The NEW EXECUTIve management institute (EMI)

Helping Current and Future Business Leaders Develop Management Skills, Enhance Vision, and Achieve Excellence

Note: The new EMI has been reviewed, revised and rewritten to reflect the ever-changing needs of NECA's membership in an ever-changing industry.

September 21-25, 2011

Niagara on the Lake Inn and Spa: Pillar and Post Hotel

48 John Street W

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

1-888-669-5566 (Toll Free)


The NECA Executive Management Institute (EMI) was developed, and is led by, Thomas Glavinich, D.E., P.E., an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering at The University of Kansas. Dr. Glavinich has worked over 18 years in the industry and has been involved in the planning, design and construction of commercial, industrial and utility facilities. He has also authored a number of research studies for ELECTRI International—The Foundation for Electrical Construction, Inc.

Learning Outcomes and Course Outline

NECA’s EMI is an intensive, four and-a-half day learning experience designed to enhance the leadership skills of current and up-and-coming executives and managers. Some examples of the type of participants that have benefited from this class include Presidents/CEOs, Vice Presidents, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operations Officers, Division Mangers, Project Managers, Office Managers and Controllers, etc.

Course exercises, case studies, and discussions will revolve around the fictional company, Tesla Electric Company, a firm dealing with the same types of challenges and changes any business in our competitive industry must face. The course will address Tesla’s management capabilities, business environment, financial positions, market, employees, labor relations, and other aspects needed to fully define the operational and business functions of the firm. Then, using this business as a model, you will gain valuable insight applicable and valuable for your unique company.

Course Outline (Revised)

The Effective Executive: Vision & Leadership

 Electrical contracting firm leadership

 Understanding and using your leadership style

 Understanding the electrical contracting industry

 Identifying your stakeholders

 Developing corporate culture

Financial Analysis & Management

 Financial statements and analysis

 Financial ratios and their use

 Analyzing & improving management performance

 Working capital management

 Financial leverage & risk

Strategic Management

 Corporate vs. business-unit strategy

 Corporate vision and mission

 Strategic planning process

 Budgeting to achieve strategic objectives

 Developing and using pro forma financial statements

 Forming and using strategic alliances

Identifying and Analyzing Business Opportunities

 Money-time relationships and developing expected cash flows

 Selecting a minimum attractive rate of return

 Lease or buy: equipment retirement & replacement decisions

 Identifying and evaluating market opportunities

 Growth through acquisition

Process Design & Management

 Business and construction as a collection of related processes

 Mapping & analyzing processes

 Process improvement and reengineering/integrating

 Using information technology to improve processes

 Establishing a quality assurance program

Measuring Firm Performance

 Dimensions of firm performance—the Malcolm Baldrige Award

 Core values, criteria, and benchmarking for performance excellence

 Developing and using a balanced scorecard

Application Procedures

Please read these application procedures prior to completing the Application Form and returning it with a $500 deposit to the address listed on the Application Form on the back page.

The Registration Fee of $2250 includes 5 days of instruction and all course materials and those meals and receptions/dinners indicated in the Schedule of Events. The Registration Fee does not include lodging, airfare or other miscellaneous expenses. Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements and for securing ground transportation upon arrival. Upon review, accepted applicants will be notified of their acceptance into a specific EMI session and invoiced for the registration fee, which must be paid in advance of attending the Seminar. Please make all checks payable to NECA.

Applications will be processed on a first-come basis. Therefore, promptness in complying with all application procedures is essential. Applications will not be processed unless accompanied by a refundable deposit of $500. This deposit will be applied towards the Registration Fee.

Participation in each class will be limited to a maximum of 20 people. Due to enrollment limitations, a waiting list will be maintained. Individuals on this list will be afforded the opportunity to attend this program, on a first-come basis, to fill a vacancy created by a cancellation.

Cancellation Policy: Because of the considerable costs that NECA incurs, regardless of whether you attend a session you sign up for, it is important that confirmed registrants honor their commitment to attend. Cancellations or postponements to another session received 30 working days prior to the start of the Institute session may be made without charge; within 30 working days prior to the start, there will be a service charge of $500. Any confirmed registrant failing to attend without canceling will be charged the full fee. Substitutions for a confirmed registrant may be made with consent of the NECA-MEI Executive Director.

Schedule of Events

Day Prior to the Program

 Arrival and Check In

 Evening Get Acquainted Reception

Day 1  Breakfast

 Morning Session

 Lunch

 Afternoon Session

Day 2  Breakfast

 Morning Session

 Lunch

 Afternoon Session

Day 3  Breakfast

 Morning Session

 Box Lunch

 Golf/Recreation

Day 4  Breakfast

 Morning Session

 Lunch

 Afternoon Session

 Reception & Dinner

Day 5  Breakfast

 Morning Session and Wrapup

 Noon Departure


All applications will be considered in order of receipt and evaluated on the basis of the pre-qualifications criteria stated in this brochure. Sessions are limited to a maximum of 20 participants.

September 21-25, 2011

Niagara on the Lake Inn and Spa: Pillar and Post Hotel

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

Name Title



City______State______Zip______Business Telephone

Email Fax

Brief Job Responsibilities Description:

Please describe briefly your management experience or training in each of the following areas:

Financial analysis/management:

Operations/project management:

Business development/marketing:

Please submit your completed application by mail or fax to the address shown.

Registration Fee

The registration fee of $2250 includes 5 days of instruction and all course materials, and those meals and reception/dinners included in the Schedule of Events on page 3 of this brochure.

Please make all checks payable to NECA.

For further information contact Greg Mankevich at