National Tick Removal Kit Order Form
A collaborative effort of the
Greenwich Chapter, American Red Cross
Time for Lyme, Inc.
Affiliate of Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
Packaged in a small Red Cross bag with a belt attachment loop, the kit includes:
*Fine point tweezers with attached magnifier
*Adhesive strips *Non-latex gloves
*Alcohol prep pads *Small pencil
*Labeled zip lock bags *Gauze pads
*Tick identification and removal information card
Please send me _____ Tick Removal Kits at a cost of $10.00 per kit
Payment Method:
¨My check for $_____ is enclosed (make out to Greenwich Chapter, American Red Cross)
¨Please charge my account in the amount of $_____
___Visa ___ Master Card ___American Express
Card #____________________________
Expiration date:__________ Billing Zip Code:____________
{Please add $5.00 for shipping & Handling Cost}
Authorized Signature
Please send my kits to:
Phone number:____________________________________
Email Address:____________________________________
Any items that are not currently in stock will be ordered with a waiting period of approximately two weeks.
As soon as items are available we will follow the delivery instructions above.
Thank you for your order.
Send order form to:
Greenwich Chapter, American Red Cross
99 Indian Field Road, Greenwich, CT 06830
(203) 869-8444
For more information on Lyme disease, contact:
Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
(888) 366-6611
November 2005