MTH 1206 – TECH MATH I FALL 2016 Name______MATH LEARNING CENTER PHONE: 224-0497 Email:
Mary Black & Emily Lesman
CATALOG DESCRIPTION This is the first course in technical mathematics. It includes topics in arithmetic, the metric system, selected topics in basic algebra, practical geometry and trigonometry. Emphasis is on the use of mathematics to solve typical job problems. An individualized study approach is used.
EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. demonstrate a working knowledge of arithmetic. 2. demonstrate a working knowledge of English and Metric Systems of measurement. 3. demonstrate the ability to manipulate polynomials. 4. demonstrate the ability to solve equations and formulas. 5. demonstrate a working knowledge of ratio and proportion. 6. demonstrate a working knowledge of geometry. 7. demonstrate a working knowledge of right triangle trigonometry.

Required Course Materials:
Text: INTRODUCTION TO TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS 5TH Ed by Allyn J. Washington, Mario F. Triola, Ellena E. Reda
MyMathLab by Pearson
Other required materials: scientific calculator such as TI-30X IIS(graphing calculators are not allowed), notebook, and pencils.

7 / Tests / 100 points each / 700 points / 62.7%
1 / Final Exam / 100 points / 100 points
10 / Quizzes / 25 points / 250 points / 19.6%
13 / MyMathLab / 15 points each / 195 points / 17.6%
2 / Worksheets / 15 points each / 30 points
4 / Progress/Attendance Checks / 5 points each / 20 bonus points
TOTAL POINTS / 1275 points


Course Design: Successful completion of Technical Mathematics requires completion and mastery of all course requirements.
GRADING SCALE: 91 - 100% = A; 82 - 90.9 = B; 74.5 -81.9 = C; 64.5 - 74.4 = D; Below 64.5 = F

About the MLC:

Ø  No formal classroom instruction is conducted in the MLC. You work individually and get help as needed from the teachers and student assistants who are on duty.

Ø  During the first day in class you will receive an assignment sheet that contains a detailed schedule of daily assignments, hand-in assignments, and a test schedule. Assignment sheets are also accessible on the MLC website: under the “course descriptions” link. They can also be found in MyMathLab.

Ø  We have found that if you get behind schedule you will need to commit extra time at home or in class in order to catch up. If you aren’t able to do that, you’ll need to withdraw or you will fail the course. Periodic progress checks will be made as indicated on your assignment sheet, so don’t fall behind. If you complete all course requirements early we will excuse you from class for the remainder of the semester.

Ø  Remember, you are responsible for your own work. If you are caught cheating, you will receive a grade of 0 for that assignment and an academic dishonesty report will be submitted to Student Affairs to go into your file. Cell phones must be put away when you are in possession of a test.


1.  a) Work the assignments in the order they are listed on your course outline, checking off assignments as you complete them.
b) Work through each step of every example. Ask for help when you get stuck.
c) Keep a notebook with vocabulary words, procedures, and examples. Be sure to learn the meanings of vocabulary words and formulas.
d) Study the assigned material carefully.

2.  Do not expect to do all of your studying during regular class time. Outside study (a minimum of 4 hours per week) will be necessary to enable you to stay on schedule. Much of your class time is needed for asking questions, getting help and taking quizzes and tests.

3.  Peer tutoring is available if needed. If interested, see an instructor. You may also contact Betsy Sobin in D-201 or call her at (815)224-0479. Assistance in peer tutoring needs to be scheduled outside of your regular class time.

4. You may be eligible for academic accommodations if you have a documented physical, psychiatric (anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, AD/HD, post-traumatic stress, or others) or cognitive disability such as a learning disability. If you need more information regarding possible accommodations, please contact Tina Hardy at (, 224-0284) or stop by office C-211.

