Neighborhood Resources Connection

P.O. Box 1693, South Bend, IN 46601-1693

Block Party Grant Application

Date received: ____________________________

Delivered by: ____________________________

Received by: _____________________________


(Official Name)_____________________________________________________________________

Contact: _____________________________________________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________

1. Date & Time of Block Party


2. Boundaries and description of neighborhood/block party location:

(Attach map)




3. Block Party Event Description: (Attach additional sheets if necessary)







4. Have you received previous NRC Block Party Grants Yes___ No ____

If so, what year(s)________________

NRC Block Party Grant Application

5. The Neighborhood Resources Connection is a local not-for-profit organization working to support neighborhood leaders and associations in the City of South Bend. Please describe your event’s relationship to the following NRC goals:

· Strengthen organizational structure of existing neighborhood organizations.

· Encourage and develop leadership skills in existing neighborhood organizations.

· Identify and encourage people interested in developing and sustaining a neighborhood organization

and/or block group.

· Strengthen community partnerships.




6. Describe how the event will benefit your neighborhood & its residents:




7. Attach Project Budget – include detail by source, activity, and estimated costs.

8, How will you know if this event is successful?




Signature ___________________________________________________________________________

Name (Typed or Printed) _______________________________________________________________

Title _______________________________________ Date_________________________________

Signature ___________________________________________________________________________

Name (Typed or Printed) _______________________________________________________________

Title _______________________________________ Date_________________________________

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