Daniela Giordano & Jan Pajak
"Pyramid of thoughts"
Treatise, Timaru, New Zealand, 2000
ISBN 0-9583727-1-3
Copyright © 2000 by Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak.
All rights reserved. No part of this treatise may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from an author or a person legally authorized to act on his/her behalf. From the obligation of getting a written permission are only released those who would like to prepare a single copy of this treatise for their personal use oriented towards the increase of their knowledge and who fulfil the condition that they will not use the copy prepared for any professional purpose or for accomplishing material gains, and also that they copy the entire treatise - including the title page, the content pages, all chapters, all Figures, and all enclosures.
National Library of New Zealand Legal Deposit number 1877/2041 dated 18/8/00.
A private edition by the authors. Published in Timaru, New Zealand, in three languages: English, Italian, & Polish.
Date of the latest amendment of this volume and copy: 23 November 2002. (Note that in case of having access to several copies of this monograph, it is recommended to read the copy which has the latest date of amendment.)
This treatise is available from Internet through addresses: totalizm.20m.com, totalizm.20fr.com, totalism.50megs.com, morals.t35.com, truenirvana.20m.com, telekinesis.50megs.com, and propulsion.20m.com. It can also be accessed through links from the following web sites: http://www.ufo-album.prv.pl, http://private.freepage.de/totalizm, http://www.northpoint.prv.pl, nirwana.terramail.pl, ufonauci.w.interia.pl, evil.0me.com, newzealand.0me.com, pigs.20fr.com, prawda.20m.com, and prawda.20fr.com.
This treatise is a scientific report from results of the authors' research. For this reason all parts which have documentary or evidential value are presented accordingly to standards applicable for scientific publications (reports). Special attention is given to the requirement of repetitiveness, i.e. that on the basis of this treatise any professional scientist or hobby investigator who would like to verify, repeat, or extend the authors' research should be able to recreate their work and arrive at very similar results and conclusions.
The content of this publication [7/2e] extends information provided in the following treatise [7e]:
Giordano D. i Pajak J.: "Story of one pyramid". Treatise, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1995,
ISBN 0-9597946-5-4, 50 pages - in this 2 illustrations;
and also supplements theories and evidence provided in the following monograph [1/4e]:
Pajak J., "Advanced magnetic devices", Monograph, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2004,
ISBN 0-9583727-5-6, around 1800 pages - in this around 120 illustrations and 7 tables, in 18 volumes.
All correspondence to authors of this treatise can be directed to:
Mrs Daniela Giordano
Antonio Veneziano, 120
90138 Palermo (Sicily)
Home tel.: +39 (91) 21-42-24, E-mail: <>;
or to: Dr Jan Pajak
P.O. Box 33250
Petone 6340
Home tel. (2004): +64 (4) 56-94-820; E-mails: or .
ABSTRACT of the treatise "Pyramid of thoughts", ISBN 0-9583727-1-3
The primary reason for writing this treatise, was to provide inspiration and guidance to people who are willing to attempt the completion of a very important communication device called here the "telepathic pyramid", and to make available to these builders the complete knowledge accumulated so-far about this device - including the description of principles and phenomena that it utilises in the operation. The unusual attribute of the telepathic pyramid is that it is a gift for our civilisation from anonymous cosmic allies from stars who sympathise with the doomed fate of humanity and try to help us.
Unfortunately, the painful experience from the past indicate that all those enthusiasts who attempt the completion of the telepathic pyramid unexpectedly are enduring various obstacles, problems, and misfortunes, which in the final count make it very difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish a working prototype. As it was determined in the course of research, these oppressive events which are holding back the completion of the pyramid, are instigated by ... UFOnauts. Therefore additional topics which were needed to be included into the content of this treatise are: (1) to issue the warning to builders of this unusual device that numerous strange problems are approaching them, (2) to explain why UFOnauts are pilling all these countless obstacles and problems in front of everyone who attempts to complete this device, (3) to reveal how these obstacles are to be overcome, and (4) to realize why it is extremely important that in spite of all these oppressive actions of UFOnauts we should be very decisive in pursuing our efforts of successful completing this unusual telepathic device. Because of these additional topics, the careful reading of this treatise is recommended to all those people for whom the fate of our civilisation does matter, and who are interested in gaining a perspective view (although alternative to generally accepted) of various events which are taking place on our planet.
