18TH JULY 2011

Table of Contents


Materials Pre-tested include;

Objectives for the Pre-test Exercise:

Pre-test Methodology:

Study Findings:

A.Radio Diaries:

i)Sarah’s Story:

ii)Charles' Story:

iii)Ajugas' Story:

iv)Marion’s Story

v)Lillian’s Story:

B.Radio Spots:

i)Early TB treatment by Tom:

ii)Preventing Malaria by John:

iii)Preventing Opportunistic Infections:

C.See the Sun Shine Theme Song:

Conclusion and Recommendations:


Appendix 1: Radio diaries pretest focus group discussion guide

Appendix 2: Radio spots pretest focus group discussion guide

Appendix 3: Theme song pretest focus group discussion guide


Health Communication Partnership is in the process of developing radio spots and diaries for its positive living communication campaign. The target audience for this campaign are people living with HIV(PLHIV) who are currently on antiretroviral therapy (ART) and those who have not yet enrolled. Three radio spots translated into 6 languages namely English, Luo , Luganda, Lusoga, Runyankole-Rukiga, Runyoro-Rutoro have been developed whereas radio diaries have been translated into 5 languages namely English, Luganda, Runyoro-Rutoro, Rukiga-Runyankole and Luo. The radio diaries have a total of 18 episodes that are divided into 6 episodes per set. The diarists are PLHIVs who will take the listeners through their lives. The aim of the diaries is to motivate other PLHIVs to start living positively and to model positive living behaviour change and self efficacy.

Before finalizingthe materials, HCP conducted a pre-test exercise in six districts namely Kampala, Rakai, Gulu, Kabale, Fort portal and Iganga in order to seek views and input of the campaign’s target audiences about each of the materials.

Materials Pre-tested include;

  • Radio spots for each of the 6 languages covering topics on preventing opportunistic infections, early TB testing and treatment and preventing Malaria.
  • Radio Diaries with follow on programs and expert’s comments with each divided into 5 stories i.e. Marion’s story, Charles’ story, Sarah’s story, Ajuga’s story and Lillian’s story.
  • “See the sun shine” theme song.

Objectives for the Pre-test Exercise:

The objectives of the pre-test exercise were:

  • To find out if the audiences would easily understand the messages contained in the radio spots and diaries.
  • To establish whether the pre-test audiences related to the radio spots and diaries.
  • To establish whether there was anything that was offensive or confusing in the radio spots and diaries.
  • To collect feedback about likes, dislikes and possible suggestions for improving the wording and layout of the radio spots and diaries.

Pre-test Methodology:

Twelve Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) each comprising of 8–12 respondents were conducted in the selected districts targeting both male and female PLHIVs. The FGD respondents were selected by local mobilizers with the help of HCP partner organizations working in each of the districts. The FGDs were conducted by graduate male and female Research Assistants who were recruited from a pool normally used by HCP. They underwent a half day training workshop where they were oriented about the positive living communication campaign, the tools to be used in the pre-test exercise as well as how to write the pre-test report.

Selection and screening of FGD respondents:

HCP worked with staff of partner organizations in the districts of Kampala, Rakai, Gulu, Kabale, Fort portal and Iganga to identify local mobilizers who in turn identified and invited FGD respondents. They mobilized FGD participants with the following characteristics:

Adults aged between 18 – 49 years.

Fluent in the language used in the radio diary or radio spot.

Tested HIV positive and disclosed their status.

Already taking ARVs or not yet enrolled on ARVs.

Not leader(s) of a positive living club or any psycho-social support group.

Not HIV/AIDS peer educator(s), expert client(s) or health educator(s).

The screening criterion was sent out to the identified mobilizers before identification of FGD respondents. Before commencing the group discussions, the Research Assistants also screened the mobilized respondents for the above characteristics to ensure that the right audiences participated in the discussions.

Organization of Focus Group Discussions:

Below is a table showing how the FGDs were organized and the materials that were pre-tested in each of the districts

