Geometry Syllabus
Mrs. Avedian
Welcome to the start of a new school year and to the wonderful world of Geometry!
In this course, students continue to build on their foundations as they expand their understanding through new mathematical experiences. While studying Geometry content, students will:
- Use spatial reasoning and be able to think geometrically
- Study geometric figures of zero, one, two, and three dimensions and relationships
- Find a connection between geometry and the real worlds and make use of geometric ideas to solve problems
- Use a variety of representations (concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and technology to model mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems
- Use problem-solving, language and communication, and reasoning (justification and proof) to make connections within and outside mathematics
Supplies needed
- Text book
- Binder or notebook
- Graph paper
- Pencils: math work is to be completed in pencil only!
- Corrective pens: red, purple, or green
- Protractor, ruler, compass
- Assignment books are highly recommended
- Folder: 8th grade – blue
9th grade - green
Grades are earned, not given. The following is how grades are distributed and the final grade calculated:
10% Classroom grade
10% Homework
30% Quizzes
50% Tests
The above will comprise 80% of the semester grade. The remaining 20% come from the Final Semester Exam.
Homework is assigned almost every night and is due the next day (unless otherwise stated by the teacher). Each homework assignment is worth 10 points. Late homework is not accepted.
Homework should be done according to the teacher’s instructions. That is, all work should be shown clearly and neatly.
Homework should be done in pencil.
Quizzes and Tests
These are given regularly every week. In some cases, there will be a short quiz at the end of the period, based on the day’s work. Pop quizzes are also part of the classroom activities, therefore, do not be surprised!
Absent Students
Any absent student should make up the work and turn in the required assignments the day they return to school. (In case of a long term absence, the teacher will make other arrangements for the due date.) It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher and get the missed assignments. If the student is absent on the day of a test, he/she must take the test on the day they return to school. Please note that the make-up test may not be the same as the test given on the actual test day.
Unprepared for class
A student who does not have all the necessary materials in class is unprepared for instruction. This will result in loss of points in the day’s class participation grade. If this becomes a frequent problem, the student will face other consequences.
Failure to meet the classroom rules and expectations
Any misconduct in classroom will result in loss of points from the daily class grade. Other consequences may follow depending on the degree and frequency of misconduct.
Tardy to class
Being tardy to class will result in loss of points from the daily class participation grade. Please see the student handbook for the consequences assigned by the school.