Job Title: Clinical Educator

Salary Band: Band N

Accountable to: Director of Care

Responsible for: Training and Development of the Care Team

Key Responsibilities:

·  To promote a culture of learning within the organisation.

·  Work with Director of Care and Care Team Managers to co-ordinate the training and development activities of hospice staff to ensure all users of the service benefit from the delivery of evidence based practice.

·  To support the effective healthcare governance processes within the organisation and to take a role in supporting a clinical competency framework

·  To work with the Director of Care and Care Team Managers to assist with organising clinical staff training and study days within the agreed training budget.

·  To support student placements.

·  To help establish and maintain Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice as a provider of high quality education in paediatric palliative care locally and nationally, in collaboration with the Director of Care.

·  To participate in needs led research to strengthen the evidence base for practice in paediatric palliative care, in collaboration with the Director of Care.

·  To act as senior nurse and contribute to the hospice on call rota.

Key Tasks:

Clinical Practice

·  To promote evidence based practice relevant to the practice area. To take a role in the implementation of national and local guidelines.

·  To work alongside the care team and offer clinical support to develop evidence based practice and research activities to further enhance the care of the children, young people and families.
To provide information on aspects of clinical care, best practice and latest research.

·  To provide clinical support to individuals and groups of staff, through ‘on the job’ teaching sessions and assessments of clinical competencies.

·  To support staff undertaking governance related activity, e.g. audit, quality assurance, risk management. To be a member of the Clinical Governance Committee.

·  To assist in coordinating the induction process for all new staff, assigning mentors or buddies to all new clinical staff

·  To support the ongoing development and implementation of clinical competencies.


·  To provide on call service at agreed times in rotation with other clinical managers/senior nurses.

·  To work within hospice and community care team as required to promote learning and maintain clinical skills.

·  To assist in ensuring appropriate staff records and documentation are maintained to support Care Quality Commission standards

Training, Development and Research:

·  To establish partnerships with centres of learning to ensure academic rigour of all educational programmes offered and research undertaken

·  To assist in the appraisal of evidence based palliative care ensuring that any changes to existing practice are proactive and timely

·  To jointly lead on training and development for the Care Team in consultation with the current Clinical Educator and Care Team Managers.

·  In collaboration with Care Team Managers participate in the performance management system and support staff in developing and implementing personal development plans

·  To maintain own professional portfolio and keeping updated with developments and research based practice within given field of expertise.

·  To assist in implementing the Teaching and Learning Strategy and report progress against the agreed action plan.

·  To plan training days for clinical staff in association with senior nursing team and management team, based on training needs analysis.

·  To work within the allocated training budget.

·  To attend relevant educational networking meetings and link with HEI’s.

·  To co-ordinate and support student placements at the hospice and liaise with course tutor at Sheffield Hallam University.

·  To assist in developing and promoting a programme of training and development for external organisations.

·  To support staff to share information and expertise through presentations at local and national events, publication etc

·  To have regards for the sensitive nature of some research, particularly with bereaved participants, to seek ethical approval when necessary and to always maintain the confidentiality of service users and participants with any research projects.


·  Maintain high standards of support at all times, adhering to policy and procedures around safeguarding children and young adults, record keeping, information sharing, health and safety and all related policies and procedures.

·  Have up to date knowledge of safeguarding procedures and support referral processes.

·  Act as a safeguarding supervisor


All Bluebell Wood employees are required to:

·  Abide by the Health & Safety at Work Act

·  Adhere to policy and procedures around safeguarding children and young adults

·  Respect confidentiality applying to all Hospice areas

·  Work within Hospice policies and procedures

·  Comply with the Hospice no smoking policy

·  Participate in and contribute to team meetings

·  Co-operate and liaise with colleagues

·  Behave in a professional manner at all times, reflecting and maintaining the values and ethos of Bluebell Wood

All Bluebell Wood employees are expected to:

·  Demonstrate a commitment to their own development, to take advantage of education and training opportunities and develop their own competence.

·  Support and encourage harmonious internal and external working relationships.

·  Make a positive contribution to fundraising and raising the profile of the Hospice.

This Job Description is not exhaustive. It will be subject to periodic review and may be amended following discussion between the post-holder and employer.

Date of issue: April 2017

Date of review: April 2018


CRITERIA / STANDARD / Essential or Desirable / MEASURED BY
Qualifications/Work Experience/Training / RSCN or RN (Child) / E / Application and provision of certificates
Degree in a relevant subject / E / Application and provision of certificates
Teaching qualification, e.g. PGCE, PG Diploma / E / Application and provision of certificates
Previous experience of working in an educational role / E / Application, interview, references
Previous experience of working in paediatric palliative care / E / Application, interview, references
Experience of research, project management and report writing / E / Application, interview, references
Skills and Abilities / Ability to plan, facilitate, lead and evaluate a range of educational programmes / E / Application, interview, references
Excellent presentation and communication skills / E / Application, interview, references
Able to analyse and interpret relevant research and evidence to support best practice / E / Application, interview, references
Evidence of displaying proficient IT skills, particularly in the use of Microsoft Office applications / E / Application, interview, references
Evidence of displaying proficient administration skills / E / Application, interview, references
Knowledge / Demonstrable knowledge of educational theory / E / Application, interview, references
Demonstrable knowledge of paediatric palliative care / E / Application, interview, references
Demonstrable knowledge of Care Standards Act and relevant legislation / D / Application, interview, references
Demonstrable knowledge of research methodologies / D / Application, interview, references