District / Radio spots, Diaries & Theme song pre-tested / Language / Type of FGD / No. of FGDs / No.
of Res
Kampala / - Preventing O.Is
-Sarah`s story
-See the sun shine / English / Females (18-30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment
-Preventing Malaria
-Sarah`s story / English / Males (30 – 49yrs) / 1 / 12
Rakai / -Preventing O.Is -Charles` story
See the sun shine / Luganda / Males (18 – 30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment (English)
-Preventing Malaria -Charles` story / Luganda / Females (30 -49 yrs) / 1 / 12
Gulu / - Preventing O.Is
-Ajuga`s story
-See the sun shine / Luo / Females (18 -30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment (English)
-Preventing Malaria -Ajuga`s story / Luo / Males (30 – 49yrs) / 1 / 12
Kabale / - Preventing O.Is
-Marion`s story
-See the sun shine / Runyankole-Rukiga / Males (18 – 30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment
-Preventing Malaria
-Marion`s story / Runyankole-Rukiga / Females (30 -49 yrs) / 1 / 12
Iganga / - Preventing O.Is
-See the sun shine / Lusoga / Females (18 -30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment
-Preventing Malaria / Lusoga / Males (30 -49 yrs) / 1 / 12
Fortportal / - Preventing O.Is
-Lilian`s story
-See the sun shine / Runyoro-
Rutoro / Males (18 -30 yrs) / 1 / 12
-Early TB testing and Treatment
-Preventing Malaria
-Lilian`s story / Runyoro-
Rutoro / Females (30 -49 yrs) / 1 / 12
Total / 12 / 144

Study Findings:

This section presents in detail the responses from 12 FGDs carried out targeting 144 respondents in five districts.

A.Radio Diaries:

These were pre-tested among all the 12 FGDs in Kampala, Rakai, Fortportal, Iganga and Kabale. For each category of respondents, the radio diaries were played and respondents were asked to describe what was happening in the diaries. Below are the findings on each of the stories that were pre-tested.

Description and Interpretation of the Radio Diaries:

i)Sarah’s Story:

Sarah’s story was pre-tested in Kampala with both male and female respondents. The findings indicate that majority of the respondents (20/24)understood and related to Sarah’s predicament. According to them, Sarah came across as a young girl from a poor family who wanted to continue with her education butthe father did not have money to pay her school fees in senior five. He instead advised Sarah to get married. A family friend offered to pay her school fees and therefore left her rural home to attend a day school in Kampala while staying with her aunt.

``It seems Sarah comes from a poor family and she is being advised by the father to get married because he has no money to pay her school fees in high school. A family friend offers to pay her school fees in a Kampala school. This therefore exposes her to being sexually abused’’, (Male Respondent, Kampala)

From the story, it is not advisable for parents to entrust the care of their children to other people since they could be having their own motives. One female respondent also added that it was better for the parents to stay with their daughter than give her out.One other female respondent suggested that there is need to sensitize people in the rural areasto desist from entrusting the care of their children especially girls to other people.

``It is very dangerous to hand over your daughter to other people because there are no free things these days’’(Female Respondent, Kampala)

All parents interviewed in the radio diary did not agree with Sarah`s parents handing over their daughter to a family friend to pay her school fees.

ii)Charles' Story:

Charles’ story was pre-tested in Rakai district with both male and female respondents. Theyunderstood the diary to be talking about the dangers of early sex especially focusing on teenage pregnancies that are unwanted. Parents and guardians are advised to counsel children under their care about the dangers of early sex. All the respondents indicated that Charles’ experience relates to the present situation where parents do not find time to talk to their children thereby indulging in early sex that in most cases ends up in unwanted pregnancies. Peer influence was also highlighted by respondents as the other reason why many young people indulge in early sex that ends up in unwanted pregnancies.

“As I listened to the radio diary, I kept on thinking about my daughter who of late has become very unruly, does not listen to me. I suspect that her peers are influencing her. Am worried that she might become pregnant any time’’(Female Respondent, Rakai).

One male respondent complained that mothers have neglected their children these days to the extent that they no longer guide them on how to behave well, a duty they have left to men. However, another member in the same group argued that some children regardless of whether you give them everything can get spoilt.

iii)Ajugas' Story:

The radio diary was pre-tested in Gulu district with male and female respondents. They interpreted the diary to be about Ajuga narrating how he acquired HIV. While still in school, he was very unruly and engaged in risky sexual behaviors that exposed him to HIV. He had unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple sexual partners while still in school and out of school which increased the risk of acquiring HIV.

“Ajuga`s story relates to how most young men behave nowadays, they engage in unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners and end up acquiring HIV” (Male Respondent, Gulu)

The turning point was when he tested HIV positive and seriously considered changing his behaviors. He advises young men to avoid indulging in risky sexual behaviors in order to reduce the chances of acquiring HIV.

iv)Marion’s Story

Marion’s’ story was pre-tested in Kabale district. The findings indicate that majority of the respondents understood the radio diary to be about Marion currently married with four children sharing her life story from when she was still young and in school. Marion and her friends used to ask for hikes (lifts) from strangers until the day they were kidnapped and taken hostage by truck drivers. Most people interviewed in the radio diary about Marion and her friends behaviors, said that it was risky to ask for or accept car hikes especially from strangers because they might kidnap, rob or sexually abuse you. Respondents related with Marion`s story saying that many girls end up being raped by strangers who offer them car hikes.

