Regulations for the Master of Arts in Economics Program
NES Order #22
July 30, 2009
Regulations for the
Master of Arts in Economics Program
Moscow 2009
1.General Provisions
2.Teaching Process
4.Rights and Responsibilities of Lecturers
5.Rights and Responsibilities of Teaching Assitants
6.Rights and Responsibilities of Students
8.Research Seminar (Research Practice)
9.Requirements for Mid-Term Papers and Master’s Theses
10.Final Certification of the Graduates
11.Study Leave, Expelling, and Readmission Procedures
12.Requirements for the Syllabus and Course Report
13.Exceptional Cases
NES Student’s Code of Honor
1.General Provisions
1.1.TheseRegulationsdeterminebasicrulesandproceduresoftheteachingprocesswithintheMaster of ArtsinEconomics (MAE) programat the New Economic School (NES) inaccordancewiththestateeducationalstandardsforMaster’sprogram08100.68Economics, with NES internal regulations for faculty, students, and the program administration,as well as with controlling instruments.
1.2.Ifastudentfulfillsallprogramrequirementshe/shereceivestheMaster of ArtsinEconomics degreeandtheNESdiploma, as well as the Russian state Master’s diploma.
1.3.Cheatingattheexaminations, plagiarizinghome work, essays,orMaster’s theses, falsification of diplomas and transcripts, violation of the rules for conducting examinations or of other assessments will be considered as the violationofthe commonrulesofacademicethicsand areillegal atNES. For some types of violation, e.g. cheatingattheexaminations, plagiarizingessays or Master’s theses, falsification of diplomas and transcripts, these Regulations determine standard sanctions (see Point 7.11, Point 9.5, and Point 11.8.4). The Rectordecidesonsanctions towards violators on the basis of these Regulations and the suggestions of the NES Academic Committee (AC).
1.4.Theapplicationprocedure, admissionrequirements and regulations, as well as the teaching conditions for the Program are determined by the corresponding Provisions (“Provisions on the Admission Procedure for the Master of Arts in Economics Program at NES”, “Provisions on Tuition Fees and Financial Aide”).
1.5.The Program Director is responsible for the implementation of these Regulations.
1.6.The official abbreviationfor the Program title in Russian is «МаЭ», in English –“MAE”.
1.7.Amendments to these Regulations are to be approved by the Rector on the basis of the AcademicCommittee’s suggestions.
2.Teaching Process
2.1.Theteachingprocessconsistsoflectures, seminars, workshops, independent work, homework, essays, course projects, examinations, research: participation in research seminars, composition and defense of the Master’s thesis.
2.2.The standard period of studies within the MAE Program at NES lasts for two academic years. Each academic year consists of five 8-week modules (from Module 1 to Module 10); each moduleconsists of 7 weeks of classes, plus the examination session during the 8th week. A lecture or a seminar lasts for 1.5 hours (or 2 academic hours).
2.3.The academic program for the upcoming academic year (curriculum, faculty list, schedule by modules), as well as the MAE Program requirements, are to be approved by the Rector and to be announced to the students at the beginning of the academic year. A list of research projects and their supervisors for the upcoming academic year should be available for the students in the end of the precedent academic year. The MAE Program Director is responsible for the formation and content of the academic program, as well as for finalizing syllabi and coordination of faculty cooperation.
2.4.Withinamodule, astandardcourseconsistsof13-14 lectures. Half acourseis possible; it should consistof7lectures. Within the first year of studies, mandatory courses include lectures, seminars, and regularly reviewed home assignments.
2.5.For the purposes of the curriculum and the Program requirements, determination of the scholarship index, the coursesare worthspecial weights according to the following scale:
- Standard course (13-14 lectures)0.5 standard unit (credit)
- Half a course (7 lectures)0.25 standard unit (credit)
- A 10-point scale is used for the finalgradesforthecourses, as follows: 2; 3–; 3; 3+; 4-; 4; 4+; 5–; 5; 5+. ForthepurposesoftheGradePointAverage (GPA), "+" and "–" is worth0.3 points (the scale then is as follows: 2.0; 2.7; 3.0; 3.3; 3.7; 4.0; 4.3; 4.7; 5.0; 5.3). Grade"2" isconsideredaspoor; and only outstanding students can get "5+".
