Northeastern Clinton

Facilitator: Suzanne Miller

Team Task

Team Task stated as a Question.

How do we re-vamp our aligned ELA curriculum for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades?

Revised Team Task stated as a Question

How do we update our ELA curriculum for 6th grade, and develop a template that can be utilized to update 7th and 8th grade?


Components of the Team Task

  1. Evaluate skills identified in the 100 Book Challenge reading program and the NYS English standards.
  2. Identify specific skills that need to be taught.
  3. Develop mini lessons.
  4. Discuss collection of data.

Revised Components of the Team Task

  1. Evaluate skills identified in the 100 Book Challenge reading program and the NYS ELA standards.
  2. Identify specific skills that need to be taught.
  3. Develop skill/strategy cards that will be added to the Skills Cards currently in use.
  4. Discuss/develop a follow thru plan that will identify how to use our 6th grade work as a template.

Graphic Organizer

First Graphic Organizer

Revised Graphic Organizer


First Checklist of things to be done to accomplish the Team Task

§  Identify Monthly Target Skills

§  Map out Target Skills across the year (September –June)

§  Develop Essential Questions for every month in 6th grade

§  Develop Sample Mini Lessons

o  Develop an exemplar and a template for future mini lesson development (for consistency)

§  Future Steps

o  Outline completed for a continuation of this work in the district.

Revised Checklist of things to be done to accomplish the Team Task

§  Evaluate existing aligned ELA curriculum and NYS ELA Standards and identify Monthly Target Skills (September –June)

§  Map Target Skills gleaned from the evaluation of the existing aligned ELA curriculum and NYS ELA Standards across the year (September-June)

§  Develop skill and Strategy Cards for the 100 Book Challenge Skills card “deck”.

§  Future Steps

o  Complete an outline for a continuation of this work in the district for grades 7 and 8.


Team: Northeastern Clinton Facilitator: Suzanne Miller



/ Criteria for a 3 / Criteria for a 2 / Criteria for a 1


/ All basic standards are covered. Written clearly, and cards are ready for publication / Many standards are covered, but the document is not in its entirety / Few standards are covered, and no cards are ready for publication


/ All strategic areas are covered in card format and ready for publication / Many strategy cards are complete / Few strategy cards are complete
CURRENT ACTIVITIES THAT SUPPORT STANDARDS / -All program portions are covered and included in the standards
-Many activities are woven into the mini lesson portion of the document
-Cards are ready for publication / -Most program portions are complete
-A few activities are included
-Cards are not ready for publication / -Few program portions are complete
-No activities are included
-Cards are not ready for publication


/ Outline completed for a continuation of work for grades 7 and 8 when in district / Outline started/partially completed for a continuation of work for grades 7 and 8 when in district / Outline not started for a continuation of work for grads 7 and 8 when in district


1. What is our follow through plan once we leave post-conference?

Steps to Take (chronological order) / Person (on team) Responsible / Target Date / Evidence of Success
Take our cards and share them with the other 6th grade team teachers for their review and consideration / Lori Harrigan / September 2008 / By the completion of the revised skill cards
Revise skill cards as appropriate per additional input / Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler / September 2008 / Copies of cards distributed to all teachers
Coordinate with principle to establish time for grades 7 and 8 teachers to revise and update skill cards using similar format / Lori Harrigan, Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler / September 2008 / - Meeting established between team members and principle
-Principle establish date(s)/time(s) for grades 7 and 8 teachers to work on this task
Long Term
Curriculum mapping for grades 6, 7, and 8 ELA Teachers / Lori Harrigan, Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler, Tom Brandell / Summer 2009 / A comprehensive team of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers to attend 2009 Constructivist Conference

2. Recommendations

§  Team prep for 7th and 8th grade

§  Teams for 7th and 8th grade

§  Use staff development day as a team building day

§  Group AIS ELA by ability not by grade/scheduling

§  Students in most need for improvement in the area of reading need to be focused on and set up in a more intensive targeted reading instruction (Wilson teaching?)