Joint Patient Participation Group

Weeping Cross Health Centre, Beaconside Health Centre and John Amery Drive Surgery

Minutes of the Meeting held at John Amery Drive on 12 December 2016


Steve Platts, Chairman (SP), Sue Harper, Secretary (SH), Dr. R.S. Lloyd (Sen Partner (RSL),Gareth Edwards (Business Manager) (GE), Rachel Stokes (RS), Ann Broadfield (AB) Lou Luckman (LL) Lynn Minard (LM) David Goodfellow (DG) TimSmale (TS), Lin Russell (LR) Liz Ashfield, Maggie Brocklebank, John Moore (JM)

  1. Apologies: Ruth Noyes, Angie Reeves and Peter Cook
  1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 14 September 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on the 14 Septemberhad already been agreed.

  1. Matters Arising – (Not included on the agenda)

The were no matters arising

  1. Walton High School

LR advised the meeting that she and SP had attended Walton High School and given a presentation to 3 students about the joint PPG project regarding the signposting of healthcare staff. There had been no further contact from the students. TS asked whether specific learning outcomes had been identified. SH undertook to try and progress the initiative with the Sixth Form Manager.

Action SH

  1. Feedback from the District Meeting

MB updated the meeting on matters discussed at the District Meeting which had been held in the previous week. The meeting was the first held for 6 months. The CCG had held an engagement in November to discuss future engagement models within the 3 CCG areas. Some negative views had been expressed about the value of this event and the increased use of the internet was questioned as appropriate to all patients. The District Meeting had, however confirmed that the new model of engagement would include a District Group. A focus group to progress a future model was to be held on the 10 January and all PPG members were welcome to attend. (Contact SH for details) LA advised that she had attended the event in November and would be going to the focus group on the 10 Jan. The STP was discussed in detail (see item 6) The CCG was looking to procure a new ‘Out of Hours’ service during 2017. The procurement procedure needs to take full account of patient views. If any PPG Members has experience of the existing service or views about the future service they are asked to contact SH or MB either to share this information or to be a member of the procurement panel which will include examination of tenders. All members were asked to share patients stories as the CCG Governing Body was keen to hear this valuable feedback. Details had been shared of the Equality Impact Assessment process which was intended to ensure that all patients had equal access to services.

Action all members

  1. The Staffordshire Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP)

SH advised that 44 areas of the Country had been asked to draw up an STP to examine ways in which health and social care could be delivered over the next 5 years. Staffordshire had submitted a plan to the Government. Details of this plan will be shared during a press launch on the 15th December as a public narrative. After this time, it will important to use the PPG network to seek views on how this may be progressed to improve patient experience of primary and secondary care. This item will therefore be a regular matter on PPG Meetings.

  1. Virtual PPG Update

TS advised that there were a few more members of the group but there needed to be relevant issues to encourage traffic. SH thanked him for producing a quick response code (QR code) that was now displayed in all 3 surgeries to enable interested parties to join the group by scanning the code with their smart phone.

  1. Partner Q and A

LA asked for an update on the future of a new Health Centre given the negative comments made by the Police and Crime Commissioner at the Baswich Community Group AGM. RSL confirmed that the former Police HQ site was being sold for housing. He advised that there was still an opportunity to try and influence the new owners to include a health centre but that this was not looking too hopeful especially as the CCG bid for new build had only achieved one successful outcome in South Staffordshire (Burntwood).

  1. Practice Manager Update and Weeping Cross Surgery Walk In

GE advised the meeting that with effect from 1 April 2017 the walk-in surgery at Weeping Cross would be replaced with an appointment system similar to that used at John Amery Drive and Beaconside. This decision had become inevitable given the severe financial constraints placed on the surgery (15% budget cut) and the difficulty in maintaining the required level of GP cover to ensure a safe service. There will be an extensive period of communication with patients using a variety of methods to ensure that people are advised of the forthcoming change. It was noted that there may be a few problems with the transition of one system to another and patient ideas and suggestions would be welcome during this time. It was envisaged that there would be a review period during the spring and summer and minor changes may be made to ensure the best possible patient access. It was also noted that this change would have a beneficial effect on the other 2 practices who sometimes had to lose GP cover to ensure safe working practices at Weeping Cross.

TS asked how the walk-in service to the nurses would be affected. It was hoped that a walk in- blood testing service could be maintained. It was stated that there would probably be an increase in early appointments – some before 8am.

The meeting again discussed the need for patients to select the correct healthcare practitioner for their respective condition and GE advised that a lot of work was ongoing in this regard including new literature and the training of staff. A new system of patient signposting following an initial GP appointment was working well. Reception staff and patients had provided positive feedback.

SP thanked RSL an GE for the work they had done to provide the meeting with good background evidence to support the need for this change and offered the support of the PPG to the communication process.

It was agreed that GE would provide an initial statement from the practice to set out the reasons for change and the implementation date of the 1 April 2017 before the minutes of this meeting could be circulated.

Action GE and SH

  1. Any other business

LR asked that thanks be shared with the Beaconside reception staff who had impressed a patient with their courteous and helpful manner.

Action GE

DG sought clarification on the use of a named GP for certain chronic illnesses. i.e. did GPs have specialist areas of work? RSL advised that in theory all GPs (and other clinical staff) should be able to help patients with their illnesses but recognised that patients may be directed to certain GPs in certain cases. There was a danger in becoming too specialised as GPs could become de- skilled in other areas.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting 8 February 6pm Weeping Cross and 12 April Beaconside (to be confirmed)