“Some time back, a primary school girl in my village was kidnapped and raped by a stranger who offered her a car hike. Announcements even ran on Voice of Kigezi until she was found dumped in Kanungu district” (Male Respondent, Kabale)

v)Lillian’s Story:

Lillian’s story was pre-tested in Fortportal district. The findings indicate that the majority of the respondents (19/24) easily understood the story line to be about Lillian a young girl aged 18 years whose father died and shegot married to an old man aged 45 years not because she loved him but as a means of survival. She pursued a hair dressing course but did not have capital to start a saloon business. At first, the old man used condoms but later opted for unprotected sex.However she spent a whole year without getting pregnant and her in laws started accusing her of being barren.

“Lillian is an 18 year old girl who got married to a 45 years not because she loved him but in order to survive after failing to raise capital for a saloon business” (Male Respondent, Fort portal)

Most respondents related to the radio diary saying that there are many young girls who engage in cross generational sexual relationships in Fort portal. One female respondent was bold enough to share what she was going through with her daughter.

“Lillian`s story reminds me of my daughter who has become so unruly at home; she doesn’t listen to me and it seems that she is in a relationship with an old man. She wears very expensive clothes yet I do not give her all that money” (Female Respondent, Fort portal).

The main messages in Lillian`s story were that cross generational sex would increase the risk of young girls acquiring HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies, difficulty in child birth because young girls have a narrow birth canal among others. The other message identified by respondents was that parents need to counsel their children about the dangers of early sex so that they can wait until they are old enough to make informed decisions about sex.

Target Audience of the Radio Diaries:

People living with HIV (PLHIVs), parents, adult men and women and young people in school and out of school were identified as the target audience for the radio diaries. The messages were found to be appropriate to all people because HIV does not discriminate.

“Listening to Ajuga`s story I realize that young people and adults should also listen to it in order to consider changing their sexual behaviors” (Female Respondent, Gulu)

“Parents, guardians and young people need to listen to Sarah`s story because what she went through went through can happen to any school going young person. It is wrong for parents to entrust their children to family friends because some of them might end up abusing them” (Male Respondent, Kampala)


One of the objectives of the pre-test was toestablish whether the messages were clear to the audience and if they the language and words used were confusing or offensive. All the respondents who participated in the discussions agreed that the messages in the radio diaries were very clear and not offensive.

Suggestions to Improve the Radio Diaries:

Theradio diaries were found to be very educative with stories that listeners would easily relate to. However a few suggestions to improve the diaries were made as shown below;

  • The voices of the diarists need to be amplified so that they can be easily heard.
  • Respondents in Rakai proposed that Charles` wife should be included in the diary so that listeners can get her side of the story.

B.Radio Spots:

i)Early TB treatment by Tom:

Interpretation of the Radio Spot, Its Main Message and Call to Action:

Respondents observed that the radio spot was about Tom who has been living with HIV for the last 15 years and tested early for TB thereby getting the required treatment. Theyrelated very well to the radio spot because it was their true life testimony that having tested early for TB and started on septrin he is very healthy. Male respondents in Kampala and females in Gulu added that Tom isencouraging PLHIVs to test for TB early, take their medication every day in order to remain strong like him. The main message in the radio spot according to respondents was that early TB testing is vital for PLHIVs in order to live longer. The other message was that listeners could call the helpline to get more information. However they did not remember the telephone number. Majority of the respondents reported that the message in the radio spot was convincing enough for anyone to act upon hearing it.

``Tom is advising PLHIVs to test early for TB so as to get medication that will enable them to remain healthy like him” (Male Respondent, Gulu).

Target Audience:

Majority of the respondents pointed out that the target audience was PLHIVs and those not infected with HIV.However female respondents in Kabale added that the radio spot also targeted persons lacking enough information about positive living for PLHIVs.


The radio spot was found to be precise and is very clear andthe words used were understandable, audible and not offensive in any way.

Suggested Improvements on the Radio Spot:

No improvements were suggested to improve the radio spot because to the respondents it was found to be clear and precise. However male respondents in Gulu proposed that the Acholi dialect should be used throughout the radio spot instead of mixing it with Langi.

ii)Preventing Malaria by John:

Interpretation of the Radio Spot, Its Main Message and Call to Action: