Thank you for your application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the Act") in relation to Fleet and ICT Management within Humberside Fire and Rescue Service.
The request is:
1) Name of person responsible for your fleet of vehicles?
2) Contact details, email and tel, of the above contact?
3) How many vehicles do you have in your fleet?
4) Are your vehicles equipped with any devices (tablets/handheld device, printers, ANPR machines)?
5) If yes to the above:
a) What is the make/manufacturer of each of these devices?
b) When were they purchased?
c) Are you looking to upgrade this equipment in the next 2-3 years?
d) Who supplied these devices?
6) What is the current IT budget for 2017/18?
7) Are you planning to replace any critical IT systems in the next 1-2 years? (Finance, HR/Payroll, ERP etc.)
8) Will you be preparing to tender for this requirement? If yes, when would that be?
9) Who is responsible for the procurement of new technology equipment?
10) Contact details, email and tel, of the above contact?
The response is:
1) Name of person responsible for your fleet of vehicles?
Station Manager Ben Kelly
2) Contact details, email and tel, of the above contact?
Tel. 01482 565333
3) How many vehicles do you have in your fleet?
c250 vehicles
4) Are your vehicles equipped with any devices (tablets/handheld device, printers, ANPR machines)?
Frontline appliances have demountable Mobile Data Terminals.
5) If yes to the above:
a) What is the make/manufacturer of each of these devices?
Panasonic Toughbooks
b) When were they purchased?
5+ years ago, with some more recent.
c) Are you looking to upgrade this equipment in the next 2-3 years?
d) Who supplied these devices?
Various suppliers.
6) What is the current IT budget for 2017/18?
£1,349,296 (Revenue)
7) Are you planning to replace any critical IT systems in the next 1-2 years? (Finance, HR/Payroll, ERP etc.)
There are no definite plans at this stage.
8) Will you be preparing to tender for this requirement? If yes, when would that be?
These types of system usually exceed procurement limits and will be subject to formal tendering. The Service uses the BlueLight portal:
9) Who is responsible for the procurement of new technology equipment?
Roger Burnham is the Procurement Officer.
10) Contact details, email and tel, of the above contact?
Tel: 01482 565333
** Please note these contract details should not be added to mailing lists without the express permission of the individual **
If you are unhappy with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. A request for an internal review should be made within 2 months of the date of this email. If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply direct to the Information Commissioner. The address is: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.