consultant in general adult psychiatry

auchinlea resource centre

Information pack

reF: 32115d

Closing Date: noon 14th March 2014


Post: consultant general adult psychiatrist

Base: aUCHINLEA centre

Applications are invited for a full-time post in General Adult Psychiatry in East Glasgow, which is part of Northeast Glasgow Division of psychiatry. Mental Health services in East Glasgow are provided by integrated health and social work multidisciplinary CMHTs, supported by a Crisis Team and a Primary Care Mental Health Team.

The post is based at Parkhead Hospital and the Auchinlea Centre Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), and comprises of 10 Programmed Activities (PAs) allocated between Parkhead hospital and the Auchinlea Centre CMHT. On call responsibilities will be shared with other consultant colleagues on an approximately 1:60 rota.

The post-holder will be supported by appropriate medical secretary time and by junior doctor input for inpatient sessions. Responsibilities will be shared between a total of 19 general adult psychiatrists in Northeast Glasgow, and the successful applicant would be expected to work closely with colleagues to provide a full range of services to inpatients and outpatients.

The successful candidate would be encouraged to take the opportunities available for further education and continuing professional development. There are active education and audit programmes within the service.

Applicants must have full registration with the General Medical Council, a licence to practice and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher Specialist Training leading to a CCT in Psychiatry or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within six months of confirmed entry at the date of interview. Non UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde /



Auchinlea Resource Centre



This full-time post is currently in General Adult Psychiatry in the city centre sector of East Glasgow.

Current Psychiatric Services – Northeast Glasgow Area

The psychiatric services in Glasgow are split into three areas of a city wide mental health partnership (MMP); two areas North of the River Clyde and one to the South. The Northeast Glasgow area lies between the River Clyde to the South, the River Kelvin to the West and the Campsie Hills to the North. It covers a population of approximately 350,000 with areas of significant deprivation. Community Services in Northeast Glasgow are well developed. The general adult services are provided by CMHT’s based in 6 community resource centres:

Arran Centre / City Centre Locality (G1, G2, G3, G4, G21, G31, G40) population approx 50,000

Anvil Centre / Mid Sector Locality (G32, G33) population approx 50,000

Auchinlea House / East Sector Locality (G33, G34, G69, G71) approx 50,000

Kirkintilloch Centre / Strathkelvin Locality (G33, G65, G66, G69), population 85,000.

Springpark Centre / Springburn/Possil Locality (G21, G22, G33), population 50,000

Shawpark Centre / Maryhill Locality (G3, G4, G20, G23), population 53,000

The Acute Adult Inpatient Beds are presently located on 2 sites: 1) MacKinnon House on the Stobhill General Hospital site and 2) Parkhead Hospital in East Glasgow.

1) Parkhead Hospital Site

Parkhead Hospital opened in 1988 and comprises 2 adult wards adjacent to the Anvil Centre. Occupational therapy and physiotherapy/gym are provided on site. There is a medical library and on-call accommodation for SHOs. The Mental Health Tribunal holds hearings in the Millan Suite at Parkhead Hospital. IPCU facilities, Addiction beds and ECT are based at Stobhill. East Psychotherapy and Psychology are based at Carswell House.

The successful applicant will be encouraged to contribute to the planning of the reprovision of Parkhead Hospital. The plan is to relocate to the Stobhill Hospital site adjacent to MacKinnon House, opening in 2016.

Greater Glasgow Health Board’s “Modernising Mental Health Services” strategy is resulting in major investment in new and innovative mental health services, including early intervention and perinatal mental health services. The perinatal mental health services have opened in the Southern General Hospital to the south of the city and Consultants have been appointed to roll out the early intervention service for psychosis city wide. A primary care mental health strategy has been established to improve the management of patients whose needs are best met within primary care rather than secondary services.

2) Stobhill

MacKinnon House is a purpose built acute admission unit and was opened in April 2000 following the closure of Woodilee Hospital. The unit is 6 miles from Parkhead Hospital and 5 miles from the Arran Centre. The unit comprises three twenty-bedded locality wards (Broadford, Armadale and Struan Wards) and a 12 bedded IPCU (Portree Ward). There is an ECT Suite with dedicated sessional staff, a Life-Skills Department, a mental Health Tribunal suite, Library and on-call facilities.

Eriskay is a 15 bedded inpatient unit located directly opposite Mackinnon House on the Stobhill site. This houses addiction in patient beds and day patient facilities for the Northeast sector.