The major achievement of this treatise is that it clearly reveals the shocking fact of the occupation of Earth by an invisible cosmic invader and exploiter, popularly known as UFOs. It also reveals that there is a wealth of scientific evidence available which is capable to conclusively prove that this invisible occupation of Earth by a cosmic parasite is continued since our planet was populated with humans. Moreover, this treatise also reveals that there is available a strong evidence for the existence of another (totaliztic) cosmic civilisation, which sympathises with the doomed fate of humans on Earth, and which undertakes continuous, although anonymous, efforts to ally us in regaining our freedom. Because this another totaliztic civilisation is cut out from the physical access to Earth by warships of our occupant, one direction in which the efforts of these anonymous allies are going, is to send us "supplies of weapons". These supplies are simply descriptions (delivered via telepathic projectors) as how to build various technical devices which are to help us in our defence against the cosmic parasite. The telepathic pyramid described in chapter C of this treatise is only one example of numerous such weapon of defence which was supplied to us by our cosmic ally. This treatise reveals also the course of a silent battle to build this defence device on Earth, which was fought right from the moment it was supplied to us. Chapter D of this treatise explains the phenomena and principles on which the operation of this device is based. Also it documents that from the scientific point of view these principles are sound and valid, therefore also the technical completion of this device must be feasible. The treatise systematically presents relevant findings and evidence, providing all the required background theories and deductions. Also it illustrates what consequences the findings introduce for our civilisation. Therefore, if it ever becomes appropriate, every interested researcher could later either verify the evidence, theories, and deductions provided here, or extend them through his/her own research and experiments.
While presenting the topics of the telepathic pyramid, invisible occupation of Earth, and our self-defence from the cosmic parasite, this treatise indirectly answers also a whole array of very important questions which are uppermost in almost everyone's mind, for example: where humanity comes from, do we originate from apes or were created by God, when the first people arrived to Earth, did giants ever exist on Earth as the Bible says - and if so why we do not see their skeletons in museums, what actually are UFOs, why scientists are unable to make up their minds as to whether UFOs do exists at all, if UFOs do exist then why they never appear publicly and always are approaching people at nights as robbers and allow themselves to be seen only if no-one is around, why every type of evidence for the existence of UFOs is publicly denounced immediately after someone reveals it, is the universe populated by any other intelligent beings similar to people, if civilisations similar to people are populating the universe then do they have their own philosophical/religious/political systems and opponents, does our present technology allow to communicate with aliens who are sympathetic towards people, on what principle a device for communication with friendly aliens should be built and operate, etc., etc.
CONTENT of the treatise "Pyramid of thoughts", ISBN 0-9583727-1-3
Page Chapter
5 A. INTRODUCTION (by Jan Pajak)
7 A1. Why we need to address the problem of invisible occupation of Earth
17 A2. The contribution of Daniela
18 A3. Goals of this treatise
19 A4. History of this treatise
35 A5. Intellectual ownership of ideas presented in this treatise
36 A6. Principles adopted during writing this treatise
37 B1. The new Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and the connection between how tall we are and where we evolved
40 B1.1. Gigantic creatures of New Zealand and their evidential value
43 B2. An alternative history of the human race
54 B3. Invisible and silent war around us
58 B4. Moral laws
66 B5. Totalizm versus parasitism and our necessity to choose
71 B6. How to prove ourselves that we personally are exploited by cosmic parasites
74 B7. How to defend ourselves from the invisible cosmic parasite
77 C. A FANTASTIC ADVENTURE (by Daniela Giordano)
78 C1. My search for reassurance
79 C2. Preliminary experiments
79 C3. Constructing the first prototype
80 C4. Experiments with the first prototype
82 C5. The second prototype
85 C6. How the first treatise [7] "Story of one pyramid" was published
and what happened next
86 C7. The art of understanding alien descriptions
89 C8. The ancient use of mica in pyramids
91 C9. My experiments with Kirlian camera and how they could help in building the pyramid
96 C10. Further matters that should be considered in building the pyramid
97 C11. Coincidents
99 C12. Research
100 C13. The story of one pyramid goes on
101 C14. Literature referred to in this chapter
104 D1. Introductory discoveries and inventions
105 D1.1. The telekinetic battery
107 D1.1.1. Theory behind the telekinetic battery
109 D1.2. The remote mind reader
111 D2. The telepathic pyramid
112 D2.1. Phenomena employed in the telepathic pyramid
112 D2.1.1. Telepathic waves
114 D2.1.2. The Telekinetic Effect and telekinetic motion
117 D2.2. The main components of the telepathic pyramid
119 D2.3. The use of the telepathic pyramid as a telepathyser
120 D2.4. The operation of the telepathic pyramid as a telekinetic battery
123 D2.4.1. Modifications of the pyramid to be used as free energy devices
124 D2.5. The operation of the pyramid as a telepathyser
127 D2.6. How to contribute to the completion of the telepathic pyramid
128 D2.6.1. The recommended procedure of pyramid's completion
131 D2.6.2. To-date findings regarding the pyramid's technology
135 D2.7. Future applications of the telepathic pyramid
137 D3. Thought Recognition Interface (TRI)
137 D3.1. TRI of the first generation, and their applications
141 D3.2. TRI of the second generation, and their applications
144 D3.3. TRI of the third generation
146 D3.4. TRI of the fourth and higher generations
147 D4. UFOnauts system of communication and ways of blocking it
148 D5. The use of telepathic waves for formation of pictures
150 D5.1. Telepathic telescopes and microscopes
156 D5.1.1. Revealing devices
157 D5.1.2. How our cosmic parasites look like
158 D5.2. Telepathic projectors
and two-directional visual communication at intergalactic distances
162 D6. Final comment
163 E. INTERPRETATIONS (by Jan Pajak)
167 F. CONCLUSIONS (by Jan Pajak)
170 Mrs Daniela Giordano
171 Dr Jan Pajak
Fig. A1. The Magnocraft.
