Student Name: ___________________________________________________
English Teacher: ____________________ Period: _______Grade Level:______
Dear Graduation Project Mentor:
Thank you for participating in the Cabarrus County Schools’ Graduation Project. Your mentee’s fieldwork requires the cooperation of an adult mentor who has some expertise on the topic the student is researching. The responsibilities of the mentor are as follows:
1. to meet with the student face to face a minimum of four times.
2. to arrange for “hands on” experience in your area.
3. to provide some guidance for the student’s research paper, fieldwork and product completion as applicable.
4. to serve as a sounding board for the student’s ideas about the product.
The student is responsible for keeping any and all appointments made with you. The Graduation Project Coordinator will send you a Fieldwork Verification Form that must be completed and returned by you at the conclusion of fieldwork.
All of us with the Graduation Project thank you for your willingness to support this program by serving as a mentor. We hope your experience is a rewarding one.
Cabarrus County Schools Graduation Project Coordinators
§ I understand and accept the responsibilities entrusted to me as a Graduation Project Mentor and will oversee the above student’s progress during fieldwork and product creation.
§ I understand that for my own protection and the student’s, we will not meet alone.
§ I am at least 25 years old.
§ I am not a relative of the student.
Signature of Mentor Date