do not have to be taken in same order as shown on this meeting notice.