Study Guide for “From Behind the Veil” by Dhu’l Nun Ayyoub in Reading the World p. 422-428

Name___________________________________ Period______

Discussion Questions: Discuss these questions in your group and make notes on your own paper. Use quotes and/or details to support your claims.

1a. According to the story, in what ways is the veil liberating?

1b. How is it confining?

2. Do you think Siham is a hypocrite? Why or why not?

3. In what ways is the veil both modest and seductive? Find a quote to support each claim.

4. Why was Ihsan attracted to the veiled girls more than the unveiled girls?

5. What are some of the paradoxes in this story? (A paradox is a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking)

6. Write one discussion question of your own: