Metropolitan Community College

Course Syllabus – Winter 2015


Title: Hospitality Supervision

Prefix/Section: CHRM 2470 5A

Credit Hours: 4.5

Begins/Ends: 12/09/2015-02/17/2016

No-Class Days: 12/30/15

Meeting Day/Time: Wednesday 12:00pm - 4:00 pm

Withdrawal Date: 2/3/2016

Class Location: Fort Bldg 021, Room 101


Instructor Name: Joellen Zuk

Office Location: ICA Building, #22, Room 111- Cubicle C (southeast corner of faculty office)

Office Telephone: 402-457-2556

Toll-Free Number: 1-800-228-9553 (Identify yourself as an online student, give the operator your instructor’s office phone number.)

Facsimile: 402-457-2779

Office Hours: Tuesday 9-11 am, Thursday 2:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment

Email Address:

Academic Area: Culinary Arts/Hospitality Management


COURSE DESCRIPTION: The roles of an effective foodservice supervisor will be considered. Methods of recruiting, selecting, training and evaluating personnel are covered, as well as team building and managing conflict.


MINIMUM TECHNICAL SKILLS: Students must possess the following technical skill to succeed in the course:

· use email with attachments

· save files to and retrieve from a local drive

· save files in commonly used word processing program formats

· copy and paste

· identify and use a compatible web browser

· identify and install necessary updates

· install and use course-specific software programs

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, each student will be able to:

1. Write job descriptions and specifications;

2. Compare training methods and construct an effective training program;

3. Develop interviewing skills;

4. Identify the proper roles of a culinary or hospitality supervisor; and

5. Identify the principles of proper evaluation, motivation, and team building.

Required & Supplemental Materials:

NRAEF ManageFirst, Human Resources Management & Supervision, Competency Guide

New text book is required if student wishes to take NRAEF Certification Exam (answer sheet included with all new books)

Software/File Submission Requirements:

Metropolitan Community College used Mircosoft products as part of its standard software and encourages students to do the same. You may save word-processed documents for file attachments in Microsoft Word.doc or .docx format. If your software does not allow either of these, then save files in Rich Text Format (.rtf).

Course Structure:

Reading, power point lectures, discussion, project work, papers, exam


Class Participation & Attendance –100 points (10 points x 10 weeks)

Each week an Article review is required focusing on the lecture from the previous week. The review is to be on a related topic and follow the Article Review Format at the end of this syllabus. A scoring rubric is also provided at the end of the syllabus.

Article Reviews –200 points (25 points x 8 reviews)

Each week an Article review is required focusing on the lecture from the previous week. The review is to be on a related topic and follow the Article Review Format at the end of this syllabus. A scoring rubric is also provided at the end of the syllabus.

Project –275 points (25 points x 11 project components)

Design your own fictitious company and progressively develop a human resources plan for the company and a specified employee. All project work must be typed and include all of the following elements. Your work must be submitted on the due date as defined in the Schedule of Assignments. A scoring rubric for Project Work is at the end of the syllabus.

· Summary of Business – 1 page description of the business you will be designing in the development of a Human Resource Plan. You will need to include the following in your summary:

o Name of company

o Hours of operation and days open

o Type/scope of business (Fast Casual Restaurant, Fine Dining, Bed & Breakfast, Bakery & Coffee Shop, Gym, Lounge, etc.) and any theme or genre that would define your operation.

o Unit of volume or size

§ guest seats – estimate turnover of tables,

§ beds/rooms in a hotel or B&B

§ walk-up counter/limited or no seating – estimated number of guests to be served

o General location

o Target market (families, college students, business, etc.)

o The business must have at least 7 employees, with at least 3 reporting levels (Owner, Management and Hourly Staff)

· Organizational Chart – Prepare an Organizational Chart for your business, which should include the position chosen for job description, job posting, interview questions, checklist, etc.

· Job description – Develop ONE job description for a position from the organizational chart of your business. It should include components listed on pages 36-38 of the text; an example job description is on page 37. Many components of the project will focus on this position. The interview questions will be directed to screening of this position, the training plan and checklist will be for the position you have selected.

· Extra Credit Opportunity: Job Posting/Recruitment Ad – Prepare a recruitment ad for the selected position above; following guidelines on pages 45-47 of the textbook. Write a brief summary (1 paragraph) on how/where the ad will be placed or communicated. Extra credit – 15 points

· Interview questions – Prepare a minimum of 10 open-ended interview questions for your chosen position; examples page 53 of text. These questions should be specific to screening and determining the ‘best’ candidate for the position you have selected.

· Hiring/Orientation Process – Prepare an Orientation Process for your business to include: welcome activities, legal/paperwork activities, and orientation activities (checklist), position responsible for each task and timing for completion; examples of checklists on pages 70 & 75 in textbook.

· Training plan – Develop a Training plan for one small, specific task, i.e. how to make a martini, how to set the evening shift tables, how to prepare the cash register for service, etc. It should include the following:

o Goal/Objective, Method of Instruction,

o Who will attend training,

o Who will conduct training,

o Where will training be conducted,

o Equipment needed, Safety information,

o What to do,

o How to do it,

o Performance standards,

o Evaluation of training.

· Employee Recognition/Incentive Program – Design an Employee Recognition or Incentive Program for your business to include:

o Budget dollars committed to the program

o Who is responsible for coordinating the program (i.e. FOH manager, Office manager, General Manager, etc.)

o Type of program (service, productivity, satisfaction, safety, teamwork, etc.)

o Goal of the program (i.e. Increase sales, decrease food cost, increase customers between 4-6 pm, improve safety record with less slips/falls, recognize length of service, etc.)

o Who will be eligible (FOH, BOH, Employee’s with 1 year of service, etc)

o How long it will run (i.e. 1 week – introduction of new product, over the next period, all year, an award will be given monthly, etc.)

o How it will be measured (i.e. POS tapes, Safety reports submitted, P&L statement, guest surveys, etc.

o Who will be responsible for evaluation and deciding who will receive the award

o What are the rewards ($25 gift card, recognition at staff meeting and noted on website, 1 paid day off, dinner for employees on their anniversary – 1 year, 5 year, etc.) ,

· Employee evaluation – Design your Employee Evaluation to include:

o Name of Employee, Date, Current Position, Evaluation Date: From – To, Job Specific Goals, Performance Standards, Comment space - supervisor & employee, Total Rating, Follow-Up or Action, Signature of both supervisor & employee

o Written Procedure for Evaluation: Timing for evaluation: 90 days, 6 months, annually, on anniversary date, hire date in position, first of the year – all employees, etc.

o What is tied to evaluation: compensation, training plan, developmental plan

· Position Checklist – create a checklist for your chosen position: sanitation, opening, or closing (one checklist). In a short paragraph indicate how often the checklist is to be completed and who is responsible to verify/review employee completion and what actions should be taken if incomplete.

· Extra Credit Opportunity - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – Write a Standard Operating Procedure for a task your chosen position would perform. The SOP should include: 1) Task, 2) Detailed steps to achieve task, 3) Specific order of steps, 4) Level of quality expected, i.e. speed of service, food safety or hospitality that employees are expected to demonstrate. Extra credit – 15 points

· Federal Employment Laws: You are preparing for a meeting with your supervisors in which you will provide basic information about federal employment laws. Use a search engine to research the following agencies and laws. (Make sure to select the Web site maintained by the applicable federal government agency. These will include .gov in the Web address.) Note five important elements on four (4) laws for your meeting. Give a brief explanation of why you choose the four (4) laws:

o Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

o Pregnancy Discrimination Act

o Equal Pay Act of 1963

o Age Discrimination in Employment Act

o Americans with Disabilities Act

o Fair Labor Standards Act

o Occupational Safety and Health Act

o Family and Medical Leave Act

· Sexual Harassment Policy– Write a sexual harassment policy for your company. It should include the following:

o Definition of sexual harassment,

o Company statement,

o Procedures for reporting and consequences.

Test Your Knowledge Questions (TYK) – Extra Credit

· The Test Your Knowledge questions are available as a learning tool to assess your understanding of the chapter content.

· These questions provide an excellent tool for reviewing for the final exam. These questions were written by the NRAEF, so the format will be similar to the questions presented in the ManageFirst Certification exam.

· You may receive, up to .5 of a point Extra Credit for each question answered correctly; up to 50 points Extra Credit for the course.

· These questions will facilitate your learning.

Read chapters assigned according to syllabus, and discuss as directed. All assignments must be turned in as specified in the syllabus under schedule of assessments/assignments.

Grading Policy:

A: 93 - 100%

B: 85 - 92%

C: 75 - 84%

D: 65 - 74%

F: 0- 64%

Course Requirements:

· Attendance & Participation (10 points x 10 weeks) - 100 points

· Article Reviews (25 points x 8 reviews) - 200 points

· Project (25 points x 11 project components) - 275 points

· Final Exam - 100 points

o Extra Credit Opportunities – 50 points maximum

· Total possible – 675 points

Assessment of Student Learning Program:

Metropolitan Community College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes.

Use of Student Work:

By enrolling in classes offered by Metropolitan Community College, the student gives the College license to mark on, modify, and retain the work as may be required by the process of instruction, as described in the course syllabus. The institution shall not have the right to use the work in any other manner without the written consent of the student(s).

Maintenance of Student Records:

Chapter Summary/Outline, Article Review and Project work will be reviewed and graded weekly.

Certification status will be given to students when returned from NRAEF, usually 2-3 weeks after end of quarter. Final grade will be available through MCC’s MyWay


It takes a great deal of discipline to participate in an on-line class. Successful students will ‘attend’ class weekly and complete assignments by their scheduled due dates. In order to remain eligible for financial aid, students are responsible for meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Any three weeks of no attendance will result in a failing grade (F) for the course (unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor).

Attendance/Participation Reporting: To confirm each student’s eligibility to remain registered for the class, the instructor will officially report attendance/participation on or before the Census Date. Students in this section of Hospitality Supervision (CHRM 2470 5A) must participate in a class activity (submitted assignments) by Wednesday, December 16, 2015

All assignments must be turned in as specified in the syllabus. Late work will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.


When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct (, which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at

Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at

If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you are encouraged to contact your instructor and consult an MCC advisor, counselor, or the Financial Aid Office to evaluate the consequences of dropping the class. You can officially withdraw through My Services on the MCC My Way portal at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.

LEARNING SUPPORT MCC's Learning and Tutoring Centers, Math Centers, and Writing Centers offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available. Detailed information about the Learning and Tutoring, Math, and Writing Centers is in the My Way portal, the College Catalog, and online at

ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit