Mr Pearson/Ms Tolbert Chemistry
Semester 2 – School Year: 2012-2013
Room 009
01/21/13 Mon MLK Holiday- No School
01/22/13 Tue Introduction to Solubility using Data Chart
01/23/13 Wed Lab: Solubility of an Unknown Compound
01/24/13 Thur Solubility – the big picture
01/25/13 Fri Solubility Rules
Monday 1/21: No School – MLK Day
Tuesday 1/22: Learning Target: Students will be able to translate observations from their data chart onto a Solubility table, and begin to observe trends.
- Discussion about Lab Final
- New Seating Chart
- Solubility Worksheet – use Data Table (from final) to complete
- Solubility reading in your textbook, Chapter 14:
o p.476-479 (should be a review)
o p.492-494
Wednesday 1/23: Learning Target: Work together as a class to determine saturation points (precipitation point) of an unknown Compound.
- Go into lab, record data for the concentration of the unknown for your group
- Solubility reading in your textbook, Chapter 14:
o p.476-479 (should be a review)
o p.492-494
Thursday 1/24: Learning Target: Students will be able to compare Unknown Compound (determined with class data) to an existing Solubility Curve to determine the unknown.
- Prezi about Solubility – take notes – also available on website
- Share lab results, enter into data table, make a graph
- Solubility Curves and our unknown
o Distribute Solubility Curve Questions Worksheet (use when writing conclusion)
- Solubility reading in your textbook, Chapter 14:
o p.476-479 (should be a review)
o p.492-494
- Write a conclusion using new vocab and graph data to explain how we determined the unknown compound for the lab and how it compares to the established values for this compound.
Friday 1/25: Learning Target: Use solubility rules to guess which compound will readily dissolve in water: Copper (II) Hydroxide or Copper (II) Nitrate.
- Discuss Solubility Curves worksheet
- Conclusion for Unknown Compound Lab due Monday
o Only 1 conclusion needed for lab partners (do it together!)
o Staple the class data table to your conclusion
o Refer to website as necessary, to view prezi or download Excel file
§ Excel files can be opened in Google Drive, with a google account
- Class time to work on Soluble/Insoluble worksheet due Mon (first assignment of 3rd quarter), the Lab Conclusion, and Solubility Curves worksheet due Wed
01/28/13 Mon Molarity, molality
01/29/13 Tue How Low Can You Go? (concentration lab)
01/30/13 Wed Colligative Properties
01/31/13 Thur Concentration
02/01/13 Fri Predicting Chemical Reactions (nomenclature, balancing and predicting)
Monday 1/28: Learning Target: Students will be able to calculate the Molarity of a solution made with 84.8g of LiCl.
- Distribute M&m Worksheet
- Conclusion for Unknown Substance due (1 conclusion for each set of lab partners – staple it to your table with all of the class results listed)
- Solubility Table worksheet due
Tuesday 1/29: Lab – How Low Can You Go?
Wednesday 1/30: Learning Target: Students will be able to anticipate the Molarity of a solution when 2 moles of NaCl are mixed into a solution to a final volume of 1,317mL.
- Solubility Curve worksheet is due
- Discuss M&m worksheet
- Practice mixing Molarity solutions
Thursday 1/31: Learning Target: Students will be able to calculate the boiling point elevation for 15g of sucrose (C12H22O11) in 250g of water.
- Additional time to work on M&m worksheet
- Colligative Properties (on M&m and lab)
Friday 2/1: (pep fest schedule) Learning Target: Students will be able to predict the products of a
reaction, and which substance is likely to precipitate out.
- Distribute Mr Jagush’s Predicting Chemical Reactions worksheet: Due Tuesday 2/5 with the temp lab
- Physically create molecules with student bodies (water, NaCl, CaCl2)
- (6th period ends at 1:25)
02/04/13 Mon Colligative Properties and Chemical Reactions
02/05/13 Tue Test Review Day
02/06/13 Wed Test – Solutions and Solubility (M, m, colligative properties, solubility)
02/07/13 Thur Lab – Organizing compounds by behavior in Lab
02/08/13 Fri Ionic and Covalent Bonds
Monday 2/4: Learning Target: Students will be able to determine how many grams of
ethanol (CH3OH), must be dissolved in 500 grams of water to lower the freezing point to -6.51oC.
- M&m stamped for completion (collected on Test Day)
Tuesday 2/5: Solutions and Solubility Test Review
- H.L.C.Y.G. Lab due
- INDIVIDUALLY Complete the Review Sheet, see Teacher to check answers and be dubbed a “sage”
o Sages get an answer sheet and begin to help other students
Wednesday 2/6: Solutions and Solubility Quiz TEST
- Predicting Chemical Rxn’s due
- Turn in M&m sheet for a grade (stamped as on-time on Monday)
Thursday 2/7: Learning Target: Each group will organize six different compounds based on their behavior in lab – based on observations to one of three experiments.
