2010-2011 Pacing Instructional Guide

Second Quarter

Timeline / Objectives / Essential Questions / enVision
Unit Lessons / Vocabulary / Indicators / Strategies
9 days
2 days / 1.01 Develop number sense for whole numbers through 99.
a) Connect the model, number word, and number using a variety of representations
b) Use efficient strategies to count the number of objects in a set
c) Read and write numbers
d) Compare and order sets and numbers
e) Build understanding of place value (ones, tens)
f) Estimate quantities fewer than or equal to 25
g) Recognize equivalence in sets and numbers 1-99 / How is a number changed when its ones digit is changed by 1 or its tens digit is changed by 10?
How can a hundred chart show the relationship of 1 more than, 1 less than, 1o more than, 10 less than?
For any two digit number, how can you identify the greater number?
How can you describe the counting sequence to 100?
How do you estimate the location of a two-digit number on a number line?
How does the ones digit change in a number that comes before or after a given number?
How do ones digits help you decide what number comes between two given numbers?
How is ordering three numbers similar to comparing two numbers?
How can you use tens frames to show numbers 11 to 20 as a group of 10 and some more?
How can you express the relationship between two numbers that are 1 or 2 more than or fewer than each other? / Compare and Order Numbers to 100
12-1, 12-2,
12-3, 12-4,
12-5, 12-6,
12-7, 12-8
Eleven – Twenty
10-1, 10-2 / 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, closest 10, least, less than, more, greatest, greater than, more than, equal, same as, units, ones, ones place, tens, tens place, model, value, before, after, count on, count back, smaller, smallest, larger, largest, leftover, remainder, extra, combine, tens stick, / Pages
5 – 27 / Pages 3-17
2 days / 1.02 Use groups of 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s with models and pictures to count collections of objects. / How can you use groups of 10 to count?
What visual patterns and number patterns are made by skip counting on a hundred chart? / Counting By Tens
Counting by Fives
10-4 / Skip count, pair, odd, even, / Pages
28-29 / Pages 18-19
9 days / 1.03 Develop fluency with single-digit addition and corresponding differences using strategies such as modeling, composing and decomposing quantities, using doubles, and making tens /

How can you identify and show a doubles fact?

How can you use a doubles fact to find the sum of a doubles plus 1 fact?
What strategies can be used to find the sum of a doubles plus 2 fact?
How can the answer to one problem be used as information needed to solve another problem?
How can you make 10 to add 9 or 8?
How can you add three numbers? / Addition
16-1, 16-2,
16-3, 16-4,
16-5, 16-5,
16-6, 16-7 / Add, sum total, equal, number sentence, true, false, doubles plus 1/ plus 2 / Pages
30-33 / Pages 20-26
Embedded with skills / 1.04 Create, model, and solve problems using addition, subtraction, and fair shares (between two or three) / How does listing all the possible ways to do something help you to solve a problem?
How can a table help you organize information and find different solutions? / Problem Solving
16-4, 16-8 / Pages
34-39 / Pages
2.01 For given objects:
4.Select an attribute (length, capacity, mass) to measure (use non-standard units)
b) Develop strategies to estimate size
c) Compare, using appropriate language, with respect to the attribute selected
2.02 Develop an understanding of the concept of time
4.Time (hour and half hour)
b) Problem solving (clock and calendar)
3.01 Identify, build, draw, and name parallelograms, squares, trapezoids, and hexagons
3.02 Identify, build, and name cylinders, cones, and rectangular prisms
3.03 Compare/contrast geometric figures
3.04 Problem solving involving spatial visualization
9 days / 4.01 Collect, organize, describe, and display data using line plots and tallies / What questions can you answer by looking at a real-object graph?
What questions can you answer by looking at a picture graph? A bar graph?
How can the position of an object on a grid be described?
How can tally marks be used to record information?
How can connecting cubes be used to make a real graph?
How can you create a picture graph to show information and to answer questions?
How can you use information in a tally chart to make a bar graph and answer questions? / Basic Graphs and Tallies
18-1, 18-2,
18-3, 18-5,
18-6, 18-7
18-8 / Picture graph, bar graph, grid, left, right, up, down, data, tally mark, collect, organize, display, show, alike, graph paper, chart paper, table, set, attributes, characteristics, label, sort, line plot / Pages
60-63 / Pages 59-61
2 days / 4.02 Describe events as certain, impossible, more likely or less likely to occur / How can you tell when it is certain or impossible for something to happen?
On a spinner of two colors, how can you tell which color a spinner is likely to land on? /


18-9, 18-10 / Certain, impossible, likely,
Unlikely, never, chance, predict, probable, probably, more likely, less likely, definitely, possibly, event, fair / Pages
64-65 / Pages 61-62
5.01 Sort and classify objects by two attributes
5.02 Use Venn diagrams to illustrate similarities and differences in two sets
5 days / 5.03 Create and extend patterns, identify the pattern unit, and translate into other forms / How can a repeating pattern be identified and described?
How can you predict what comes next in a repeating pattern?
How can a repeating shape pattern be extended?
How can finding a pattern help to solve a problem? / Patterns
9-1, 9-2, 9-3,
9-4 / Property, attribute, same, alike, sort, shared, compare, different, rename, extend, pattern unit / Pages
74-75 / Pages 7-11
Name each coin and recognize front and back of each coin
Understand value of each coin
Count multiples of the same coins
Add multiple combinations of coins up to $1.00

Second Quarter

38 Days of Instruction, Assessment, Review

Edited May 2010