The North Psychotherapy and Psychology Department is adjacent to MacKinnon House. On-site are the Old Age Psychiatry Wards and Day Hospital, Adolescent Inpatient Unit, Medium Secure Unit, Addiction Inpatient Services, Inpatient Support Services and the Area Management Team/Clinical Director.

1. Medical Staffing – East Glasgow

Dr J Anderson General Adult Psych, Anvil Centre

Dr D J Brodie* Liaison Psychiatry

Dr R Brown* Old Age Psychiatry, Parkview Centre

Dr M Cohen Psychotherapy, Carswell House

Dr M Cooney Addictions Service, Parkhead Hospital

Dr D Culshaw General Adult Psych, Arran Centre (part time)

Dr O Gallagher* General Adult Psych, Arran Centre Inpatients & Clinical Director

This Post General Adult Psych, Auchinlea

Dr I MacKay Homeless Addictions

Dr D Mason* General Adult Psych, Anvil Centre

Dr R McCaffery General Adult Psych, Anvil Centre and Clinical Tutor

Dr K McElroy General Adult Psych, Arran Centre

Dr S Reddy General Adult psych, Arran centre

Dr A Phillipson Old Age Psychiatry, Parkview Centre

Dr S Thomson General Adult Psych, Auchinlea & Undergraduate Tutor

Dr M Turner* General Adult Psych, Auchinlea

Dr A Williams Psychotherapy, Homeless

* = SpR Trainer

Non-Consultant Staff

Vacant Post Specialty Doctor.

Vacant Post Specialty Doctor.

There are around 12 junior medical trainees on the East Glasgow Training Scheme.

Higher Trainees are assigned to local Higher trainers as per their training requirements.

2.  Medical Staffing – North Glasgow

Consultant Staffing

Dr A Blair* Early Psychosis Intervention Service Psychiatrist

Dr D Brown* Old Age Psychiatry, Bridgeview Centre, Lead Clinician

Dr D Brown General Adult Psychiatry Acting lead Clinician Springpark

Dr A Cogan General Adult Psych, Shawpark & Undergraduate Dean

Dr A Cohen Psychotherapy,Psychotherapy Dept, Stobhill

Dr A Fergie Old Age Psychiatry, Woodlands Centre/ Undergraduate Tutor

Dr R Hosie General Adult Psychiatry, Kirkintilloch

Dr M Keenan General Adult Psych, Shawpark

Dr D McCarthy General Adult Psych, Shawpark

Dr J McTaggart General Adult Psych, Springpark

Dr D Monaghan General Adult Psychiatry, Kirkintilloch

Dr E Ogston Psychotherapy

Dr D Patience IPCU, Homeless Mental Health (Community)

Vacant Post General Adult Psychiatry, Kirkintilloch

Dr R Ward General Adult Psychiatry Springpark

Dr J Wiggins Old Age and Liaison Psychiatry

Dr S Wylie* Addictions Psychiatry, Denmark Street, Eriskay House

* = SpR trainer

Non Consultant Career Grades

Dr L Ault Staff Grade IPCU, Stobhill

Dr C Duncan Associate Specialist Addictions Service

Dr F Duncan Staff Grade General Adult Psychiatry Larkfield

Dr P Forrester Staff Grade General Adult Psychiatry, Springpark

Dr KB Idris Staff Grade General Adult Psychiatry, Shawpark

There are approximately 12 junior trainees on the North Glasgow Training Scheme.

Higher Trainees are assigned to local Higher trainers as per their training requirements.

1.  Clinical Services

The Easterhouse catchment area includes several of the most deprived localities in Glasgow, along with an area of relative affluence in Baillieston. Cuirrently there are 2.7 whole time equivalent Consultants (three doctors) posts.The post advertised is the second whole time equivalent consultant post which is vacant due to retiral of a consultant.

At the present time the psychiatric services in Glasgow are subject to considerable review. The inpatient services in the northeast sector are also in a process of regeneration with a gradual move from the Parkhead site to Stobhill already underway. The catchment areas for the Arran Centre and adjacent resource centres in North and West Glasgow are likely to change substantially in the coming years. It is therefore likely that the consultants at the Auchinlea Centre, including the successful applicant, will find their jobs subject to a similar evolution reflecting the needs of the service.

Much of the service is delivered by the team in or close to the patient’s home. However out-patient clinics take place within the centre. There are good links with primary care and with the many voluntary and statutory providers within the locality. There is also a large inpatient multi-disciplinary Team. There is close working between members of the respective teams.

With current medical resource levels at Auchinlea, the post includes responsibility for Homeless Mental Health Team’s inpatients.