- Nature of Science, making sense of a mixed up world
- Turning observations into organized groups or a ranked series
- Prepare to share an explanation of groupings with the class on Monday
- Monday: Data will be combined and students will look for trends
- Careful of contamination, toxicity, use tools to enhance your basic procedure
Friday 2/8 Learning target: Take previous knowledge of atomic valence shells and start
using a shorthand to demonstrate valence electrons – via the electron dot model. Be able to draw a model for a (neutral) aluminum atom.
- Review valence shells
- Hund’s rule
- Introduce dot model: green handout of notes
- Practice using dot model (white worksheet due Tuesday)
02/11/13 Mon Lab share; grouping types of materials (kinds of bonds)
02/12/13 Tue Mixed electron dot practice packet: multiple bonds; “coordinate bonds”
02/13/13 Wed 3-D molecular models
02/14/13 Thur Polarity and Electonegativity
02/15/13 Fri Friday Five Quiz, Electronegativity
Monday 2/11: Learning Target: Students will find trends in their cumulative lab data and elaborate on the reason for those trends.
- Review, electron dot model (from Friday, worksheet due Tues)
- Share lab data (from Thursday) put in Spreadsheet
- TPS about class data
- Electron glue in Cl2, CH4, NaCl
- Test grades are in the portal, come in after school to see your test and/or retake it
- **Hold on to Your Lab Data** You will be assigned to write a conclusion as we learn more about what you discovered on Thursday.
Tuesday 2/12: Learning Target: Students will be able to illustrate in 2D electron
- Common mistakes on the Solubility, Concentration Test
o Reminder: see/retake your test after school
- Electron Dot Model sheet is due
- Discuss mixed ions sheet, introduce multiple bonds (due Tues)
- Chapter 8, p.240-243 **read/practice problems about covalent and ionic bonds**
Wednesday 2/13: Lab: Students will discover the best way to arrange atoms in molecule / formula unit.
- Ball and stick model for bonding (due Tues)
- Polarity/ VSEPR and vocabulary note sheet
- Chapter 8, p253-257 and p261-264 **read/practice problems about molecular structures and VSEPR models**
Thursday 2/14: Learning Target: Polarity, Electronegativity and Polyatomic Ions
- Chapter 8, 265-270 **read/practice problems about polarity and electronegativity**
o You should have a golden, Electronegativity Table already, see p. 265 for a table in your book
- Demonstrate HNO2 and NO3-1
- Tuesday students will present Electron dot solutions on the Smart board and white board
Friday 2/15: Learning Target: check understanding of bonding and shape basics; get more practice with Dot structures and 3-D understanding of shape and polarity
- Friday Five Quiz last 10 minutes of the hour
- Electronegativity from ACT prep (due Wed)
02/18/13 Mon No School - Presidents Day
02/19/13 Tue Revisit Polarity, Electronegativity, Bonding (Mixed electron dot worksheet and 3-D modles of molecules polar or non-polar DUE)
02/20/13 Wed Lab – Like Dissolves Like; (ACT worksheet checked)
02/21/13 Thur Test Review
02/22/13 Fri Test
Monday 2/18: No School – Presidents Day
Forgot to give 6th hour the ACT practice (think I gave to 5th hour; 4th got for sure)
Tuesday 2/19: Learning Target:
- Students will draw molecules on smartboard and whiteboard by drawing Electron dot or VSEPR 3D models
- Due today the 3-D models lab; the mixed electron dot practice
o WRITE down (then we will share) how you go about drawing and then thinking about these dot structures
o Share examples: (any from the worksheet: 11) Cl2, 20)CO2, 21) HClO4 , 25) HCN , 27) C2H2 , 41) H3O+1 any others
§ What types of bonds, is the molecule polar?
Wednesday 2/20: Lab – Like Dissolves Like
- 2 solvents, 7 solutes identify behavior and classify “type”
Thursday 2/21: Learning Target: Review, bonding, polarity, IMF’s
- Take out the Electronegativity “ACT practice questions” we were going to check yesterday but forgot (if you turned in (J) pick it back up)
- Like Dissolves Like Lab – due Monday
o turn in 1 per 2 person group – that means 2 per lab bench
- Get back the Friday 5 quiz;
- We have a practice/review sheet to help you study for tomorrows test (Yes, you can have hand written notes for the test)
o Be able to do more than just draw the electron dot models; Shape, polarity, type of bond, etc
Friday 2/22: Learning Target: MEGA TEST (yes, you can use hand written notes)
- Conclusion for Group Lab due (melting, dissolving or conducting; info on website)
- Like Dissolves Like Lab due Mon
- Test has 2 parts:
o 30 true/false & MC questions on a scantron sheet; (ID A or ID B)
o one side of a free response page
- make sure you put name on BOTH and say which version of the questions you answered ID A or ID B
- reading in Chapter 12 next; states of matter; Phase changes and thermo chemistry.
NO3-? Means NO3-1 ?
