Non-profit Organization Research Assignment

You are going to create a non-profit organization in your marketing efforts for the business of your choice (Parent Company i.e. Nike, UA). Use a Publicly trading company as your parent company. Think of it as a way of giving back to the community. Below are the requirements for this project.

· Decide on a non-profit organization ( Be original with your Nonprofit’s name and purpose (cannot be the same as anyone else’s in the class)

· Research the Parent organization – facts you must include in your PowerPoint presentation are….

o Mission Statement / Vision Statement for the Parent Company and Your Non profit

o What they do, who they serve (who they benefit)

o Their history from start till now ( Parent Company)

o Upper level executives or Board of Directors for the Parent Company

o Annual funding, how they obtain it and how much

o Why you chose them

o Why should we (the class) care about them

· You will make a two - three minute presentation and a 1 page paper educating the class about your non-profit organization.