Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Flexible Working Policy
To support staff who need an adjustment to their working arrangement to enable them to get a better balance between work and family life / 2 August 2016 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact on staff as staff with caring responsibilities have an opportunity to request a flexible working arrangement
2 / Smoking Policy
The aim of the Policy is to provide a smoke free environment and protect the health of everyone using the buildings of the College. / 26 August 2016 / No / This policy does not impact on any of the 9 equality categories
3 / Employee Domestic Abuse Policy
The aim of this policy is to:
•raise awareness of the effects of domestic abuse;
•provide support to staff experiencing domestic abuse; and
•ensure the North West Regional College provides a safe working environment for all staff. / 9 September 2016 / No / As the policy aims to provide all staff with an assurance that they will be supported in circumstances relating to domestic abuse, no equality issues were identified that warrant an EQIA
4 / Stress Policy
This policy aims to establish guidelines for managers and to encourage employees who are experiencing stress to seek assistance and receive advice and support they need when they need it. / 2 August 2016 / No / None – no impact as policy promotes equality on the grounds all Section 75 equality categories. The policy provides support and guidance to staff who are experiencing stress related problems
5 / Accessible Information Policy
The aim of the policy is to ensure that thought is given to providing information in a format appropriate to meeting a range of information needs / 22 August 2016 / No / Policy has no impact on any of the equality categories



Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Code of Conduct
The College is committed to certain standards of conduct expected in public life of employees in relation to any College business or activity in which they may be involved. This policy outlines the framework which sets appropriate standards relevant to the College’s vision, mission and values. / 8 June 2016 / No / This policy has no impact on the 9 equality categories.
2 / Freedom of Information
The Guidance highlights to the public the College’s commitment to make information available as part of its normal business activities / 31 May 2016 / No / No negative impact on all nine equality categories
3 / Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy (CEIAG)
To advise staff of NWRC’s commitment to provide a high quality information service which will enable staff, students, employers and enquiries to make informed choices about ways in which NWRC can meet their individual training and development needs / 1 June 2016 / No / No – Policy considers all equality categories to ensure no one is disadvantaged



Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Mental Health Policy
The aim of the policy is to promote positive mental health and to strive to identify and reduce / prevent potential risk to mental health of college employees / 18 August 2015 / No / None – no impact as policy promotes equality on the grounds of mental health disability.
2 / Volunteer Policy
The aim of this policy is to provide a clear framework to facilitate and support volunteering roles within the College.
The College is committed to involving volunteers in appropriate positions (both within the classroom setting and in support roles) and in ways which are encouraging, supportive and which develop volunteering. / 25 September 2015 / No / No negative impact as this policy will promote equality for all nine equality categories



Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Data Protection Policy
To protect the rights and privacy of individuals including staff, students and customers in accordance with the DPA 1998. This policy provides a framework for responsible behaviour by those using personal information. / 13 April 2015 / No / No adverse impact as policy outlines the legislative requirement in relation to personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Action 1998 and affects all staff/students, etc, equally.
2 / Waste Management Policy
The purpose of the policy is to present the College’s commitment to the protection of the environment through the implementation of an effective waste management programme that meets or exceeds all legislative and regulatory requirements placed on it. / 13 April 2015 / No / Policy has no impact on S75 categories.
3 / CCTV Policy Code of Practice
To provide guidance in the recording, processing and accessing of CCTV image. / 13 April 2015 / No / Policy has no impact on S75 categories.
4 / Credit Card Policy
The purpose of the policy is to define the policy pertaining to the use of the college credit card, provide guidance about the types of expenses that can be charged on the college credit card and describe each person’s responsibility in reporting and documenting expenses charged to the college credit card / 27 February 2015 / No / Policy has no impact on S75 categories.
5 / Conflict of Interest Policy
The objectives of this policy are to raise awareness with all staff and Governors about conflict of interest and to provide guidance for staff on the management of conflict of interest to ensure that staff and Governors are acting in the best interests of the College and its students at all times / 27 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories.
6 / Investment Policy
The aim of the policy is to provide the college management with specific guidelines on the investment of cash reserves / 27 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories
7 / Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures
The aim of this policy is to provide Governors, staff, visiting tutors and students with a process to facilitate the reporting of concerns of wrongdoing within the College and highlight the protection afforded to those who disclose concerns under the Disclosure Order / 27 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories
8 / Fraud Policy
To raise staff awareness of their responsibilities. To safeguard public resources against the risk of fraud. The policy outlines the college and staff’s responsibilities in relation to fraud and also outlines the fraud response plan. / 27 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories.
9 / Carer Leave for Support Staff
The Policy provides a framework for management to grant time off work to staff who are experiencing short term domestic difficulties such as those associated with the care of sick or elderly relatives and/or children of school age / 23 February 2015 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact on support staff as all those with caring responsibilities are able to request carers leave
10 / Dispute Resolution Grievance Procedure
To provide guidance involved in dealing with a grievance about any action by an employer that could form the basis for a complaint / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact
11 / Employee Domestic Violence Policy
The aim of this policy is to raise awareness of the affects of domestic violence and abuse; provide support to staff experiencing domestic violence and abuse; and ensure the College provides a safe working environment for all staff. / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact
12 / Policy on Photographic and other media images
The policy outlines College requirements regarding the taking, storage and usage of photographic and other media images / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact
13 / Social Events Policy
To ensure all staff are aware of the requirements to adhere to the standards of behaviour expected in the normal course of day to day employment at social events whether organised by the College or not. / 23 February 2015 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact.
14 / Workplace Alcohol Drugs and Substance Abuse Policy
The aim of the policy is to try to reduce and help prevent the incidence of alcohol, drugs and substance abuse related work impairment; and reduce the personal suffering of employees with drink, drugs and substance abuse problems and also the consequential effects on colleagues. / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the S75 categories
15 / Special Leave Policy
The aim of the policy is to recognise and regulate circumstances during the course of the working year which place staff in a situation where they may be required to seek approval to absent themselves from duty. It gives guidance on types of special leave available / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact
16 / Mental Health Policy
To promote positive mental health and to strive to identify and reduce /prevent potential risk to mental health of College employees / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact as policy promotes equality on the grounds of mental health disability.
17 / Breastfeeding Policy
To provide guidance on how to facilitate and support breastfeeding mothers in the workplace / 23 February 2015 / No / No impact
18 / Staff Development Policy
This policy outlines the framework within which the College’s commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities for all employees will be managed and supported / 23 February 2015 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact
19 / Health and Safety Policy
Present the College’s commitment to a healthy and safe working environment and to comply with relevant legislation / 4 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories
20 / Fire Safety Policy
The Policy ensures that College complies with all current legislation. It provides guidance on the management of the safe evacuation of all staff/students in the event of an emergency/fire. / 4 February 2015 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories



Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Data Protection Policy
To protect the rights and privacy of individuals including staff, students and customers in accordance with the DPA 1998. This policy provides a framework for responsible behaviour by those using personal information. / 13 January 2014 / No / No adverse impact as policy outlines the legislative requirement in relation to personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Action 1998 and affects all staff/students, etc, equally.
2 / Admissions and Enrolments Policy
To provide an admissions framework which ensures applicants access the course most appropriate to them, ensure that applicants are treated solely on the basis of their merits, ability and potential, thereby providing a fair and equitable procedure. / 13 January 2014 / No / Policy will ensure equality of opportunity regarding of Section 75 equality category.
3 / Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy 2013-16
This strategy outlines how the NWRC will use technology to achieve high quality learning and teaching and provide an environment that supports its staff, students and clients to reach their full potential. / 20 March 2014 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact
4 / Bribery Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
·  provide a clear statement that the College does not permit any form of
·  set out the responsibilities of the College, and of relevant persons
·  associated with it, in observing and upholding the College’s position on
·  bribery and corruption; and
·  provide information and guidance to on how to recognise and deal with
·  bribery and corruption issues / 18 August 2014 / No / No impact on any of the Section 75 equality categories


Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Learning Support Policy
To ensure that opportunities for Learning Support are provided to students with additional needs in a manner that is compliant with legislation and in accordance with the College commitment to equality and inclusion. / 8 July 2013 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact on students.
Number / Title of Policy / Brief Description of Policy / Date of Screening / EQIA
Yes / No / Reason for Screening Decision Taken /
1 / Carers’ Leave for Support Staff
To provide a framework for management to grant time off work to staff who are experiencing short-term domestic difficulties such as those associated with the care of sick or elderly relatives and/or children of school age / 12 June 2013 / No / Policy does not have any adverse impact on support staff as all those with caring responsibilities are able to request carers leave.