- Attendance at the lectures and seminars and meeting the Program requirements is obligatory for students. Failure to meet these requirements may lead to the application of sanctions described in Point7.3, as well as other measures as decided by the Rector.
- Within each module, a student should register for this module. Registrationmeansastudentisobligedtomeetalltherequirements of that module’s courses, including the examinations. Registrationforthemoduleisautomatic unless before the first day of the current module a student submits a special notice that he/she declines the registration for this module. Registration for the module means the registration for the mandatory courses of this module. Registration for the electives, starting from Module 5, should be done by the student. The studentcandeclinetheelective courseduringthe firstfour weeks of the module but not later than the date of the mid-term exam if agreed upon with thelecturer and the Program administration.
- Within each module, a student should register at least for 2 and not more than for 5 courses, including the mandatory courses and excluding the elective courses of zero credits and the research seminar. In Module 10, there are no requirements as for the minimum number of courses. In exceptional cases the Program Administration may allow the student to register for a specific number of courses in a certain module.
- In the end of each module the anonymous student evaluation survey is performed. Thecourseevaluationincludesteaching. TheresultsarepresentedtothefacultyandteachingassistantsofthecorrespondingcoursesbytheAcademicCommitteeandarefurtherconsideredwhenforming the Programcurriculum.
- There is a library, computer laboratories, and the English language class at NES. All students can use them while studying at NES. The working hours and conditions of use are determined by the corresponding Provisions.
3.1.The MAE Program consists of educational and research parts. The Programrequirementsinclude examinationswithinthecoreandelectivecourses, research practice (participation in research seminar, see Paragraph 8), mid-term paper and Master’s thesis defense (see Paragraph 9).
3.2.InordertomeettheProgramrequirements, astudentshouldearn20.5credits, including 13.5credits for the core courses and at least 1.5 credits for the courses within the three major fields of economics theory during the second year of studies (see Point 3.5).
3.3.During the first year of studies the NES student takes the following core (mandatory) economics courses:
- Microeconomics (2.5 credits)
- Macroeconomics (2.5 credits)
- Mathematics for Economists (1 credit)
- Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (1 credit)
- Econometrics (1.5 credits)
- Game Theory (0.5 credits)
- Finance (0.5 credits)
- English (1 credit)
- ThemandatorypartoftheMAE Programfor the second year of studies includes several advanced courses and a research seminar, as follows:
- Macroeconomics 6 (0.5 credits)
- Econometrics 4 (0.5 credits)
- Research Seminar, including the mid-term paper (2 credits)
- Additionally, during the second year of studies each NES student develops his/her individual plan for the elective part of the Program out of the courses offered within the following five major economics fields:
- Public Economics
- Development Economics
- Labor Economics
- International Economics
- Industrial Organization
As well as within several specializations. The list of specializations and elective courses, breakdown of courses by major fields and specializations, selection rules for the courses are described in Provisions “The MAE Program Requirements at NES”, which are to be approved by the NES Academic Committee annually.
3.6.Before the final certification a student may exclude the grades for no more than 3 elective coursesfrom his/her final transcript to the intent that the remaining number of courses meets the Program requirements for the chosen specialization. The grades for the excluded courses are not listed in the transcript and are not considered for the calculation of the final Grade Point Average.
3.7.Ifon completing the first year of studies astudentretakestheexaminationfor the courseand failsit he/sheshould register for this course again during the second year of studies. In order to complete the course he/she should meet all necessary requirements for this course.
4.Rights and Responsibilitiesof Lecturers
4.1.Alecturerisresponsibleforthecourse, includinglectures, method course-ware (including seminars), current and final assessments of progress in studies.
4.2.Onemonthpriorto thebeginningofthecoursealecturershouldsubmitthesyllabus(see Paragraph 12) andhis/hercurriculumvitaeindicating his/her research interests and publications (in Russian and in English). Syllabiof the mandatory courses shouldcorrespond to the approved program for this subject.
4.3.The lecturerdevelopstherequirementsnecessaryforcompleting the course (e.g. specified number of lectures to be attended) and the rules for determining the final grade for the course. Thelecturermay demand that the students should attend at least 70% of lectures at the first year of studies and at least 50% - at the second year of studies. Thelecturershouldinclude this information into the course syllabus, providestudentswiththisinformationat thefirstlecture and may not change these rules and requirements during the whole course. The lecturer may not let the student take or retake the examination if he/she does not meet the necessary requirements. On the date of the last lecture the lecturer should provide the Program Administration with a list of such students.
4.4.Inaccordancewiththe Provision “Onthe principles of hiring teaching assistants at NES”, a lecturermayhire ateaching assistant (TA) for each seminar group. IftheTAdoesnotmeetnecessaryrequirementsthelecturermayreplacethisTAwithin the two weeks from the beginning of the course if agreed upon with the Program Administration.
4.5.The lecturer manages the work of his/her TAs (see Point 5.3). Thelecturerisresponsibleforcomposinghomeassignmentsfor the course if applicable.
4.6.The lecturer should allocate two hours a week for consulting students (office hours) and notify the Program Administration about it.
4.7.The lecturer keeps the “Register of Attendance and Delivered Lectures” provided by the Program Administration.
4.8.After the course is completed and final grades for all courses of the module are determined the Program Administration provides the lecturer with confidential information on the results of the student survey regarding his/her course.
4.9.The lecturer provides the Program Administration with the conditions of the main and additional examination (including the possibility of using textbooks, the length of the examination, etc.) at least a week before the examination session starts.
4.10.The lecturer is responsible for uploading the mid-term and final examination grades to the portal.
4.11.Thelecturershould conduct the examinations in time and review the examination papers within ten days after the date of the main exam and within five days after the date of the additional exam (see Paragraph 7). Withinthisperiodthelecturershouldupload thefinalgradesforthecourse to the portal and provide the Program Administration with the signed final record. Afterthatthelecturershouldreturnthe reviewed examination papers to the students.
4.12.Thelecturershouldrespond to students’ appeals.
4.13.Within a month after the course is completed the lecturer should provide the Program Administration with the final report on the course, including the syllabus, lecture notes, home assignments, and quizzes (preferably with solutions) in paper and electronic formats (see Paragraph 12).
4.14.If the lecturer is not able to deliver the lecture he/she should find himself/herself a substitute. The lecture may be shifted only in exceptional cases (see Provisions “On the Absence of Faculty at NES”).
5.Rights and Responsibilities of Teaching Assitants
5.1.At NES a TA is included in the faculty and acts as an assistant to the lecturer.
5.2.Within the course, there should be one TA for every 25 students.
5.3.The TA should:
- Conduct seminars in accordance with the schedule, syllabus, and materials as agreed upon with the lecturer;
- Review and return home assignmentswithina week after they should have been submitted (the last home assignment should be reviewed and returned at least 2 days prior the final examination);
- Attend the main, mid-term, and additional examinations and participate in reviewing examination papers;
- Keep the registers of seminars attendance and provide the Program Administration with this information;
- Respond to the students’ appeals submitted in accordance with Point 7.15;
- Assist the lecturer with regards to the course;
- Allocate office hours for consulting students (at least two hours per week).
- If the TA is not able to conduct the seminar he/she should find himself/herself a substitute and notify the lecturer and the Program Administration about it in advance.
- Within a month after the module is completed the AC provides the TA with the confidential information on the results of the student survey regarding his/her course.
- The TA may suggest to the lecturer and the Program Administration that a student should not be allowed to take the examination if he/she has not met the course requirements.
- The second year students may work as TAs. Students willing to work as a TA should submit a request stating the chosen courses to the Program Administration. The lecturer selects a TA with assistance of the Program Administration. The following information is taken for consideration:
- Grades for the courses related to the chosen one;
- Student’s GPA;
- Faculty reference with regard to the candidate’s teaching potential.
- The TA of the core course may attract an assistant for reviewing home assignments as agreed upon with the lecturer and the Program Administration (see Provisions “On the principles of hiring teaching assistants at NES”). The TA is responsible for his/her assistant’s work.
- At lecturer’s request the TA may be replaced in accordance with Point 4.4.
6.Rights and Responsibilities of Students
6.1.NES students are ensured comfortable educational conditions and infrastructure by having the right to:
- UsetheSchool’sequipment, the English language class,library, computer laboratories, databases within the NES teaching process (see corresponding Provisions);
- Receive textbooks, syllabi, and other educational materials from the NES library and use them during the period of studies;
- Receive the financial aid in accordance with Provisions “On tuition fees and financial aid for the Master of Arts in Economics Program at NES” and other documents;
- Participate in discussing and making decisions on the School’s activitiesthrough the representatives to the Program’s Student Council;
- Address the NES faculty and administration with any question regarding the teaching process and the School’s activities;
- Have vacations for at least 7 weeks per year.
