Northeastern Clinton
Facilitator: Suzanne Miller
Team Task
Team Task stated as a Question.
How do we re-vamp our aligned ELA curriculum for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades?
Revised Team Task stated as a Question
How do we update our ELA curriculum for 6th grade, and develop a template that can be utilized to update 7th and 8th grade?
Components of the Team Task
- Evaluate skills identified in the 100 Book Challenge reading program and the NYS English standards.
- Identify specific skills that need to be taught.
- Develop mini lessons.
- Discuss collection of data.
Revised Components of the Team Task
- Evaluate skills identified in the 100 Book Challenge reading program and the NYS ELA standards.
- Identify specific skills that need to be taught.
- Develop skill/strategy cards that will be added to the Skills Cards currently in use.
- Discuss/develop a follow thru plan that will identify how to use our 6th grade work as a template.
Graphic Organizer
First Graphic Organizer
Revised Graphic Organizer
First Checklist of things to be done to accomplish the Team Task
§ Identify Monthly Target Skills
§ Map out Target Skills across the year (September –June)
§ Develop Essential Questions for every month in 6th grade
§ Develop Sample Mini Lessons
o Develop an exemplar and a template for future mini lesson development (for consistency)
§ Future Steps
o Outline completed for a continuation of this work in the district.
Revised Checklist of things to be done to accomplish the Team Task
§ Evaluate existing aligned ELA curriculum and NYS ELA Standards and identify Monthly Target Skills (September –June)
§ Map Target Skills gleaned from the evaluation of the existing aligned ELA curriculum and NYS ELA Standards across the year (September-June)
§ Develop skill and Strategy Cards for the 100 Book Challenge Skills card “deck”.
§ Future Steps
o Complete an outline for a continuation of this work in the district for grades 7 and 8.
Team: Northeastern Clinton Facilitator: Suzanne Miller
/ Criteria for a 3 / Criteria for a 2 / Criteria for a 1STANDARDS CARDS
/ All basic standards are covered. Written clearly, and cards are ready for publication / Many standards are covered, but the document is not in its entirety / Few standards are covered, and no cards are ready for publicationSTRATEGY CARDS
/ All strategic areas are covered in card format and ready for publication / Many strategy cards are complete / Few strategy cards are completeCURRENT ACTIVITIES THAT SUPPORT STANDARDS / -All program portions are covered and included in the standards
-Many activities are woven into the mini lesson portion of the document
-Cards are ready for publication / -Most program portions are complete
-A few activities are included
-Cards are not ready for publication / -Few program portions are complete
-No activities are included
-Cards are not ready for publication
/ Outline completed for a continuation of work for grades 7 and 8 when in district / Outline started/partially completed for a continuation of work for grades 7 and 8 when in district / Outline not started for a continuation of work for grads 7 and 8 when in district4
1. What is our follow through plan once we leave post-conference?
Steps to Take (chronological order) / Person (on team) Responsible / Target Date / Evidence of SuccessTake our cards and share them with the other 6th grade team teachers for their review and consideration / Lori Harrigan / September 2008 / By the completion of the revised skill cards
Revise skill cards as appropriate per additional input / Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler / September 2008 / Copies of cards distributed to all teachers
Coordinate with principle to establish time for grades 7 and 8 teachers to revise and update skill cards using similar format / Lori Harrigan, Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler / September 2008 / - Meeting established between team members and principle
-Principle establish date(s)/time(s) for grades 7 and 8 teachers to work on this task
Long Term
Curriculum mapping for grades 6, 7, and 8 ELA Teachers / Lori Harrigan, Sherry Boire, Katie Pooler, Tom Brandell / Summer 2009 / A comprehensive team of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers to attend 2009 Constructivist Conference2. Recommendations
§ Team prep for 7th and 8th grade
§ Teams for 7th and 8th grade
§ Use staff development day as a team building day
§ Group AIS ELA by ability not by grade/scheduling
§ Students in most need for improvement in the area of reading need to be focused on and set up in a more intensive targeted reading instruction (Wilson teaching?)