02/25/13 Mon Phase of matter and Phase transitions; q = mhfus q = mhvap
02/26/13 Tue Phase Diagrams and Heating Curves
02/27/13 Wed q = mCDT; “C” is the specific heat of the material; CH2O = 1 cal/goC
02/28/13 Thur Specific heat of metal lab
03/01/13 Fri No School conferences – Remind your parents
Monday 2/25: Learning Target:
- Polar Molecules – IMF
- Drops of water on a penny
- Look at Prezi; read in text (411-419)
- Missing assignments
Tuesday 2/26: Learning Target:
- Science probe, show video:
o Students will write what they think the temperatures will be with a vigorous, rolling boil vs a simmer
- Temperature scales (show comparisons for 0°F, 32°F, 98.6°F, 212°F)
o Distribute Temperature conversion worksheets
- Demonstration of heating icewater to boil (time and temp monitored) on heating stir plate w/ vernier probe
o start with 400mL of icewater – or less
o You may have to restart Logger Pro (now on start menu)
- Phase changes diagrams, triple point etc on Prezi
o Prezi:
- Heating curves, plateau at Hfusion, Hvapor
o Look at plateau’s on vernier data
- Show Heating simulation from class website
- Discuss Specific Heat Q=mcDT
o Distribute Heating Curves worksheet
- Read p. 519-522 (also 411-419 if you didn’t read that last night from the Prezi you saw on phases and phase changes)
Wednesday 2/27: Learning Target: What effect does adding heat have?
- Phase changes diagrams, triple point etc on Prezi
o Prezi:
- Heating curves, plateau at Hfusion, Hvapor
o Look at plateau’s on vernier data
- Show Heating simulation from class website
- Discuss Specific Heat Q=mCDT
o Distribute Specific Heat practice sheet (due Tuesday)
- Change mass, how does the quantity of heat required change?
- Remind your parents that conferences start tomorrow night (also during the day on Friday)
- If time: Discuss tomorrow’s specific heat lab.
Thursday 2/28: Learning Target: Lab – Specific Heat Lab
- Keep your Temperature conversion problems on your desk while you work on the lab (so I can check them off)
- Two people per Lab sheet will be okay
o We will transfer ENERGY (calories) to the room temp water; the energy will be a part of the metal we use to convey this energy. Remember that the specific heat of water is Cwater = 1.0 calorie/goC
o We will then calculate the specific heat (Cmetal) of the material once we have determined how much energy the metal gives up.
Friday 3/1: NO SCHOOL J Conferences J
03/04/13 Mon Energy of breaking/Making Bonds
03/05/13 Tue Calorie is a ratio, energy exchange diagrams, Clicker quiz
03/06/13 Wed Calorimetry Lab - Peanut
03/07/13 Thur Gummy Bear Demo, Activation Energy
03/08/13 Fri Hess’ Law, in-depth reaction calculations
Monday 3/04: Learning Target:
- Heat curves sheet is due, get it out, we’ll come around and check it for completion
- Reading: p. 523-533
- Annotating for Specific Heat worksheet
- Endothermic vs Exothermic
- Energy needed to break bonds, energy released when making bonds
o Different bonds have different energy
- Thermite Demo
- Energy exchange diagram
Tuesday 3/05: Learning Target:
- Reading: p. 523-533 (chapter 15)
- Specific Heat problems due
o Answers posted on website, videos for #3, #7 on website
o One problem from this sheet will be on the test
- Calorie is a derived unit (ratio)
o Calories/mol
o Consider chips and serving size
- Demo: NH4NO3 + H2O à ???
- Demo: CaCl2 + H2O à ???
- energy exchange diagrams (put heat on appropriate side of rxn)
- Clicker Quiz
Wednesday 3/06: Lab: Burning Peanut – Calorimetry lab
- If you are allergic to peanuts let me know NOW
- Specific Heat Lab due today
- Get lab handout: each person gets one but if you wish you can turn in with a partner
o Use the electronic scales to save time but to avoid the line you can use the triple beam balances
o The burning peanut will heat the can and the water inside (and what else? --> leading to errors) so you need to know the mass of each item
§ we know that water has a density of 1 g/ml so we can use a graduated cylinder to measure out the mass of water we are adding to the can 46.5 ml (of pure water) = 46.5 grams (of pure water)
o The chemical reaction is a partial combustion of the peanut (mixture of mostly proteins and fats) which is why you see so much soot (not enough oxygen to turn all the carbon into carbon dioxide)
o You have to add enough water (and use a small enough peanut sample) that we don’t get it boiling or there is more math in the calculations
o Have fun, stay safe, learn lots J
Thursday 3/07: Learning Target: Students will be able to draw an energy exchange diagram for the combustion of a gummy bear.
- Blast Balls demonstration
o Draw energy exchange diagram for endo/exothermic reactions.
§ Show student work on document camera
o Why didn’t the thermite and blast balls react right away?
- Distribute sheet with Chemical Reaction Energy Diagram, label diagram
- Determine energy from nutrition information about a gummy bear?
o Due Monday
- Gummy bear demonstration
- Burning sugar cube (if time)
- Read p. 564 – 565
o Next Monday we’re going to start working on presentations based on reading, make sure you’ve done all the assigned reading – pages: