
1. Energy: ________________________________________

2. Anytime matter moves or changes in any way, _________________is involved

Law of Co nse r vation of Ene r gy

1. Energy cannot be ___________________________

2. Energy _____________ form but the __________________________________

Type s o f Energy

1. ________________ energy: energy that is ________________ ; can be released later

2. ________________ energy: energy that an object has because of its ____________________

Measurin g Energy

1. _____________ - is a measure of the ______ with which atoms move. (More exactly it is a measure

of their kinetic energy.) The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move

2. ______ – is a measure of the ability of a substance to transfer heat energy to another physical form.

Chemica l Energy

1. Type of _____________ Energy:

a) Chemical energy: _________________________ between atoms and molecules

Examples : Type s an d Conversion

1. A tree standing upright = _______________ energy

2. A tree that is falling down = _____________ energy

3. A pile of firewood = ___________________ energy

Energ y Sources

1. Most energy on the Earth comes from _____________________

a) Energy from the sun = ______________________

2. A tree ________________ energy from the sun into chemical energy and uses that energy to grow

3. A campfire is _________________ from the wood which came originally from ____________

Type s o f energy

Chemica l Energ y (food ) à Kineti c Energ y à Potentia l Energ y à Kineti c Energy


1. Fuel: _________________________________________

2. Plants make much of the fuel we use

a) Food, oil, coal, biomass, etc.

Usin g Fue l Energy

1. Release of energy from fuels is usually done through ____________________ :

a) This is called _______________________

2. Most energy is released in the form of __________________

a) Energy can also be released as light (_________________ )

Usin g Energy

1. Heat energy is converted and used in the form of _______________

2. Fuel is burned àHeat boils water àWater turns to steam àSteam creates pressure to spin turbines àSpinning turbines creates electricity