Proof Copy ([1/4E] in the process of updating)

Prof. Dr Jan Pająk


Volume 5

The Concept of Dipolar Gravity

Part 2: intelligent virtual world

Scientific monograph, 4th edition, New Zealand, 2004

ISBN 0-9583727-5-6

Copyright 8 1998 by Prof. Dr Jan Pająk.

All rights reserved. No part of this monograph may be reproduced, stored in a database or retrieval system, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission from the author or a person legally authorized to act on his behalf. From the obligation of getting such a written permission are only released those who would like to prepare a single copy of this monograph for their personal use oriented towards the increase of their knowledge and who fulfil the condition that they will not use the copy prepared for any professional purpose or for accomplishing material gains, and also that they copy the entire monograph - including the title page, the content pages, all chapters, all illustrations, and all enclosures.

A private edition by the author. Registered in the National Library of New Zealand as legal deposit dated 29 October 1998. Published in New Zealand, in two language versions: English and Polish.

Date of the latest amendment of this volume and copy: 31 October 2004. (Note that in case of having access to several copies of this monograph, it is recommended to read the copy which has the latest date of amendment.)

This monograph is available from Internet through addresses:,,,,, It can also be accessed through links from following web sites:,,,,,,,,,,,, and

This monograph [1/4E] is a scientific report from results of the author's research. For this reason all parts which have documentary or evidential value are presented accordingly to standards applicable for scientific publications (reports). Special attention is given to the requirement of repetitiveness, i.e. that on the basis of this monograph any professional scientist or hobby investigator who would like to verify, repeat, or extend the author's research should be able to recreate his work and arrive at very similar results and conclusions.

This is a fourth edition (augmented and updated) of the most important scientific publication by the author, which third (previous) edition [1/3] was published in 1998 (in Polish) and carried the same title and editorial data, while the first edition was the monograph [1e]:

Dr Jan Pająk: "Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems". Monograph, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1990, ISBN 0959794697, a private edition by the author, 460 pages (including 7 Tables and 163 illustrations).

All correspondence to the author of this monograph [1/4] can be directed at the following his address in New Zealand:

Dr Jan Pająk

P.O. Box 33250

Petone 6340


Home tel. (in 2004): +64 (4) 56-94-820; E-mails: or .

ABSTRACT of the volume 5 of monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6.

In several cultures of the South-East Asia there is a saying "a frog in a well" or "a frog under a coconut shell". These sayings are used to illustratively describe a state of complacent self-indulgence, which in recent years is adhered by the increasingly larger number of people. Similarly to these "frogs in a well", such infatuated with self-admiration people are continually rattling the words of self-praising about how perfect they are. They are bragging about the high knowledge they accomplished - after all, they learned almost about the entire their well. They are proud of the level of technology that their civilisation developed - although they conveniently avoid mentioning about all plagues which this technology brought to our civilisation (such as pollution, destruction of the natural environment, etc.). They also talk about how good God is that created such perfect and knowledgable creatures like them - after all, they do not allow themselves to even think about the existence of the stork. They would never believe, that the true world is concealed from them by walls of their well, and that this real world hidden from them, is much broader and more complex then their limited imagination would be capable to encompass.

For people with the mentality of such "frogs in a well" probably the most effective manner of waking them up from this state of self-indulgence, and inspiring to work, would be to put a small periscope into their well, and to show them what is outside of the limits of their horizons. In some sense theories presented in this monograph, especially in this volume, could actually perform the function of such a periscope. Although they do not allow to see everything that was hidden from the sight, they show enough much to allow awaking and initiating a different outlook at our well.

The Concept of Dipolar Gravity explained in the previous volume of this monograph (i.e. in chapter H) has formally proven that apart from our physical world, there is also another parallel world called the counter-world. This counter-world exerts countless influences on our physical world. For example, for people it is a source of self-awareness (meaning the knowledge that we do exist), self-identity (meaning the knowledge who we are), intelligence (meaning the ability to think and to solve complex problems), the long-term memory (meaning everything that we remember), and personality. It is also the home for these components, which religions call a "spirit" and a "soul", while this monograph calls them "counter-body" and "register". Because of the existence of this counter-world, practically we live at the same time in two different physical worlds and in the third virtual world. Our awareness is like a cursor in a computer. In the aware state it remains in this world of matter, while during dream, hypnosis, or death it switches to these remaining two worlds.