Fig. A2. Various flying arrangements and configurations formed by magnocraft.
Fig. A3. Scorch marks left on the ground by landed UFOs.
Fig. A4. The eastern edge of the Tapanui crater where UFO vehicles exploded in 1178 AD.
Fig. A5. Examples of underground tunnels evaporated in rocks by UFOs.
Fig. B1. The 550 million year-old imprint of human foot.
Fig. B2. An old church painting portraying the Crucifixion of Jesus supervised by UFOs.
Fig. C1. The little white being with blue eyes holding the pyramid.
Fig. C2. A photograph of the pyramid described here.
Fig. C3. The internal design of the pyramid described here.
Fig. D1. The electrical circuitry (connections) of the pyramid described here.
Fig. D2. A revealing device.
For those readers who are just beginning their review of this treatise, it is recommended that they start their reading from chapter C, then they read chapter D, and only after these they systematically study the remaining parts of this publication (including chapters A and B which provide the theoretical background and supporting evidence for facts stated in chapters C and D). This is because chapter C contains the basic description of the device named "telepathic pyramid", for the thorough presentation of which this treatise was written, while chapter D explains how this pyramid operates. The only reason why chapter C is not placed in the introductory part of this publication is that authors tried to comply with the traditional structure of scientific writing, which requires that the text of the narration follows the flow of the deductions, not the thread of the readers' interest, or the path of individual understanding.
Chapter A.
(by Dr Jan Pajak)
It took a lot of courage to write this treatise,
but it requires even more courage to read it.
Disclaimer: Although I limitlessly believe that every word that I wrote in this publication was true enough to justify the tough time, which according to my previous experience, I needed to go through to express such condemnable views, still this treatise presents only my personal opinion which in the process of verification may, or may not, turn to be true, and which from the scientific point of view is only an unproven hypothesis that I needed to present in order to subject it to scrutiny and consideration of other researchers.
* * *
If we look backward, it was only in 1800s when the first railway networks were built. Before that time people used to do everything with their own muscles, or with muscles of domesticated animals. So, in around 200 years, we shifted from horses into space shuttles. Now let us consider what would happen if we are allowed to develop freely for a million years. It is easy to imagine that our technical capabilities will almost have no limits. For example we could have propelling devices which would be the size of grains of sand, and which would be inserted surgically into our bones. These devices not only would shift us instantly to any place we wish, but would also allow us to walk through windows, walls, aeroplane propellers, furniture, and all other types of solid or destructive barriers, without harming ourselves or damaging these barriers. The same miniature propelling devices would enable us to turn on our invisibility shields whenever we so wished, and to become invisible to the naked eye and to cameras. We would also have communication devices which would be inserted surgically into our brains and which would allow us the instant telepathic communication with others of our kind, as well as allow us to instantly hypnotise, erase memory, or put any telepathic command directly into the mind of all lower life forms, including less-developed humans. We would live in a noiseless spaceship which could shift us instantly and silently to any point of the universe that we could wish to see, as well as shift us in time to any point of the past or future that we would like to see or live through again. The above would represent only some of the countless technical capabilities that would be at our disposal in a million years time - if we are allowed to develop freely. (Now imagine how developed must be the civilisation whose member 550 million years ago made the imprint shown in Figure B1 - as even so long ago it already mastered interstellar travel and was able to plant new life on then-unfertile Earth!)