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2009 – 2013


Mr John Smith

91 Knockmany Road


BT76 0XT


Mrs H Coulter


Carntall Primary School


Rev R Campbell

Mrs S Fleming

Mr A Gervais

Mr J Smith


Mrs H McKeown


Mr Adrian Gervais

7 Mullybaney Road


BT76 0XP


Mr O Clingen

Mrs E Trimble


Mrs J Bell

Mrs L Robinson


Mrs H Coulter (Non-Voting Member)



Mrs H Coulter Yr 6/7 - Principal

Mrs K Clements Yr 4/5 - Assistant Teacher

Mrs H McKeown Yr 3 - Assistant Teacher

Mrs L Ferguson Yr 1/2 - Assistant Teacher

Mr Johnston Yr 3 - Temporary Assistant Teacher

Mrs S Wilson P6/7 - Assistant Teacher (Friday)

Mr S Dinsmore - Peripatetic Brass Tutor


Miss J Agnew Classroom Assistant

Mrs A Brush Special Needs Classroom and Domestic Assistant

Mrs C Clements Special Needs Classroom and Domestic Assistant

Mrs J Farrell Classroom Assistant

Mrs H Gervais Classroom Assistant

Mrs S Kyle Building Supervisor

Mrs W Smith Clerical Assistant

Principal’s Review of the 2013/14 School Year

The 2013/14 school year commenced in September with the ETi inspection which reported that “the quality of education provided by this school is very good. The school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children.” Governors and staff are encouraged and proud of the Inspection Report.

There were 73 pupils enrolled. Eight pupils entered Year One in September and ten pupils transferred in June. Seven went to Fivemiletown College, one to Omagh Academy, one to Aughnacloy College and one to Cookstown High School. The average attendance for the school year was 96.8%. Pupils made good progress commensurate with their ability and those with special educational needs were identified early and received an education which targeted their individual needs.

Pupil success was celebrated on an ongoing basis throughout the school year with our Pupil of the Week and Pupil of the Month awards. A large number of awards and prizes were distributed at Prize Giving in June. Medals and trophies were presented to Sports Day and House Points winners and certificates were given for Reading, Maths and ICT Challenges, the Heartstart First Aid programme, Cycling Proficiency, Swimming and Full Attendance. Perpetual Cups and Trophies were awarded to pupils for progress, neat work and citizenship as well as those with particular abilities and aptitudes in Music, Drama, Art and Design, Science and Technology, Religious Education, the World Around Us and First Aid.

The Eco-Schools programme at the school moved forward. The school grounds were enhanced with fixed play equipment while new daffodils added colour in the spring. Break time snacks were standardised across the school and adhered to the new Food Policy from DE. Through curriculum-based projects and assemblies, all pupils became increasingly aware of how our actions impact on the environment both locally and globally. In recognition of all this work, we received our Silver Award.

Class Councils and a whole School Council were set up for the first time. They met regularly throughout the year, providing a channel through which pupils’ views could be heard and discussed. The School Council organised a number of events to raise money for charity and school funds. Pyjama Day, the Christmas Card Competition and Film Night added interest and enjoyment to the school year.

Advances were made in ICT with the introduction of i-pads for pupil use, purchased from school funds. A new computer network was installed in January. These developments serve to provide pupils with the latest technology to support their learning.

A carefully organised and structured programme of school trips was organised to support the curriculum. Pupils participated in swimming at Fivemiletown College, visited the Ulster American Folk Park, Oxford Island, the Marble Arch Caves, the Waterfront Hall at Christmas and, of course, the highly popular and successful Year 6 and 7 trip to York in May.

Other memorable events from the 2013/14 school year included the Year 1-3 performance of ‘Sparkle’ and the Year 4-7 production of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ at Christmas. These along with Prize Giving and Sports Day in June were well attended by parents and friends of the school.

An extensive programme of extra-curricular activities was offered to all pupils in each of the three terms. Tag rugby, hockey, netball, football, cricket, Scottish dancing, Bible Club, orienteering, choir, French and art were well supported by pupils and skills improved as a result.

Year 6 and 7 pupils took part in a programme funded by the Police and Community Safety Partnership with St Macartan’s Primary School from Clogher. Activities involved team building and celebrating diversity organised by the Speedwell Trust and a workshop organised by the PSNI.

The school continued to take an active role in the local community. Year 6 and 7 pupils took gifts of flowers and fruit to the local Day Care Centre and to St Macartan’s Nursing Home after our Harvest Celebration. Our musical entertainment was well received by the residents. The choir participated in the Community Carol Service. An extensive range of pupil work including poetry, handwriting, storywriting, art and technology received numerous prizes at the Clogher Valley Show. The Little Cup was presented to the school for the most points in the girls’ section and one pupil received the Adam Lambert Cup for Handwriting.

