Part A of this form must be completed by each applicant and part B is to be completed by the Parish Minister or Ministry Unit, to certify that the requirements of the governing body of the relevant Church have been met.
Part A.
Name of Candidate:- ……………………………………………………………………..
(Please use Block CAPITALS here)
Address:- ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
………………………………….Town/City:- ……………………….Post Code:- …………….
Please print in the box your name exactly as you wish it to appear on the Certificate.
The remainder of this form should be completed by the Parish Minister/Head of Ministry Unit of the applicant's parish.
Part B.
Name of Parish/Ministry Unit:……………………………………………………………
I hereby certify that the above candidate has completely satisfied all the requirements of our denomination, and has been accredited/licensed/approved to preach and/or lead worship services.
Name of Official:- ……………………………………… Position …………………………………
Signature:- ………………………………………………. Date:- …………/…………/200…
Address to which Accreditation/Membership Certificate is to be sent:-
………………………………..Town/City……………………………….Post Code………………
Intended date of presentation of Certificate, if known ………./…………./200
(Every effort will be made to produce a Certificate in time, but this cannot be guaranteed if the above date is less than four weeks hence.)
A fee of $20 must be included with this application. This is to cover the costs of producing Certificates, and a year's membership of the Association (which includes quarterly copies of `Word and Worship' magazine).
Upon completion, this form should be sent to the Registrar of the Association:-
Hugh Williams, `Chy-Porth', 3, Burbank Crescent, Churton Park, WELLINGTON 6037.
See reverse for Guidance Notes.
Guidance Notes
1. The approval of the Church governing bodies include:-
For Anglicans - a Bishop's Licence.
For Church of Christ and the Congregational Church of N.Z.
- approval from the appropriate congregational meeting.
For Methodists – approval by the appropriate Synod.
For Presbyterians – a Presbytery approval.
N.B. in future, Certificates will not be issued without one of the above authorisations
2. Parish Minister/Ministry Unit.
This means the person who has oversight of the parish or ministry to which the applicant is affiliated.
3. Both the name of the applicant and the parish are to be clearly and legibly shown on this form. Experience has shown that the Registrar is not clairvoyant, and can only issue a Certificate on information provided.
4. Certificates will on no account be sent directly to applicants, but to the person who has signed part B of this form.