- ThestudentsoftheMAE Program should meet the requirements prescribed by these Regulations, Provisions, Orders, andInstructions. Failuretomeettheserequirementsmayleadto the application of certain sanctions.
7.1.Usually the examination session takes place at the end of each module (as a rule, during the 8th week of the module). Allexaminationsfor the MAE courses at NES areheldinwriting(except for the cases described in Point 7.19).
7.2.TheProgramAdministrationschedulestheexaminationsandprovides the faculty and students with the information on time, place, and examination requirements at least a week prior the examination. In order to prepare for the examination, a studentshould haveat least one day free from classes and other exams.
7.3.Before each exam the Program Administration announces the list of students not allowed to take the examination as agreed upon with the lecturer. The lecturer has the right not to allow the students who have not met the course requirements to take the examination (see Point 4.3). The Program Administration may not let a student take the examination if he/she violates these Regulations or other requirements (e.g., if a student does not pay tuition fees in time).
7.4.The Program Administration provides students with accessories necessary for the examination (exercise books and paper). It also announces the list of students allowed to take the exam (distributed for classrooms). The administrator of the examination should copy the examination tasks or ask the Program Administration to do it (in this case the examination tasks should be submitted for copying at least 3 days prior the examination date). The lecturer and the Program Administration are responsible for the confidentiality of preparation, storage, and copying of the examination materials.
7.5.The lecturer of the course is responsible for conducting the examination. He/she composes the text of the examination tasks, is in charge of the examination process, and organizes the reviewing of examination papers together with the TAs. The examination paper should indicate the weights of each task, otherwise all tasks are considered as equal. In order to avoid misspellings and mistakes, thelecturershouldcheckthetextoftheexamination tasks in advance.It is suggested that the lecturer should instruct the TAs so that they could prevent plagiarism. Atleast50% ofthetasksshouldbeneweach year compared to those of the previous years.
7.6.TAs should attend the written examination and the lecturers should ensure there are answers to the questions students might have during the exam. After the examination is finished the Program Administration should be provided with the list of students who have actually taken the examination.
7.7.If there are two lecturers for the same course (parallel streams) it is suggested that these lecturers should perform the single exam. If there are going to be separate exams for each stream the lecturers should notify the students and the Program Administration about it during the first week of the course.
7.8.If two professors deliver lectures within one course one after another the latter is responsible for the coordination within the course, including the examination.
7.9.Usuallytheexaminationdoes not lastmorethan3 hours. Otherwise,theexaminationshouldbedividedintotwopartswitha break between them. All examination papers should be submitted to the administrator of the examination before the break and are given back to the students after the break. The mid-term exam should not last more than 1.5 hours.
7.10.Theexaminationsareheldinwritinginaccordancewiththefollowingprocedure: the administrator of the examination seats students in the classroom, whiletheir personal belongings (bags, books, notebooks, switched off mobile phones, etc.) should be left in a designated place. Studentsmaybring writing implements and specially mentioned (in accordance with the examination requirements) materials totheclassroom. Studentsarenotallowedtotalktoeachother, to pass anything to each other, or to leave the classroom during the examination. Onextraordinaryoccasions(e.g. ifastudentdoesnotfeelwell), he/she may leave the classroom if it is allowed by the administrator of the examination.
7.11.Theadministratoroftheexaminationshouldcontrol the examination process not allowing the students to cheat or somehow violate other rules and regulations. Iftheadministratoroftheexaminationobservesthatastudentischeatingorencouraging other students to cheat such a student should immediately leave the classroom and in this case he/she fails the examination. Ifastudentviolatesotherrulesorregulationshe/she firstreceivesаwarning notice and if he/she violates the rules or regulations for the second time he/she should immediately leave the classroom and in this case he/she fails the examination. The administrator of the examination should notify the Program Administration about violation of rules in writing. Possiblesanctionsincludeloweringtheviolator’s final grade for the course, not allowing him/her to take the additional examination, decrease in financial aid, no assistance in job placement or continuous education, expelling him/her from the School. Thesamesanctionsareappliedifplagiarism is observed while reviewing the examination papers.