Parents, as partners in the process of education, were central to the year’s work. Parents were invited to attend an interview with the teacher once each term, Year One parents attended a meeting with the class teacher in June while parents were provided with information about how they could assist their children in reading, spelling, and mathematics. The ‘November Nights’ event at Blessingbourne was a great success. Parents took part in the Sponsored Walk at Knockmany in June.

In conclusion, I would like to thank parents for supporting the school as we continue to provide the first class education which our pupils deserve. I want to express my appreciation to the teaching and non-teaching staff for your devotion to the pupils and the work of the school throughout the year. Thanks are due to the outgoing Board of Governors, who has faithfully met over the last four years to consider important issues and make significant decisions relating to the school.

Outturn Statement 2013-2014
Cumulative Cash Forward / 31,376.00 / Staff and Running Costs / 275,937.00
Balance Allocation / 268,807.00 / Cumulative Cash Forward / 24,246.00
£300,183.00 / £ 300,183.00
Current A/c 2013 - 2014
Balance / 782.70 / Book Fair / 707.08
Book Fair / 707.08 / C V S Individual Prize Money / 81.00
C V S individual prize money / 81.00 / Data Protection / 35.00
C V S class prize money / 7.00 / SELB: Instrumental Tuition / 896.00
Postage Refund / 147.61 / I pads / 1465.73
Instrumental Tuition / 900.00 / Fence (pond) / 99.00
Entrance Test Resources and Photocopying / 136.00 / Play Equipment / 1000.00
Sale of recorders / 76.50 / Goal Posts / 150.00
Sale of pens / 21.55 / Entrance Test Resources / 34.90
Extra Curricular Activities / 1,823.00 / Christmas Plays expenses / 109.70
PJ Day / 183.17 / Lyons Digital / 336.00
Jack and the Beanstalk (School Funds) Tickets / 495.00 / Youth Sport - Swimming / 414.00
Jack and the Beanstalk DVD / 430.00 / Youth Sport - Swimming certificates / 36.00
Jack and the Beanstalk costumes / 122.00 / Waterfront (£83 deposit paid June 2013) / 502.00
Sparkle / 335.00 / Eurocoach (Waterfront) / 460.00
York Trip / 6,140.65 / Crisps / 12.00
Red Day BHF / 92.00 / Christmas Dinner, Waterfront Trip, Anc Staff / 27.00
Sponsored Walk / 1,633.10 / York Trip / 6140.00
Web Sponsorship / 90.00 / Open Day Expenses / 25.00
TEAR Fund / 32.75 / Christmas Presents-Kitchen/Santa / 19.00
Christmas Card Competition / 48.00 / Santa Suit / 29.50
Payment for book / 4.00 / First Aid / 32.90
Money found / 5.20 / Clogher Valley Show / 108.00
Sports Day / 59.00 / Postage / 123.30
Swimming / Athletics / 414.00 / Extra Curricular Activities / 1634.75
Swimming Certificates / 36.00 / Ulster Hockey / 15.00
Making a Difference Locally / 300.00 / Tri County Sports / 30.00
Cash for Clobber / 380.00 / Daffodil Bulbs / 27.99
Film Night / 146.33 / Blessingbourne / 30.00
Wedding Present (Miss J Agnew) / 172.50 / W Stockdale (Shelving) / 54.06
Clogher Valley Show Entries / 97.00 / British Heart Foundation / 92.00
Snacks / 4,337.50 / Fluffy Meringue / 112.60
Boiler, Teapot, CD Player / 388.18 / TEAR Fund / 32.75
Uncashed cheque / 11.50 / Dawsons Music / 89.21
Waterfront / 1,095.00 / Playground balls / 27.98
Velcro / 8.75
CD Player / 279.00
Boiler/Tea Pot / 109.18
Girls' Day / 42.33
OHS Trophies / 37.50
Presents (Miss J Agnew) / 172.50
Snacks / 4476.18
ICT / 33.35
Prize Giving / Gift / 39.30
Trip - 25 June 2014 / 9.47
Maths / 19.74
Balance / 1513.57
£ 21,730.32 / £21,730.32
Snack A/c 2013 - 2014
Balance / 127.47 / Snacks / 3809.21
2013/14 money from children / 4,337.50 / Goody Bags (Waterfront) / 146.00
Balance / 11.21 / Literacy/Blessingbourne / 22.11
Trophies / 33.33
Zoolab / 165.00
Toasters / 33.98
Trips: Year 1, - 3 Oxford Island / 72.80
Year 3, UAFP / 46.66
Year 4/5, Marble Arch Caves / 80.00
Year 6/7, UAFP / 67.09
£ 4,476.18 / £ 4,476.18
Staff Development SEN / 26-Aug-13
Staff Development ICT / 27-Aug-13
Staff Development Website / 28-Aug-13
Staff Development Numeracy / 29-Aug-13
Staff Development Classrm prep / 30-Aug-13
New Term Begins / 02-Sep-13
Year 1 Parents' Meeting / 11-Sep-13
Governors' Meeting / 13-Sep-13
Extra-Curricular Activities commence / 17-Sep-13
Eti Inspection / 18-19 Sep 13
Governors' Meeting / 18-Sep 13
Book Fair / 23-26 Sep 13
Governors' Meeting / 24-Sep-13
CRED Training Mrs Coulter / 24-Sep-13
Yr 6 Flu Vaccination / 11-Oct-13
Nov Nights Reading Challenge Blessingbourne / 22-Oct-13
Harvest Celebration & Visit to Older People / 23-Oct-13
Book Character Day Year 6-7 / 24-Oct-13
Daffodil Bulb Planting / 24-Oct-13
Pyjama Day / 25-Oct-13
Staff Development Literacy / 28-29 Oct 13
Half-term Holiday / 30 - 1 Nov 13
Parent/Teacher Interviews / 11-13 Nov 13
Football Tri County / 19-Nov-13
Governors' Meeting / 21-Nov-13
Internet Awareness Parents' Meeting / 21-Nov-13
Governors' Meeting / 25-Nov-13
Sparkle Year 1-3 performance / 03-Dec-13
Whole School Trip to Waterfront - Little Red Riding Hood / 04-Dec-13
Community Carol Service, Clogher / 05-Dec-13
Open Day / 13-Dec-13
P3 Trip to Clogher PO / 17-Dec-13
Jack and the Beanstalk Yr 4-7 performance / 18-19 Dec 13
Christmas Party / 20-Dec-13
Term Ends / 20-Dec-13
Staff Development SEN / 2-3 Jan 13
Term Begins / 06-Jan-13
Governors' Meeting / 06-Jan-13
Governors' Meeting / 09-Jan-13
Extra-Curricular Activities commence / 14-Jan-13
Teambuilding with St Macartan's / 16-Jan-13
Football Tri County / 24-Jan-13
Activity Day A'cloy College / 29-Jan-13
Child Prot. Training - Governors / 29-Jan-13
Netball Tri County / 07-Feb-13
Parent/Teacher Interviews / 10-12 Feb 13
Project with St Macartan's / 13-Feb-13
Ramp up the Red Day / 14-Feb-13
Half-Term Holiday / 16-17 Feb 13
Parents' Meeting / 20-Feb-13
Governors' Meeting / 20-Feb-13
PSNI Workshop / 05-Mar-13
Zoolab Visit / 05-Mar-13
Governors' Meeting / 07-Mar-13
Genevieve Visit Cancer Focus / 14-Mar-13
Bank Holiday / 17-Mar-13
Netball Blitz Tri County / 19-Mar-13
Hockey Tournament / 19-Mar-13
Tag Rugby Tournament / 20-Mar-13
Cash for Clobber / 27-Mar-13
Year 6/7 Trip Ulster American Folk Park / 03-Apr-13
Year 3 Trip Ulster American Folk Park / 08-Apr-13
Football and Netball Fivemiletown / 10-Apr-13
Talk by Dairy Council / 11-Apr-13
Easter Assembly / 11-Apr-13
Staff Development ICT / 14-Apr-13
Term Begins / 28-Apr-13
Swimming P6/7 commences / 30-Apr-13
Bank Holiday / 05-May-13
P6/7 Trip to York / 6-9 May 13
Extra-Curricular Activities commence / 12-May-13
P1/2 Minibeast Hotel Workshop / 21-May-13
P1-3 Trip to Oxford Island / 22-May-13
Governors' Meeting / 22-May-13
Bank Holiday / 26-May-13
Parent/Teacher Interviews / 04-Jun-13
Induction P1 / 06-Jun-13
P4/5 Trip to Marble Arch Caves / 13-Jun-13
Sponsored Walk / 16-Jun-13
Sports Day / 18-Jun-13
Activity Day A'cloy College / 20-Jun-13
Bible Club CEF / 23-27 Jun 13
Issue of Annual Progress Reports / 24-Jun-13
Taster Morn. Omagh Academy / 24-Jun-13
Prize Giving / 25-Jun-13
Film Night / 26-Jun-13
Governors' Meeting / 26-Jun-13
Term Ends / 27-Jun-13