Maine’s Sustainable Forestry Initiative sm Program

535 Civic Center Drive Augusta, ME 04330

Telephone (207) 622-9288 FAX (207) 626-3002

Working to implement and promote sustainable forestry since 1995

March 22, 2010

Dear Members of the Maine State House of Representatives

The Maine SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program would like to remind all Maine legislators of a service available to you and your constituents, the SFI GOAL program.

The SFI Goal program is a free service for the public. It provides a toll free, confidential hot line to inquire about site-specific questions associated with any forest management or timber harvesting activity in Maine. Although this program has no regulatory authority, the results of these calls have typically provided managers, woods workers and the inquiring public with information and educational opportunities that might have otherwise been missed.

Since 1997 the Maine SIC has publicized this service with bumper stickers, purchased advertising, direct mailings to all 502 of Maine’s communities and permanent signs located at each entrance of the North Maine Woods. Earlier this week, the SIC once again provided every Maine community with brochures explaining the program and encouraging community leaders to display them prominently. As legislators, you may have opportunities to encourage municipalities, or more directly, individuals to use this service when questions arise.

Also included is a biannual progress report for Maine’s SFI Implementation Committee (SIC). This committee helps SFI companies prepare and implement the SFI Standards. This report will inform you of the educational efforts for loggers, landowners and other forestry professionals that are ongoing. You will see where the committee has been proactive in promoting green construction in the form of a National Association Home Builders (NAHB) “Green Certified” Habitat for Humanity home in Portland. Please take note that the report is printed on green certified paper, grown, harvested and manufactured in Maine with a chain of custody maintained by the printer, also in Maine and one of twelve using the SFI Label. On March 9th SFI Inc announced the achievement of certifying it’s 2000th manufacturing facility to the SFI Chain of Custody standard. These Chain of Custody certified facilities represent customers for wood coming from SFI certified lands in Maine. Please help us to spread the word as success for the SFI brand can translate to jobs for Mainers.

The SFI Implementation Committee and SFI Participants are committed to continuous improvement in how we manage our forests. We will also continue our efforts to grow market recognition of our efforts and maximize the value of products coming from Maine’s sustainably managed forests. If you have any questions regarding the SFI GOAL program or have a broader interest in the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program, please feel free to contact me directly.

Thank you for your time.


Pat Sirois,

Director, Maine SFI Implementation Committee

Distributed at the request of Representative Wendy Pieh