Mr. Mackar and Mrs. Nichols 2015-2016 Course Policies

Mayfield High School

Math 1 Block

Welcome to the classroom of Mr. Mackar and Mrs. Nichols. We are very excited to have you in our class. You have the unique opportunity to have two teachers in your classroom to provide instruction, enrichment and remediation. We are here to make you successful!!!

Classroom Guidelines:

1. Start of Class

·  You are expected to walk into the room, gather class materials, sit in your assigned seat and complete the given task.

·  If you enter the classroom without a hall pass after the bell rings you will be marked tardy.

·  Make sure that your pencils are sharpened and you have all of your materials before the tardy bell rings.

2. During Class

·  Show RESPECT for other students, yourself, and the teachers. Do not make inappropriate comments at any time.

·  Make sure to raise your hand if you want to speak during a class discussion.

·  Only water bottles are permitted during class time.

·  No cell phones or iPods should be out during class. If a cell phone or iPod is seen during class it will be taken and turned into the office.

·  You will need to participate in all class activities, so putting your head down on your desk is not an option.

3. End of Class

·  All students will need to remain seated in their assigned seats until we dismiss you.

Group Work Guidelines:

In this class we will be using cooperative learning on a daily basis. Everyday you will be working in groups of three or four. While we do not give “group grades”, some general group guidelines and expectations need to be understood and followed:

·  Everyone in the group does all of the work.

·  The group should work together cohesively – no one in the group moves on to the next question until everyone in the group understands the current problem.

·  The group is on-task at all times – no socializing.

·  The entire group gives a genuine effort on each problem. The teachers should not be asked about a problem until the entire group has discussed the problem and possible solutions.


·  Come to school every day and to class on time.

·  You must make-up any work missed due to absence. It is your responsibility to complete it and turn it in as soon as possible.

Procedure to follow if you are absent:

·  Check the Mackar Webpage on the Mayfield Directory to see what you have missed.

·  Download and print a copy of the notes from the day or days that you missed.

·  Read and try to understand the notes.

·  Ask questions when you come back.


The following items need to be brought to class every day:

·  TI-Nspire CX (without CAS) graphing calculator. We are using a classroom set of these calculators so the students are able to leave theirs at home for this school year to work on homework. This calculator will be used throughout your high school career and is required for all Mayfield Mathematics courses. This calculator is approved for all AP tests and college entrance exams.

·  3-Ring Binder – a 1.5” or 2” binder will be needed to organize all of the notes, investigations, and homework.

·  Graph Paper – Only graph paper will be needed

and should be kept in you 3-ring binder.

·  Pencils


·  All work must be shown.

·  Homework must be done on graph paper using a pencil.

·  Homework will be assigned randomly, and will be checked.


·  Grades will consist of tests/quizzes.

·  Homework and classwork assignments will be reported in the pinnacle grade book, but will not count towards the students grade.

·  There will be mid-term and final exams.

·  The following is the grading scale for the class:

A / 93-100 / C / 73-76
A- / 90-92 / C- / 70-72
B+ / 87-89 / D+ / 67-69
B / 83-86 / D / 63-66
B- / 80-82 / D- / 60-62
C+ / 77-79 / F / 50-59


I understand the guidelines for this class and agree to all the policies.

Please return to Mr. Mackar and Mrs. Nichols.


Student Signature Printed Student Name


Guardian Signature Printed Guardian Name

Contact Information:

Guardian 1 Guardian 2



