

Version 1.2

July 2011

ICT TrainingRadiology – V.N1.2


1.General Course InformatioN

2.Information Governance

2.1.What can you do to make Information Governance a success?


4.username and password

5.How to Access Radiology

5.1.Desktop Short Cuts

5.2.The Start Menu

5.3.Internet Explorer

5.4.Initial Log On

5.5.Subsequent Log Ins


6.1.If Your Password Has Expired









15.1.Searching By Pas Number

15.2.Searching By Order Number

15.3.Searching By Casenote Number

15.4.Searching By Surname And Forename Initial

15.5.Searching By Surname Only

15.6.To Exit from Result Inquiry


16.1.ICT Service Desk

16.2.Out of office hours

16.3.ICT Training

17.Help with using RAdiology


19.Version Control/Log

ICT TrainingRadiology – V.N1.2

1.General Course InformatioN

Course TitleRAD - Radiology

Method of Training Workshop or E Learning

DurationSuggested 1 hour

Pre-RequisitesNone, although Keyboard Skills advisable.


This course will introduce the viewing functions of the Radiology system. This displays basic demographic details about a patient and the results of Diagnostic Imaging tests, i.e. X-rays, Scans, MRI, Barium Meal and Ultrasound performed at various hospitals within the district.


Relevant Staff - Clerical & Clinical


This course will enable the student to:
  1. Describe the structure of the Radiology system.
  1. List and explain their personal responsibilities for Information Governance.
  1. Log on and off of the Radiology system.
  1. Use the keyboard including function keys to access information.
  1. Find and select a patient using PAS number, Casenote number or surname/first name.
  1. Identify specific information, e.g. date and type of test performed.
  2. Select specific results to view information.
  3. Select and print documents.
  4. Report faults.

2.Information Governance

Information Governance (IG) sits alongside the other governance initiatives of clinical, research and corporate governance. Information Governance is to do with the way the NHS handles information about patients/clients and employees, in particular, personal and sensitive information. It provides a framework to bring together all of the requirements, standards and best practice that apply to the handling of personal information.

Information Governance includes the following standards and requirements:

  • Information Quality Assurance
  • NHS Codes of Conduct:
  • Confidentiality
  • Records Management
  • Information Security
  • The Data Protection Act (1998)
  • The Freedom of Information Act (2000)
  • Caldicott Report (1997)

2.1.What can you do to make Information Governance a success?

2.1.1.Keep personal information secure

Ensure confidential information is not unlawfully or inappropriately accessed. Comply with the TrustICT Security Policy, Confidentiality Code of Conduct and other IG policies. There are basic bestpractices, such as:

  • Do not share your password with others
  • Ensure you "log out" once you have finished using the computer
  • Do not leave manual records unattended
  • Lock rooms and cupboards where personal information is stored
  • Ensure information is exchanged in a secure way (e.g. encrypted e-mails, secure postal or faxmethods)

2.1.2.Keep personal information confidential

Only disclose personal information to those who legitimately need to know to carry out their role. Donot discuss personal information about your patients/clients/staff in corridors, lifts or the canteen orother public or non-private areas.

2.1.3.Ensure that the information you use is obtained fairly

Inform patients/clients of the reason their information is being collected. Organisational compliance with the Data Protection Act depends on employees acting in accordance with the law. The Act statesinformation is obtained lawfully and fairly if individuals are informed of the reason their information isrequired, what will generally be done with that information and who the information is likely to beshared with.

2.1.4.Make sure the information you use is accurate

Check personal information with the patient. Information quality is an important part of IG. There islittle point putting procedures in place to protect personal information if the information is inaccurate.

Only use information for the purpose for which it was given

Use the information in an ethical way. Personal information which was given for one purpose e.g.

hospital treatment, should not be used for a totally separate purpose e.g. research, unless the patientconsents to the new purpose.

2.1.5.Share personal information appropriately and lawfully

Obtain patient consent before sharing their information with others e.g. referral to another agency suchas, social services.

2.1.6.Comply with the law

The Trust has policies and procedures in place which comply with the law and do not breachpatient/client rights. If you comply with these policies and procedures you are unlikely to break the law.

For further Information Governance training refer to:

Written by PHT Information Governance Manager, Sept 2010


The Radiology System enables you to view results for patients who have had some form of Diagnostic Imaging ie; x-ray, Cat Scan, MRI, Ultrasound, Barium Meal or Bone Scan (Nuclear Medicine).

The Radiology System was designed by an American company called MISYS and some of the terminology referred to in the system is American based i.e. ‘Username’ is referred to as ‘Access Code’.

On some screens within the Radiology System you will see <F1> = Exit. This is a fault on the system and should read <F1> = Accept.

4.username and password


If you do not have a username then you will be issued with one, some days after the successful completion of the course. Details of your username will be sent to you from PAS Applications.

If you have a username for email, PAS, etc. already then, in most cases, you will use the same one for Radiology.


