The Science of Science Fiction Book Review
In this course, The Science of Science Fiction, you are required to critique one science fiction book. You may choose any science fiction book you want.There are many good choices in the school library. The critique will be worth 100 points.
Your critique should have the following sections:
1. Summary: The summary should be an overview of the plot of the book.
2. Good Science: You should discuss as many examples as possible from your book where the science is believable and follows the laws of physics. You should discuss what happened and why is should really work or happen as written.
3. Bad Science: You should discuss as many examples as possible from the book where the science could not possibly happen as written. Discuss what is wrong with the way it is done in the book and why it could not happen that way.
4. Adaptations: What would have to be true in the world to make the bad science good science? How would the laws of physics have to change to make the bad science workable?
5. Plot changes: Suggest plot changes to your summary that would make the book more scientifically believable. How could you rewrite the plot to work within the laws of physics we are bound by in reality?
6. Bibliography: You must list at least three sources you used to do scientific research concerning the science in your book.
Each of the sections (excluding the bibliography) should be roughly ½ to 1 typed page in length.See the rubric on the back for the point values for each section. Be aware that excuses based on technology will not be accepted, i.e., the printer ran out of ink or it was emailed to school but can’t be opened. Late papers will lose five points a day.
Due date ______
Rubric / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Summary
12 pts. / *Summary is logically organized with clear, well developed descriptions; supporting details are extraordinary. / *Summary is organized with clear descriptions; supporting details are appropriate. / *Summary is organized with clear descriptions; supporting details are inconsistent. / *Summary is organized with clear descriptions; supporting details are limited.
Good Science
20 pts. / #Student displays the ability to judge the merits of the science in the book.Student demonstrates excellent understanding of the science in the book. / #Student shows the ability to recognize reasons or causes, to support conclusions about the viability of the science in the book. Student understands the science in the book but fails to elaborate. / #Student shows the ability to acquire a basic understanding of the facts and ideas surrounding a science problem. Student has limited understanding of the science content and is able to demonstrate only basic concepts. / #Student shows the ability to memorize, recall or recognize basic concepts in science. Student does not have a grasp of what is good science.
Bad Science
20 pts. / #Student displays the ability to judge the merits of the science in the book. Student demonstrates excellent understanding of why the unrealistic science in the book will not really work. / #Student shows the ability to recognize reasons or causes, to support conclusions about the viability of the science in the book. Student understands why the unrealistic science in the book will not work but fails to elaborate. / #Student shows the ability to acquire a basic understanding of the facts and ideas surrounding a science problem. Student has limited understanding of the bad science content. / #Student shows the ability to memorize, recall or recognize basic concepts in science. Student does not have a grasp of what science is realistic and what is not.
20 pts. / Student demonstrates excellent understanding of the science in the book. Student understands the impact science has on the plot of the book. / Student understands the science in the book but fails to elaborate. Student understands the impact science has on the plot of the book. / Student has limited understanding of the science content and is able to demonstrate only basic concepts. The student has a basic understanding of how science impacts the plot of the book. / Student does not have a grasp of the science in the book or how science impacts the plot of the book.
Plot Changes
20 pts. / Plot changes are in a logical, interesting sequence which the reader can follow. Plot changes are possible with real science. / Plot changes are in a logical sequence which the reader can follow. Plot changes are possible with real science. / Reader has difficulty following the plot changes because the writing does not always follow a logical sequence. Most plot changes are possible with real science. / Plot changes are difficult to follow and incomplete. Some plot changes are possible with real science.
Bibliography: 8 points for three sources, 5 points for two sources, 2 points for one source.
* Adapted From Whitman-Hanson Student Expectation Rubric #1 Read, Write and Communicate Effectively Writing Rubric
# Adapted From Whitman-Hanson Student Expectation Rubric #3 Apply Critical Thinking Skills