One of the most significant properties of the counter-world is, that the substance which is contained in it (i.e. counter-matter) is capable to think in the natural constitution. Therefore, independently from physical attributes (such as weightlessness, self-mobility, formation of pressures and flows, etc.), it also carries out intellectual attributes (i.e. it can think, memorise, support the execution of algorithms, etc.). This ability of the counter-matter for thinking and memorising, is leading to several extremely vital consequences. For example it postulates the existence of the universal intellect, which in our religions is called God. The new Concept of Dipolar Gravity actually proves formally the existence of this intellect. Other examples are moral laws, the implementation of which in life ensures the philosophy of totalizm.

The reviewing of this volume is recommended mainly to all these readers, who wish to learn the truth about the real mechanism of numerous phenomena which are stubbornly ignored or denied by present orthodox science. The understanding of a simple mechanism that hides behind these phenomena, reveals to us that what people call "unexplained phenomena" is actually not so "unexplained" at all. This volume is also recommended to people who work on new technical ideas, especially on new sources of energy, new devices for telepathic communication, new propulsion systems, etc. After all, phenomena of the counter-world were not utilised so-far in devices of our civilisation. Thus their potential still remains untapped. In my personal view, this volume should be reviewed almost obligatorily by all these, who study any physical, natural, or biological sciences. It is to reveal to them an alternative view of the universe, which is opposite to this prevailing presently. In this manner it realises, that the explanations for this world, which present orthodox science promotes, are hiding serious logic flaws and serious drawbacks. In turn for people who are interested exclusively in learning totalizm, the last three subsections of this volume (I7, I8, and I9) may turn quite interesting.

This volume is a kind of call to reflect and to humble ourselves. It reveals that the true knowledge, technology, and moral foundations are still awaiting for being worked out, and that whatever we accomplished so-far is only a very beginning. It also opens the hope for changes in human values, and thus for the arrival to Earth new and better times. In these better times, we would start to value truth and morality above material benefits and power, and we would finally start to live in peace, justice, and in harmony with nature.

CONTENT of the volume 5 of monograph [1/4E] "Advanced magnetic devices", ISBN 0-9583727-5-6

Page Chapter

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1 Title page

2 Abstract of volume 5

3 Content of volume 5 (notice that the complete content of monograph [1/4E] is contained in volume 1)

Volume 5: The Concept of Dipolar Gravity - part 2: intelligent virtual world


I-2 I1. Two counter-worlds: physical and intelligent

I-2 I2. Counter-matter: the physical but thinking substance from the counterworld

I-4 I3. The universe as a whole possesses its own intellect

I-4 I3.1. The universal intellect (God)

I-5 I3.2. Attributes of the universal intellect

I-7 I3.3. Proof for the existence of the universal intellect

I-8 I3.3.1. Proof with the use of superposition method

I-13 I3.3.2. Proof with the use of exclusion method

I-14 I3.3.3. Proof with the use of matching attributes method

I-15 I3.4. How the Concept of Dipolar Gravity merges science with religion

I-15 I3.5. Miracles and hoaxes

I-19 I3.6. Consistency of the universal intellect and the origin of moral laws

I-20 I4. Moral attributes of the thinking counter-world

I-21 I4.1. Moral laws

I-25 I4.1.1. Examples of the most representative moral laws

I-45 I4.1.2. Regularities and characteristics detectable in moral laws

I-49 I4.2. Moral field

I-50 I4.3. Intelligent moral energy

I-50 I4.4. Karma

I-55 I4.5. Creditory karma

I-56 I5. Another human body from the counter-world

I-57 I5.1. Counter-material body (i.e. religious spirit)

I-59 I5.2. Registers from counter-bodies, or intellect (i.e. religious soul)