Your password must be between 6 and 12 characters (containing at least one letter of the alphabet and no more than two repeated characters and you can also include a number).

You may alternate between passwords, but it is possible to use a wider selection if preferred.

5.How to Access Radiology

Across the Trusts there are a number of possible methods to accessing Radiology. The method you need to use may depend on: where you are based, the age of your computer equipment and the way your computer was set up when it was issued. It is best to ask a colleague for the method for your computer.

5.1.Desktop Short Cuts

A Desktop short cut is the easiest way to access Radiology. Double click on the appropriate icon on your desktop.

The Powerterm icon will offer you a menu from which to select Radiology Universal Login. Click on your choice and then click on the Connect button. /
The RAD icon will take you straight to the log in prompt for the Radiology system. /

5.2.The Start Menu

Click on the Start button ( ) at the bottom left of your screen.

Click on Programs/All Programs ( ).

A pop out menu will appear. Click on Powerterm, or Smart Term Essential, or Smart Term Hosts, or Kea; whichever is available.

Further menus may pop out or appear. Click on the relevant options until you get to the system you require.

5.3.Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer ( ). (Where is this? – you may have a Desktop icon, find it in the Start Button menus, have a short cut on the Task Bar).
  2. Click in the Address Bar and type in
  3. Click on the Go button.
  4. (If asked, say Yes to the ActiveX control message.)
  5. Wait for the screen to load with the menu.
  6. Select Radiology Universal Login and Connect.

5.4.Initial Log On


The terminal will ‘lock’ after 5 incorrect log in attempts. The terminal will automatically release itself after 5 minutes.

The first time you log onto the Radiology System you are advised to follow the instructions below.

Caps Lock OFF.

  1. At Login: type rad.Press <Enter>.

  1. At 1.UKMAP 2.USMAP 3.VT220 - Select 1, press <Enter>.

Caps LockON.

  1. At Device Loc: Press <Enter>.
  1. At ACCESS CODE: Type in your USERNAME. Press <Enter>
  1. At PASSWORD: Type in the password provided by the ICT Service Desk and then press <Enter>.
    The screen will then display the following:
  2. At PASSWORD (NEW): Enter your chosen new password.
    Passwords must be between 6 and 12 characters in length and can be made up of either, numbers, letters or a combination of both.
  1. At VERIFICATION: Re-enter your chosen new password.
  1. At NEW EXPIRATION DATE <90>: press <Enter>
  1. The screen will then display:
    PASSWORD (current):encrypted

PASSWORD (new):encrypted



Type in A and <Enter>.

  1. The screen then displays:

Your password has changed. Please use your new password. This password will expire on DD/MM/YY.

Press <Enter>.

5.5.Subsequent Log Ins

Caps Lock OFF

  1. AtLogin: typerad.
  1. At 1.UKMAP 2.USMAP 3.VT220 - Select 1

Caps LockON.

  1. AtDevice Loc- pressEnter>.
  1. AtACCESS CODE: Type in yourUSERNAME.
  1. Message Number: To read message(s) select appropriate number or to bypass messages press <Enter>.
  1. Ignore the Special Message shown below.
    Type an asterisk * at the TYPE <CR> “*” TO QUIT and press <Enter>.

  1. Press the <Enter> key at the More error/messagesare on file that you have not viewed statement.
  1. At FUNCTION: Type HIQ – to use the Historical Inquiry Function.


Passwords will automatically expire after 90 days.

Before your Password expires, the system will present you with one of the following messages when you log in:


Change password (<Y>for yes/<N>for no):


Change password (<Y>/<N>)

If you want to change it now type Y for yes and press<Enter>.

Follow directions from No 6 in Initial log In, on page Error! Bookmark not defined..

If you don't want to change it type N for no Enter>.

6.1.If Your Password Has Expired

If your password has expired (i.e. you haven’t logged in for a long time) contact PAS Applications via email to ask for it to be reset.


Historical Inquiry will allow you to view all Diagnostic Imaging tests that a patient has had.

If a field has a ‘+’ next to it, for example Sex+, Help is available by pressing the HOME key, which is situated to the right of the backspace  key.

To look at a patient’s results either type in HIQ where it states Function or select 1 or HIQ from the Menu.

At Medical Record/Order Number it is possible to find your patient in a number of ways, by inputting either:

Order Number:P02-11

PAS Number:12116483

Hospital Case Note Number:C:Q123456


Surname, Forename initial:=RIMMER,A

NOTE: If your search using order number is unsuccessful it may be that you have used a letter where a number should be e.g. Number 0 instead of letter O.

NOTE: You must type C: before typing in the Hospital Case Note number or you will be unsuccessful in your search.

NOTE: You must type = before the patient’s surname or you will be unsuccessful in your search.


The quickest way of getting a result is to search using the order number. This should take you straight to that test result. If you find that an order has been placed on a patient but no documents have been reported, take a note of the order number and try again on this the next time you do your search.

