Metric Measurement Activity

Purpose: To practice selecting and using appropriate tools to collect and record measurements in an appropriately designed data table.

Materials: Meter Stick, Short Metric Ruler, Graduated Cylinders, Thermometer, Scale, Snap Cap Vial, Pipette, and Clock with a second hand.


1.  Read the entire procedure before you begin.

2.  In your spiral notebook, copy the title and the purpose of this activity.

3.  In your spiral notebook, design an appropriate data table to collect the necessary measurements.

4.  When you record your data, be sure to include units with every numerical value.

5.  Measure the following:

  1. L, W, H of your chemistry textbook.
  2. L, W, H of your lab bench.
  3. L, W, H of a sheet of paper.
  4. L, diameter, and mass of a pen or pencil.
  5. Volume and Mass of the water that will fit into a snap-cap vial.
  6. The mass of 50ml of water.
  7. Temperature of the air in the room.
  8. Temperature of your hand.
  9. The amount of time it takes to complete measurements a-h.

6.  Record the quantity of water supplied in the following graduated cylinders:

  1. Volume in the 1000ml graduated cylinder.
  2. Volume in the 100ml graduated cylinder.
  3. Volume in the 50ml graduated cylinder.
  4. Volume in the 10ml graduated cylinder.

7.  In your spiral, answer the analysis and conclusion questions.


1.  What is the volume of the lab bench?

2.  What is the density of the water in the snap-cap vial?

3.  What is the density of 50ml of water?

4.  Which graduated cylinder would you select to accurately measure 55ml of a solution? Explain your reasoning.

Conclusion: Explain which tool you would use to measure the length, mass, and volume of an i-Pod. Be sure to explain WHY you chose each of the tools. What additional information could be calculated using the measured data?