Me, Myself and I

The Me, Myself and I poem is the longest of our poems, but should be fairly easy to write because it is a poem entirely about you.

What about you? Anything! It could include a physical description, a description of your family and friends, your likes and dislikes, your problems, your dreams, ANYTHING…about yourself.


1. This poem should be a full page in length. That’s right, A FULL PAGE. Let’s be clear about this: A full, though double-spaced, poem should be AT LEAST twenty lines long AND include a title.

2. You must use some (or all) of the poetry devices that we’ve studied in class. For instance, your poem could rhyme (but it doesn’t have to), your poem could be full of alliterations (or not); you can use similes, metaphors, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, assonance, repetition or any other devices we’ve covered. You could make your poem a series of couplets or limericks. You can do any of the above OR use your own ideas AS LONG AS YOU INCLUDE AT LEAST TWO OF THE DEVICES IN YOUR POEM.

DIRECTIONS: Write ONE Me, Myself and I poem. This poem will be worth at least double the value of most of the poems we’ve covered so far.