  1. Type in Order Number e.g. P02-11. Press <Enter>

  1. The patient’s name will appear in the Historical Inquiry Search Box next to the Order number. Press <F1> (Accept)
  1. If a report is not available the screen will show ‘No documents available’.
    Highlight ‘Quit’ and press <Enter>.

  1. If a report is available, the report will appear on the screen.
    Patient demographic information is displayed above the dividing line including name, DOB, sex and address details. The Order number and Examination code e.g. MRNECK – MRI of neck, LFT – x-ray of left foot, CXR - chest x-ray appear on the top line together with how many documents are associated with the examination (just below shows the status of the report (document)).
    The report itself is displayed beneath the dividing line.
  1. At the bottom of the screen you have two options. Select *More to check if the test report runs on to another screen. Then you will be given the option to go back to the previous screen if you want to.
  1. Select Quit to return to the Historical Inquiry search screen.


If you do not have an order number but do have the PAS number use this to search as this is how the Diagnostic Imaging Department file patients images so your search should be quicker.

  1. Type in your patient’s PAS Number e.g. 08054402. Press <Enter>. The patient’s name will appear next to the PAS number; check this is the correct patient. Press <F1> (Accept).

  1. You will then be shown a list of all tests which will appear in reverse date order i.e. the latest at the top, as shown below.
  1. If the column Doc is populated by a number e.g. 1 = 1 report, 2 = 2 reports; there is a report available for you to look at. If there is an, 'N' or ‘0’ in this column, it indicates there is no report available to view.
  1. If you wish to view a report type a 'D' in the Act (Action) column next to each document you wish to view. You can select as many as you wish. Once you have made your selection press <F1> (Accept).
  2. The system will then take you through your selected reports one by one: *More indicates further page(s).
  1. Where two or more reports have been selected, press <Enter> on the Quit option to go to the next report.
  1. When you have finished viewing the last report, pressing <Enter> on Quit will return you to the Historical Inquiry search screen.


  1. Type in C: followed by the patient’s Case Note Number - press <Enter>.

  2. A patient’s name will appear on screen, check this is the correct patient.
  3. Highlight your patient by moving the highlighter bar with the directional arrow keys   over your patient’s name, press <Enter>.
  4. The PAS no. defaults into the Medical Record/Order Number box - press <F1> (Accept).
    A list of all tests will appear in reverse date order.
  1. Follow steps 3 – 7 as described in SEARCHING BY PAS NUMBER, on page 12.


  1. Type an = followed by the surname e.g. =SMITH. Press either <F1> or <Enter>.

  1. At Sex type an M or F or U for unknown (Help available by pressing the Home key). The default is U for Unknown.
  1. At Birthdate/Age enter date of Birth if known or enter patient's age. The system will only search one year either side of the age entered; if you are not sure leave this area blank. Press <F1> (Accept) .
  1. A list of matching patients may now appear. Select More to move down the list.
  1. If the required patient is not on the list select the Quit option to take you back to the Historical Inquiry search screen.
  1. Highlight your patient by moving the highlighter bar with the directional arrow keys   over your patient’s name, press <Enter>.
  1. The selected patient's PAS number and name will now appear in the Historical Inquiry screen. Press <F1> (accept)
  1. Follow steps 3 – 7 as described in SEARCHING BY PAS NUMBER, on page 12.


  1. Type an = followed by the surname and forename initial e.g. =RIMMER,A - press <F1> or <Enter>.
  1. Follow steps 2-7 as described in SEARCHING BY SURNAME, on page 13.


If you need to print, it is better to select File on the title bar and print from the drop down menu so that you can make sure your result is set to go to the right printer. If you have just one default printer for your area you can just select the print icon on the taskbar. exit the RADIOLOGY SYSTEM

  1. After selecting Quit from a result, it will take you back to the searching screen.
  1. Select your function key F9, then your Delete key. This will take you back to the Special Message screen.
    At TYPE <CR> TO CONTINUE OR * TO QUIT type in * then <Enter>
  1. Press <Enter> again

  2. At FUNCTION press <Enter>
  1. At ACCESS CODE type * then <Enter>


Result Inquiry will allow you to view tests by selected parameters

Follow the log on instructions as described from page Error! Bookmark not defined. until the screen shows FUNCTION: where upon you would type: RIQ and <Enter>

At Medical Record/Order Number you can either enter one of the following:


PAS NUMBER14027023




15.1.Searching By Pas Number

  1. At Medical Record/Order Number: type in the PAS number, when this is entered you will be shown a name, which you need to check to make sure it is the correct patient.
  1. At Date/Date Range:
    If the date of the test is known type this in e.g. 200199
    A Date Range e.g. 200199-270199
    If the date of the test is not known press <Enter> and the latest date will be displayed.
  1. At Exam/Group/Department or <All>:
    Enterprovides all tests.
    If you require a specific type of exam enter in the required information eg. SKULL, LEG, ARM etc. and press <Enter> twice.
    Patient details will now appear at the top of the screen and all tests available (which match the parameters that you entered) will be set out as shown below.