I-62 I5.3. Counter-organs (mind, counter-senses, conscience, compassion, karma organ, chakras)

I-63 I5.4. The model of the brain as an inputoutput device

I-70 I5.5. Feelings

I-76 I5.6. Energies, meridians, acupuncture

I-79 I5.7. Magic, black magic, and love

I-82 I5.8. Group intellects and group karma

I-85 I5.9. Traps of "positive thinking"

I-86 I5.10. Praying

I-87 I5.11. How the universal intellect helps us

I-88 I6. Supernatural powers and their generation

I-88 I6.1. Datuk of Malaysia

I-89 I7. How the Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains some mysterious phenomena

I-94 I8. Commonly available evidence of the intellectual capabilities of the counter-matter

I-95 I8.1. "Intellectual geniuses" amongst animals

I-95 I8.2. ESP: the basic evidence for intellectual capabilities of the counterworld

I-100 I8.2.1. A theoretical model of ESP, the universal computer (UC), and ULT

I-102 I8.2.2. How to develop a simplest pendulum assisted ESP technique

I-104 I9. To conclude descriptions of intelligent mechanisms of the counter-world

I-106/108 3 Figures (I1 - The wedge of the universe, I2 - Allan Plank, I3 - the use of pendulum).


(1) A Polish language version of this monograph [1/4] is already available. It is downloadable from Internet sites listed on the front page in each volume. Therefore, in case there is a difficulty in accessing an English version of this monograph, or when someone finds an English version quite difficult to read, and simultaneously this someone knows the Polish language, then it would be recommended for him/her to reach for the Polish version of this monograph.

(2) In case of making a printout of the above list of content from the Internet version of [1/4], the page numbers provided above not necessarily need to correspond to the page numbers that appear on subsequent pages. This is because the formatting of this monograph was made for the font "Universal Condensed" (size: 12 pt), and for the printer "HP LaserJet 5MP" controlled from the word-processor "Word Perfect version 6.0 for DOS". All other fonts and other printers are going to cause a different density of print, and thus also a different allocation of page numbers.

Chapter I.


Motto of this chapter: "The fact that we have not learned about something, does not decrease the influence that it exerts on our lives".

Before we begin reading of this chapter I, I would like to emphasize, that for a better understanding of it, information provided in first subsections of chapter H, namely in subsections H, H1, and H2, would be very beneficial. Therefore, if someone does not study the entire this monograph, but only digests these sections, which for some reasons are interesting for him/her, then I would like to remind, that this volume 5 (i.e. chapter I) is a second part of a voluminous scientific theory called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. The previous part, presented in chapter H from volume 4, discussed consequences of the fact that counter-matter, similarly as matter from our world, shows also numerous physical attributes, and supports various phenomena of a physical nature. In turn this part, presented in this chapter I, addresses consequences of the fact, that counter-matter is also an intelligent substance, thus in the natural state it displays the possession of intellectual attributes and also completes various processes of intelligent nature.

Chapter H of this monograph presented physical attributes and phenomena of the counter-world, and also revealed the influence that they exert on the course of physical phenomena in our physical world. It explained, amongst others, that the counter-world is filled up with an extraordinary substance, which is called "counter-matter". Because of the invisible and inpenetrable barrier, which separates both worlds from each other, the physiological senses or scientific instruments that are located in our world, have no access to the counter-matter. They are not able to either notice the existence of this substance, or to describe properties of it. Fortunately, counter-matter can be researched indirectly, through the analysis of the influence and consequences that it exerts on phenomena of our world.

The research of counter-matter to-date, indicated that it has two kinds of properties. The first kind are physical properties (discussed in chapter H). Thus it has a natural ability to incite vibrations, form whirls, displace, etc. In turn because the counter-world is linked with our world via gravitational interactions, whatever phenomenon is taking place in it, immediately this phenomenon exerts its influence on the course of phenomena in our world. In this way, physical properties of the counter-matter become a source of countless phenomena observed in our world. In order to provide here examples of such phenomena, they include, amongst others: telepathy, telekinesis, changes in elapse of time, and many others.