Primary Mental Health Initiatives and Innovations Funding Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Whanganui
/ Report / Date Due /1 / 2004/05 financial year
1. Provide an establishment report on the service requirements Clause of this schedule
2. A statement agreed between the DHB and the PHO as to what the PHO intends to achieve by Dec 2006 through this initiative, and how they intend to measure this achievement. / Establishment Report on delivery for quarter ended 30 June 2005 due by 20 July 2005
2 / 2005/06 financial year
1.Provide a progress report that demonstrates progress made against the delivery of services in the service requirements Clause part (b) of this schedule
2. Report on the level of client co-payments charged by the PHO / Provision of service reports sent quarterly due by 20 October 2005, 20 January 2006, 20 April 2006 and 20 July 2006.
3 / 2006/07 financial year
1.Provide a progress report that demonstrates progress made against the delivery of services in the service requirements Clause of this schedule part Hawkes Bay(b) Wairarapa (c) Whanganui (b)&(c)
2. Report on the level of client co-payments charged by the PHO / Provision of service reports sent quarterly due by 20 October 2006, 20 January 2007, 20 April 2007 and 20 July 2007.
Response for Section 2
The Whanganui District Health Board Primary Intervention Mental Health service has been progressing well during this reporting phase. The counselling service has continued to operate with a steady flow of referrals from the General Practice teams. There has also been an increase in the complexity of presenting issues and length of counselling time required to resolve those issues. The social worker has been fully utilised through referrals from both the counsellors and general practice teams. Overall, the service has been very well utilised with excellent feedback from those who have used the service to date.
At this time there is no client co-payment for these services.