5. Please be considerate of other students and silence your cell phone.


1.  Attendance is required at your scheduled time. You must use your student ID to check in and check out at the “Attendance Station” by the instructor’s desk. IVCC’s attendance policy, as stated in the current IVCC catalog, says "Students are expected to attend all classes regularly. If absence is unavoidable, it is the student's responsibility to explain the absence to his instructor and arrange to complete any work missed." Please call or email us if you are absent.

2.  Attendance and progress will be evaluated periodically. At midterm, July 13, and at the last day for student withdrawal, July 27, students who are behind in their assignments and have attended fewer than 80% of their classes will be dropped from the class unless a formal request to remain in the class is made. Withdrawal from a course can affect financial aid. Students who receive financial aid should see an advisor in the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from a course. Attending class faithfully and doing everything you can to stay on schedule is the best way to avoid being withdrawn.

3.  Students who cannot complete ALL course requirements before the end of the semester should withdraw before the final date for student withdrawal occurs. Students may submit their own withdrawal from a class through Webadvisor or talk to an instructor who may submit the withdrawal.

NOTE WELL! Students not withdrawn who do not complete the course will receive a grade of F.


In an effort to allow you to bypass material you already know and understand, we have implemented a new Pretest policy. At the start of each unit (except Units 3 and 7), you’ll see an assignment called “Pretest” on your assignment sheet.

·  If you think you have enough prior knowledge and understanding on the content of the given chapter, take the Pretest in the “Quizzes & Tests” section of MyMathLab (MML, which is discussed further below) before you begin working in the unit. Show all of your work on the answer sheets which are available in the MLC. (If you choose to start working in the unit without taking the Pretest, you will not be allowed to go back and do the Pretest.)

·  Review your score and problems missed. You should go over the test with an instructor or student worker regardless of your score.

a)  If you score lower than an 80%, the pretest score will be omitted and you’ll need to begin working on the first assignment for that unit, completing all assignments in the unit as they are listed on the assignment sheet. HOWEVER, any questions you get correct on the Pretest will be marked as mastered (with a green check mark) in the MML assignments and you won’t need to redo those problems.

b)  If you score an 80% or higher, you will be done with the unit and you may begin working in the next unit. All online assignments and the Unit Test will be assigned that Pretest grade. You are encouraged to go into the MML homework and work any missed problems, bringing those grades up to a 100%.

All Pretests must be done in class, in one sitting, without the benefit of notes, textbook, or help from a staff member. Calculators are allowed on all assignments, including the Pretests. MLC staff members will be happy to clarify any directions that you don’t understand, but they will not provide any assistance in working problems because we are testing YOUR prior knowledge and understanding of the content.

Textbook Homework

For any units you do not bypass with a Pretest, read each section as assigned, taking notes and learning vocabulary as you go. Pay close attention to the author’s examples and complete the “Now Try” exercises in the margin. Be sure to check your answers at the bottom of the margin. Work the problems in the Exercises as assigned. These should be done on either loose leaf paper in a 3-ring binder OR in a spiral-bound notebook.


MyMathLab (MML)
MyMathLab is an on-line program. You will be scheduled to work in MyMathLab as indicated on the course schedule. The first log-in must be done in class; thereafter, practice and homework assignments can be done on any computer with internet access.

Ø  MML Homework -- MMLs are homework assignments in MyMathLab. MML Homework will be counted as part of your course grade.

Procedure 2:

When completing MML Homework follow Procedure 2.

Ø  MML Quizzes

All quizzes are online and contained in MML. Quizzes must be done in class and are password protected. You MAY use your book, your notes and your guided notes during a quiz. When a quiz is due, follow Procedure 3.

(Quiz information is continued on next page.)

Procedure 3:

Tests are pencil-paper. Tests must be done in one sitting without the benefit of book or notes. You may use a scientific calculator, the scratch paper provided, and a pencil. When you are ready to take the test follow Procedure 4.
Cell phones must be put away when you are in possession of a test, whether you are taking it or reviewing it. Remember to ask questions prior to the testing moment! During a test, you may ask no more than 3 content questions!