The post holder will be expected to provide additional medical leadership to the teams and assist with the further development of the service.

2.  Supporting Staff

The community multidisciplinary team are based at the Auchinlea Resource Centre, which is an integral part of Easterhouse Health Centre where many of the local GP’s and Primary Care services are located. The team comprises community psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, psychology and social work. The local CRISIS team are co- located between office hours and out of hours relocate to the Anvil Centre. The Primary Care Mental Health Team are co-located while close working with local addictions services is also well established. Both teams are regular attenders at multi disciplinary feedback meetings.

The inpatient multi-disciplinary team are presently based at Parkhead Hospital and comprise nursing, lifeskills, pharmacy, with input from community-based psychology, social work, nursing and occupational therapy.

The post-holder may supervise a trainee from the East Rotation Training Scheme.

3.  Duties of the Post

The post holder will have responsibility for providing a comprehensive range of services in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary team to patients with severe and enduring mental health problems within the locality between the ages of 16 to 65. He or she will supervise in-patients at Parkhead Hospital and do out-patient and CMHT work at the Auchinlea Centre including designated nursing staff support.

At present there are two General adult wards each with 24 beds in Parkhead. Currently the post holder could anticipate 30 to 50 inpatient admission a year.

He or she will be expected to cover for colleagues during absences in line with the arrangements set out in the National Terms and Conditions. Cover for leave for all inpatients and Auchinlea CMHT outpatients is normally arranged between consultants working within the resource centre, though from time to time in exceptional circumstances other arrangements can be made.

The post-holder will, with the agreement of the Clinical Director agree a job plan. The final timetable is flexible, subject to the needs of the service and would be discussed with the successful candidate. An example of programmed activities (4 hours) commitment would be:

Direct Clinical Care 9 programmed activities ( 36 hours)

This includes in-patient and community work emergency clinical work and where appropriate, on-call. As previously stated this post includes Homeless Mental health team inpatient which amounts to approximately 8 to 10 admissions each year. As there is no current specialty doctor located at Auchinlea, a proportion of community emergency work is allocated to consultants and is factored into the job plan.

Supporting Professional Activities 1 Programmed activity ( 4 hours)

This includes, among other tasks, CPD, job planning and appraisal preparation.

Total 10 programmed activities or 40 hours per week


Sample Consultant Timetable Auchinlea Centre/Parkhead

Outpatient Clinic
4 hours DCC / MDT feedback meeting Auchinlea / Allocation meeting at Auchinlea Centre (rota basis)
4 Hours DCC / Teaching/ CPD
Supervision of trainees
4 hours SPA / Ward Duties
(Ward 3) or
Auchinlea Centre
4 Hours DCC
Ward Round Ward 3 Parkhead
4 hours DCC / Outpatient Clinic
4 hours DCC / Ward Round
(Ward 3)
4 hours DCC / Mental health act work/CPA
4Hrs DCC / Ward reviews/
Or Auchinlea/admin etc
4 hours DCC
8hrs DCC / Shrs DCC / 8Hrs DCC / 4hrs DCC/4Hrs SPA / 8hrs DCC

A split of 9:1 between direct clinical care PAs and supporting professional activities is now standard for consultant job plans within NHSGG&C.The one SPA minimum will reflect activity such as appraisal, personal audit and professional development occurring outside study leave time. Once the candidate has been appointed more SPA time may be agreed for activities such as undergraduate and postgraduate medical training which takes place outside direct clinical care, as well as research and/or management. These activities must be specifically and clearly identified and be agreed with the candidate and desired by the department.

The post holder must complete section 22 training of the Mental Health, Care and Treatment, (Scotland) Act to allow approval by the NHS GG&C Board as an Approved Medical Practitioner (AMP). This training should have occurred prior to taking up post or as soon as possible thereafter. Being an active AMP is a core requirement of the job and Mental health legislation work is incorporated in the 10 programmed activities job plan.

On Call

The on-call commitment is currently 1 in 60, covering North Glasgow which includes both North East and North West Divisions. This may reduce to approximately a 1 in 30 as the rota is reviewed. This includes all psychiatric units in this area and some after hours liaison work at the General Hospitals in that area.

There is Higher Trainee middle grade cover to the all North Glasgow nights until 3am and all weekend days, Therefore after office hours the consultant is third on call until 3am for each night on call when they the designated second on-call doctor.

There is a 3% availability uplift in recognition of being on call and any actual clinical after hours on call work done can be taken back in lieu as well.

During office hours, although there is a consultant on call, it is expected that any urgent issues are dealt with by the local CMHT or named consultant.