Procedure 4:


All assignments on the next pages must be done neatly in a notebook and submitted by the indicated date. SHOW YOUR WORK!

Aug 18 – 19 / □  Introduction
□  Register in MyMathLab (MML). Go to
Course ID Main Campus: mlc07543
Username ______Password ______
Ø  Take Pretest Appendix A in MML. Show all your work on the scratch paper provided by the MLC. See an instructor or staff member when you are finished with this assignment. See page 3 of this handout if you have further questions regarding the Pretest.
  TEXT - Review Appendix A.1 & A.2, do problems pgs 640 - 641,
#3, 7, 15, 19 without a calculator; pgs 645 - 646, #17, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35 & 40 Show your work.
  TEXT - Read A.3 & A.4, do problems pgs 648 - 649, EOO (Every other odd #1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29) and pgs 654 - 655 EOO #1 - 69Show your work
  TEXT - Read A.5, do problems pg 661, ODD # 1-43 Show your work
  MML A.1 - A.5
Aug 22 – 26 / □  TEXT - Read A.6, do problems pgs 666 - 667, EOO # 1 – 49 Show your work
□  TEXT - Read A.7, do problems pgs 672 - 673, EOO # 1 – 61 Show your work
□  TEXT - Read A.8, do problems pgs 677 - 678, ALL # 1 – 61 Show your work
□  MML A.6 - A.8
□  Show Homework to instructor (initials)_____, take Quiz 1 (on Appendix) in MML, click submit and review. Follow the directions in # 4 on page 2 of this handout.
□  Prepare for Test 1 -- Review Appendix
Please conference with an instructor concerning you progress on or before September 1st.
(You will receive 5 bonus points if you initiate a conference on the due date.) _____ Bonus Points
_____ Off to a good start!
_____ Behind--Needs to work on material outside of class Goals/notes:______
By signing below, I recognize that I must put in extra time (either in the MLC, in Peer Tutoring, and/or at home) on the material in order to meet these goals. I also understand that not meeting the goals set here puts me at risk to be withdrawn.
Student ______Instructor ______Date ______
Aug 29 – Sep 2
/   Take Test 1, Appendix - Review of Arithmetic (See procedures on page 5 above.)
Ø  Take Pretest Unit 2 in MML. Show all your work on the scratch paper provided by the MLC. See an instructor or staff member when you are finished with this assignment. See page 3 of this handout if you have further questions regarding the Pretest.
□  TEXT - Read 1.1, do problems pgs 6 - 7, ODD #1 -41 Show your work
□  TEXT - Read 1.2 through Example 3 on page 9, then do problems pgs 11-12, # 1-45 ALL Show your work
□  TEXT - Read 1.3, do problems pgs 18-19, # 1 -33 ODD, # 35 - 46 ALL Show your work
  MML 1.1 - 1.3
Sep 5 – 9
College closed on Sept 5 for Labor Day /   Show Homework to instructor (initials)_____, take Quiz 2 (on Sec 1.1 - 1.3) in MML, click submit and review. If 80% or higher continue otherwise go over
the quiz with an instructor. Follow the directions in # 4 on page 2 of this handout.
  TEXT - Read 1.4, do problems pgs 23-24 ODD, # 1 - 55 Show your work
  TEXT - Read 1.5, do problems pgs 29 – 30 ODD, # 1 – 41 Show your work
  TEXT - Read 1.6, do problems pgs 36-37, # 1 – 53 Show your work
  MML 1.4 - 1.6
Sep 12 – 16 /   Show Homework to instructor (initials)_____, take Quiz 3 (on Sec 1.4 - 1.6) in MML, click submit and review. Follow the directions in # 4 on page 2 of this handout.
  TEXT - Review for Test 2 - Do pgs 42 - 44 Review Exercises Ch 1, #1 - 65 ODD Show your work
  Take Test 2, Chapter 1 (Be sure to check your test grade!)
  Check Test grade, if 75 or higher continue, otherwise review and retake the test.